It's cold today—rainy. ... there running in it. I ittle hail stones mi\ell in with the droplets heal on her hue .nut shouhlers. Si/uinling into the net bullets, the motto runs through her head "just rht it . . . no pain, no Bain." she turns another miner .mil glances at her wateli •' minutes, not long enough; not as long as \ estcrtlar. slit- ilid far more last werk Mincing as hit slim ruhs against the ingrown toenail 'fi< progresses down another street "just do it." "( 'moil and join us at the coffee house" her friends united. I he} re there non. I ast night Ihe} went to a nun re and ate butter} popcorn. It would he nice to relay and let go hut what about that popcorn last night'.’ She’s ernious and smug all at once, lion can tlnn relax.' Surel} the} hair a higher boil\ lat than s be. It isn't fair. M In don’t they care.’ Knot her ten minutes pass out running, rain, fatigue, ingrown toenail sending shooting pains across her foot It would be nice to relay and let go but tomorrow is a busy day. it . . . what it she's too tired to workout'.’ M hat it there isn t time.’ M hat it she gets hungry late tonight while studying’ M hat if Sara I ee. I’ep/Hiidge I arms anil i e woo her from her discipline.’ "Just do it no pain no gain M hen I'm lit really fit I'll haye time time to relay and let go. Mhi-n I'm lit things will come together. M hen I'm fit nn life will fall together and it s a linear path until then no pain no gam or is it'.' Addiction to exercise may be the sign of the times, a byproduct of a so oiety fixated on lean, stream lined bodies It ■ cultural nan issism a loss of one s own unique ideas looks values to leap into the pond of asceticism the worship of looks and performance It isn't the profes sional or competitive athlete who is the most common addict it is the re rc-ationai athlete whose exercise program begins as a way to shape up and progresses into a ritual Exercise addiction or compulsive exercising is suspect when the workout begins to jeopardize O' stand in the way 1 work school friendships and s continued even through injury and other health problems Common sports which lend themselves to compulsive ness are jogging, running, aerobics and weight lifting The person may bo gin slowly but bo omes hooked on the power they experience over thr u bodies and the natural high' which is a positive yet potentially deletes ous ispert o' regular exercise Possibly the root of exercise addiction e. that it is i replacement tor another addiction a I s hot smakit ; >m pui',".u isiting etc Mu h iteMtu'e today on eating de >rdev. and Pndx im ago IS 'll: using on the r >le exon tse plays in the individual wh e. pen en es body dissatisfaction a. imp.need by ontinuous dieting t mge- ■ >' mq and emotional eating Liz Applegate nutrition editor tor Rtrnnv s kV.e d poses the question tie vou running It eaf? Exerc ise ft ' me plays a role m the eating disorders anorexia nervosa, bulimia and ■ ompul sive eating Exercise here ber omes a mechanism In bum calories: I a! tain slimness and to adhere to cultural norms of feminine ind masculine beauty stream lined; fit When a workout is skipped or isn’t long or in tense enough, the individual experiences guilt which may exaccerbate dis ordered eating habits Regardless of the initial motivation to exercise, the addict needs to ex erase to feel at ease Like other addictions, exercise addiction is charac terised by withdrawal symptoms The addict may become irritable, tense anxious easily depressed and have a heightened sensitivity to body sen •.aliens and feeling tat when not working out When the compulsive exon iser cannot engage in exercise tor extended periods of time, they may experience drastic symptoms such as de creased sell confidence and self esteem, insomnia, loss of interest in eat mg or fear of eating and a distorted or poor body image How does exercise addiction happen0 What is it about exercise that is addictive? It really depends on the individual and their motivations for ex ercise in the first place Some therapists have linked addiction to the natu mi p.uri killers of the body called endorphins Endorphins are released into the blood stream following strenuous exercise and were once thought to produce the runner s high Now. however, researchers are proposing that the release of stress may be responsible for the suige of well-being following an exercise bout Neither theory is proven, but what seems to be most important is the psychological need which is met by exercising So the motivation to exerase is the key There is a qualitative difference be tween exercising b tone up and relax and exercising because to not exer ase would be bad and lazy and wrong How does one tell if their exercise plan is nearing addiction0 Consider the following questions 11 How often do you oxen ise is it rigidly set to everyday with a specific intensity'’ 2i Do you have a variety ot a< tivities you enioy or does it have to entail one or two activities specifically How would you tec •( vou weie told that you shouldn't exercise for a week ’ 4i Does exerase interfere with other aspects of your life0 5i Do you exercise even when in|ured° (a Do you get a feeimg of well being from many different aspects of your life oi just from how your workouts are going'’ If you find that exercise has become an overwhelming need and it is negatively alfe your life you aie not alone There are many exer ... addicts No you don’t nave to stop exercising completely Experts ■ -,t that ,,.hj diva soy the physic e a tivities which you do. and that you nine- involved m some non exercise a. tivities The bottom line is I, ilriive .1 sense t d well bang bom a variety o' as per Is of your life SO that e*ec: ise bro Dine, one ,• omponent of your life not the central activity a", h rulei and m, imp e., now- you feel eat wrk and validate yourself Beth Gaiser ~q4jkunAy Whimsy is not afraid to be outrageous but she is basically shy She has all kinds of books, and she arranges them on the shelves by the color of the cover or how the titles sound next to each oth or She was especially pleased to put a book on African dyeing called Into Indigo next to a dark blue book on Jewish mysticism Her clothes are also kept by color in the closet When whimsy was a little girl, she would stay in the museum with the marble walls talking to the statues after everyone else left. She has trouble keeping her shoelaces tied but in every other way she is as practical as your next door neighbor. Because she is wild, people expect her to entertain them She is not encouraging anyone else to live like her Remembering how abruptly her broth er was locked up for being a troublemaker, she fears people who treat her like a curiosity Freedom is her lover J Ruth Gendler From The Book of Qualities A BOOK is a window of a world of ideas that one can explore without leaving the house. 50 SIMPLE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO SAVE THE EARTH by The Earth Works Group Full of fun lips and a huge assortment of ‘.of- and now to dos to nm onto involved m earth >n serving choices and behaviors and to being an environmentally com,, iqus . onsumet STRETCHING by Bob Anderson This hook teaches you the right way to stretch with over 10)0 drawings more than 200 stretch es and routines for 36 sports and activities FITNESS MOTIVATION: Preventing Participant Dropout, by Rejeskt and Kenny Thin is an excellent book for the fitness instructor or the individual who is learning to stick to an active lifestyle of .n tivity and exercise Tins bonk bungs together research in sport psychology and in depth ase studies m an easily understood ti mi at what can be done to help motivate exer cise participants GREAT SHAPE: The Fitness Guide for Large Women by Pat Lyons and Debby Burgard The, book emphasizes the need to put the pleasure back into exercise The joy of physical movement along with its physical, emotional, and psychological benefits - has long been de nied of many large women because of the fat phobias in our society and because large women often have a poor self image This book is also excellent for any individual who is seeking to enjoy activity and to get away bom our society s fashion" image of looking right, dressing right to work out and working out for the 'hard body look rather than the enjoyment element M)()M WITH^ THIS IVM’Kk? RECYCLE IT— si I I \K III N( 11 I s ON I III It U K I’ VI .1 s Y Rise Up, Unite and Throw Your Scales Out the Window! You ma> have- been h-cirm;; a :n> of hypo lately about the com opt o! body tat as o; posed to b !, acjM So you ask what s the real dory Well you re about to find ■ alt F "St , a all, .ve <11 need some body (at order to have a reserve a energy rn times ! physn al or mental stress to insulate the body t support and pc te, t the vital .>rgans t the tu'dy and to carry fat soluble vitamins such is A D. E and K Fat is dewed m our bodies from the food: wt> eat md the quantity of salories w. on sump A suggested guideline from several sources is to onsume a diet which is not more than 35 percent fat calories and not less than pc-i cenl Body fat percentage tens us much more about our physc ,»i stated health than our weight in pounds In lad. Indy weight tehs us very little when you consider that a body builder or i dancer an look very lean but actually be considered overweight tor a per,on Ins >r height and weight This , simply be ause mus le w.'iqhs n >re than tat - somethinq to Keep •' the . .*i»* .if tor .t month or sc- of a new weight training program to disc •• oer you vo gained a few pounds Healthy body fat mitagm, f. >* otieqe .,ged men range from 8 15 percent and 17 22 per ont for women C»mng t>e low the so range' . purpf •»• • < i I y • • s d an !u: do hm make you colder in winter and warmer in summer (since you have less fat !-• insulate your body) and for w • < m r* • it! hormona !e.»!u; banc os reatinq ammenorhea * a es-ah if menstrua!' n He common in women athletes wfio tram mtonsivei'. Body fat which is toe ’ugh .a- mterforo with imm me rest----, - md increase the risk of heart divas- n> pertension md diabetes ; - . u ping energy since arrymg around extr i weight inquires rr re ;y and effort bating fatty fo -ds Jivert 1 > d aw iy from the tea " ’ the digestive tract e*a art - ilm*; the ovfat ‘add - One of the major problem related to body fat is when a person or that every!ime weight -s i >st asm rnuscie tissue •'•! as w i fa’ and A a! - • ’ Weigh! Ah- 1 m n g m •• ! rn •’ 'mm aev m ho- * -m fat since fat is much easier to put on than rebuilding mus le tissue The end result is the yo yo syndrome- u soemmyiy thinner but a* tualiy father person or a slate of overweight is also very overt at Yo-yo dieting is < atastrophic to the metabolic rate As mus. •* tissue IS lost, the metat-'h- " A tkmg d n. ditto. Uif f - m.imbmi ,e ideal weight Base ally th»- m ire one diets the more* etfi lent th body becomes at conserving calories sm, o g respond1.* as if the on; mism is enduring a famine It s a nifty trick that undermine-, the best of diet eh d m the f.. ! abundant 1990s St •' what do you do ' Eaf !**•, d'n!a»y fat stop dieting md be-- up i program >? physt il »ctivity' Among phy. - m m tody • hundred . of benefits on sis tent exec me Plows i pe? . >n whr , meady 1 h •• b sired range of body fat to stay that way and lets the person who may be over tat decrease tls-n percentage with - -at the risk d dmbug I? you do dOv ido to diet keep m mind that your gml should be b. • get tin- nght halan- -■ bet worm lean t• ■ • !v mass and body fat the m* >■-■ > mmo th.m i 2 •> • nc'd' i ■ . -r with an exercise program • , reasonable program of a- hvity entails \ 4 days per week a .i-n Pic e* Anne Oudey Campus Spots— — The Outdoor Program: The Outdoor Program is located m R n ' ; the EMU boh nd the . ic .a < 1 m- .* u program offers excursions for Unive" students and the ommumty in backpacking f tv hikes, canoeing, kayaking, ratting, bike ' unrig. Telemark skiing, winter camping anti <>, kayaking The Outdoor Program is a non-profit or iamzation Some excursions are free others require covering the cost for transportation or • augment rentals The program >f!t ''■> 1 i u* sheets an I information on getting involved Some excursions requiring skill may have pre-trip meetings for planning and training purposes Ail costs are as low as possible Other Outdoor Program offerings are a - source library for ideas maps inti trail- lor im c. i the Northwest. Northwest touring inform e on. a used equipment lending library, instruct mat sessions; equipment -.waps sounds t,n heck it out1 Club Sports: Club Sports is located in Room 5 of the EMU The Erb Memorial Union Club Sports Program at the University of Oregon is a co-ed u npetitive. recreational program for students fat ulty and staff It is designed as an athteti ai’ornative bridging the gap between existing intramu ral and intercollegiate programs The bad philosophy and key to the success of the program is the student involvement in the coons at ion and administration ot the program Emphasis is placed upon participation in competitn n as well as offering students the opportunity u> in recognized as collegiate athletes Students organize each club and select coaches who per form on a volunteer basis For more information about Club Sports and the following activities call 346-3733 Offer ings include; Aikido, Badminton Base: all Bowling. Crew. Cycling. Equestrian Fencing. Judo. Karate. Lacrosse. Ranger Chailen Rifle Ruby. Sailing. Skiing. Sots or. Swimming Table Tennis. Tae Kwon Do, Ultimate Fnshee Volleyball and Waterp. Department of Physical Education and Human Movement Studies: Otherwise known as the P E Departm- 't this program otters a wide range of phyv at i tivity classes offered for course credit A lasses require a fee to be paid at registrarThe Department of Physical Education and Hu mar Movement Studies ii- -. offers h. ir. weighing for measurement of body fat tor a small fee Call 346 4106 for more information I Lost Fat ... Or Did I? The bathroom $> ale ha-- a lot 'owing worthy of .1 uolitii -if par tv jr religion Weight loss is .1 big business in this country The best seller list usually con tarns at least one -p.-t b->. k ami billions of dollars -ire invested on diet a- !•- spot, iai t.i d - ex ere 1 so gimmicks and weight loss programs Weight lost, more than any other aspect of fitness, has more ha/ ards and misinformation M m , weight loss gimmicks slim down the wallet-, of th >se who try them an! it hors endanger the health of the ■ Victims and almost all tail t 1 pi.>du " pei m.iru'nt weight loss In the rush to lose weight, m<>:,! ; !■ >ple * id !■ > ask hi>w l.i! they are Overweight means that a per sun weighs more than average (or his her height and frame see as determined try standard s< .11.• - Diet con .. ious people ‘ >sume that weight gam means t it and weight loss means tat loss The si tie i annut distinguish tie tween fat pounds and muse !e ; mds Was i- dan ,.>• than tat and a person who ha ■ high muscu a density prirbably Would bO classified ,-ls Ov" weight A person who weighs i si's,| weigh! an bo at ' Sk tie health problems because a largo amount >t the weight is tat Obesity is the excess gener ili.s'd storage ■)! fat and is the United States most serious nu tribunal pr> >blen i One out >*t e. ery 4 Amerit ans e» obese Adults have .10 t - 40 billion fat . ails that shrink or swell as tat is stored i>r burned f at , ells never disappear even when siirne, me is star, mg they |ust shrink in si/e Obesity is not in ,t a matter ’ apt s' it m re t ies the risk id heart dis ease .meet md is also dSSOCi 1* • ■■■! A at. id II11 onset . liah'Mes •Should one diet Of exert ise ! 11>s*' weight ' I nergy balance !■, in important concept detstand when considoni Question f i;oii enen turned into other forms o gy including nuisi In lions hody treat and me processes such as dup breathing and day to day f nergy balance mean; to un K] this gy is t oner nntrai laboli. f’stion living , that !■ ' tv weight v.it1 stay the same •ahen the alone-, taken in an the same as * alories used up to lose weight there must t"1 less atones taken than used However the iv>c!y strives to maintain a certain level of tat called the setpoint v'VSen a pee. pets and drops be! HV that level metabolism dr ;; ■ and the body Ire anus mote energy efficient It s im pu'tant to iso at a level >f moderate intensity to burn ali'in", rather than cutting thei"s s> a up a indition ,* star. abort ombmahou ;l diet an t ever iso is the' pest approach to tqttg term weight loss weight management E.»erce>e burns more fat and un proves muscle' tone and devel ops the . anliovassular system Early n an exer.use program the weight may m>t change t e i ause lean weight (muscle te. suei in* re iss , to mask pounds lost I tie si ale will not stlOW the change but in .ippeaiarit e the body appears trimmer and clothing becomes mote loose long term weight management requires a lifelo g i immilment and understanding of flow life style and eating habits inter is! to contribute to ideal weight nt . Sit : s - . Robbie Rose Come Play te Ma: " :? ■ ugh May nk and reds The only spent u Bring a sack l hen dies and picnic t Oregon West F Boulevard acres: silly m the fu WEB pi «y on ti Ar < ess to the dike trails iosest to < ampus are do .i?uj a! Hilyarcf and Frank ■:>tmet from Rax If you're step at the fountain by at Spencer Butte Park and id at Alton Baker Park Ail be serious* Rent a • anoe at River Runner Supply on the ca nal or a paddle boat Go with a few friends and split th*; ■ t This is ln< sited at 8 C!ut Ri a l Take i penny hike Grab a friend iv: is" i line tion , and every time you react! a corner. flip head or tails tor which way to go This excursion requires the fin osi of silliness Take your camera and go on a t . tun* hike Photo graph Merry go-round-:., trees hill1, and Eugenes beautitul and unique old homer, and hutldmqs Put together a photo essay and send it to a far away friend ... Set aside a day to hike ripen. • Butte or Mt Pis qah If you plan this in the late aft-moon, bring a flashlight! Carry a ; ... me lunch of fruit and cheese and enjoy the sights of the green Willame'to Vai ley and far away mountains Take a P E class offering something you v«* never done before and learn a new skill or a new sport Enjoy being a rookie and laugh at your mistakes' Beth Gaiser I 111(• 11 Beth Gaiser and Melanie Steed I in it tin nl I li.illli I dmat ion: Joanne Frank IF dili I dm.Hum Beth Gaiser. Raymond Boyle, Laurene Sheilds. Carmel Crowe Chrissy Bloome. Valerie Shannon Annie Dochnahl I .mini Him;:ii Melissa Nelson I'm Mr.dili \d\i ui Melanie Steed. Robbie Ross.Anna Dudey. Angie Foust. Michael Huntley. Hiromi Tsuru |'i,,dmhim Alice Cannon. Ten Boring. Sandi Daller. Jim Finch. Jennifer Huey I In Well Non i> a iiensletlri spun solid In (In Student lle;»!th ( enter, .lint produced in tin health kIiiuIhmi stall \' 111) tin assistance of tin Oregon I).ills Imeiahl. Ml articles are mitten In students .mil < • I I s Ini the In .till) id ucation program. II \ou ha\c am ipics turns. Mijij’estiniis nr ai1 inti rested in cunt i dinting an .illicit . pit ase tall Beth (..user at U(. 44m» 10:40 12: '0 M I hui s