_ -Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald Tuesday \pril 10. looo Kllgi’ltr, ( )regnu \dlumr o 1 NuiiiImm 1 _Inside_ ■ Muslim holidays. Page 4 ■ IIC update. Page "» ■ 'From the sidelines', Page 7 ■ Womenspace auction. Page 14 In the groove Debbie Owen, u student in Kim Wilsons \erobk s I rl.tss. moves to the music while lonmin# the benefits ot aerobic e\en ise Photo h\ Audio Kameri Undergrad tuition may increase 9.95 percent fall term Bv Stephanie I tolland I merald Reporter Oregon undergraduates iriumini' to 111«* timersi tv this t ill may pav an extra ‘I !> < pen ent hit* tuition it the states highei edm .iliuit hoard approves a request tor tuilion nu reases ( haiuelloi Thomas Hurtlett .11 a nrus «onlrifiii e hist vv**i»k announc ed Ins request lor a u o > pert out in 1 lease t« 1 ( die l’Diversity Oregon State t 111 v«* * 11 \ and Port land State I diversity Bartlett recommended ait H 1! > pen * * 111 tuition in rt isi.se for Oregon Health Scienc es t? Diversity. Oregon Institute ill l‘ec huology Southern Oregon Slat*’ ( ol lege l.astrrn ( hegon Sl.ite 1 a>1 leva* and Western Ore gun State ( tdlev’i* Ih»- H 2 » percent addition tor next year would mate h the nu reuse approved tor the < orient at udemit Year Out ot state tuition at all eight st liools would in i lease b\ I 2 pert ent t his amount reflec ts die target Injure ot KM) per cent that the state s higher education board has dec id ed non residents should pay tor tuition ( Jregon residents are expet ted to pa\ about 2 » pel t ent of their higher edut ation expenses Idle I 7 pelt ent difference ill tuition between the universities and colleges would raise about $1 1 mil lion in revenue, said Jim Sellers diret tor of 1 omir.um c.ations for the Oregon State System of Higliei Iduta t ion It makes sense to have a differentia! between tin turn (.barges at the universities compared to colleges because the costs at universities, such as large lihrui lorn to tuition, Page b Housing policy nears decision Hv ( hris Bounelt fmorald Assouan* fditor t 'diversity officials are about three weeks awa\ from de< iding the fate of .1 proposal allow mg domestic partnership agreements in suhsi di/ed fandh housing Dan Williams. University vice president tor administration, said Friday that a decision will definitely he made In the end ot the term hut lie hopes to make one w ithill the next two weeks A domestic partnership agreement is .1 con trait between two individuals that defines the role of each partner in the relationship Williams who oversees University housing, will make a recommendation on whether domes tu partnerships should he allowed in student family housing The final decision, however, rests with I 'm versitv President Mvles Brand "(The dei ision) is kind ot a tough one ' Wil hams said. "We have to think through everything that makes sense The domestic partnership issue was raised this fall when Natasha Brady 21. and Robert lueher 2t> and Bradv s 1 year-old son were threatened with evil turn from family housing he 1 ause they were not married I niversitx housing asked the t oupie to move out or get married Instead Bradv and l ueher produced a domestii partnership agreement Braih and Fliehei received an extension ill December on their eviction until a decision is made Sime that time the Westmoreland and Ama zon tenants councils approved motions in favor of domestic partnerships, and the President's task Force on Lesbian and (lay C.oncerns passed a resolution supporting the proposal Moreover, the Office of Student Advm .ii v circulated .1 petition urging the I’niversitv to ai cept a proposal expanding familv housing e|:p> bllltv lh.lt i iiIIim ti'd about .‘11(1 signatures said third year law student I )cbi.1 ()gara "We vy.int dumestn partnership agreements In he ai i epted in lieu nt .1 marriage certificate and under that we re asking housing to prioritize, in some form, families with children Ogata said Williams said he is considering the petition, resolution and motions hut the final dei ision irsts upon other far tors "We have the signatures and rei ommeuda times from a number of people who want us to do it Williams said |Uut) these are not the kind ol issues that are made upon popularity Williams office has received an equal mini her of letters opposing the expansion of eligibility rules, he said |oe Kidd Westmoreland tenants council member said many family bousing residents teal an abuse of domestic partnerships it the proposal is approved The motion the Westmoreland council ap proved requests that (.011 pies vv ith children be al lowed in family housing whether they are mar ned or in domestic partnerships The motion avoids calling tor the expansion ol the definition ol family to include 1 ouples in domestic partnerships vv ithout c hildren "We felt it was important to give priority to families with children, but we 1**11 that opening up housing was too loose Kidd said Sarah Douglas 1 o c hairwoman of the lesbian and gay c mil erns task tore e said c urreiil housing policies are discriminatory because- they forbid same sex partners as family units "It is very discriminatory toward same sex partners and same sex partners that have hum lies.'' she said Douglas said I'niversilv otfie nils will have a cliffic lilt time "drawing a line of eligibility with out opening themselves up to discrimination charges Students with children find affordable housing Bv Marina Swain Emerald t ontributor When Cynthia Norman lust arrived in Kugene sin- had no |>lai e In live More importantly her children Dorn; and David were w itliout shelter Norman, like othei single parents tlisi nvered tli.it i itil ilren are not always welcome additions In a tight housing market I d never experienced someone not even reading nn retere iii e letter or i a ring. Norman said of the cold rei option she got trom main landlords And it i hildren were permitted the prii e was often too high "There's a $J7ri difference between having kids and not having kids the Wvomittg native said tint as a t'niversitv student Norman held an important advantage which she ipiiiklv .icted upon She was eligible tin one ol more than 7110 units deemed married student lions mg Now happily settled m Westmoreland lor almost two years. Norman is currently vice president of its tenant's couni d Serving nearly 1 400 people Westmoreland and its counterparts on east campus and Amn/oii cater to married couples with or without i luldren, single parents and a seler t number ol graduate students "I think it's almost entirely er o non ill s direi tor ot t in versitv Housing Marjory Kamcy said of its popularity It's less than half of what you'd pay .it market Most tenants agree i iting the Imam ml benefits of sill h housing I'he main thing was that it was i heaper here West moreland resident Miriam Swanson said " I'he other advan tage is living in an area with a lot of other students It's rough when you don't live around anyone going to si liool." Swanson s husband. Si ott apprei cites the relative quiet lorn to Housing, Page fi