Sports f’hi'li l*V K I lunior hnhhncicr (!hl unis the llltl-mctcr htmllcs '•>, ttilh .1 tunc nt 14 m .ul ditiiin In setting .1 muni in the hint; 111111/1 .uni ninmmi m Oregon* sciniul-pLuc 4\40tl Women sweep meets in festival of records "It s lmstMhm.; nrrrv s.uti of \a mg h.ird «mi{ llim |»i• r forming brlcuv r\pt*< t.itions m «i iiii'H I \ rr \ n i iintpii.s GOT SOMETHING TO SAY? Run fora position on the UO Bookstore Board of Directors I \ 1*1 Kll \( I i .in mu he the different e in getting .1 job I lore's an opportunity to gain valuable evprrieiHr to Miami in today's lough job market Be on the Bo.mi ol I )i roc tors for .in established corporation your own UniversiU ot Oregon Bookstore Run (or ,i on thr UO Board ot I >11 a tors and BI IN VO I VII) in guiding an important campus organization lor the tuturv I hr Board mrmbrrs attiaid monthly mootings, and receive a $30 00 stipend pi r month I best* 2-year positions are open tor full-time students and faculty: • 1 Student-At-I arge Position • 2 Sophomore Positions • 1 Graduate Student Position • 1 1 aculty-At-I arge Position • 1 Classified Staff/Management Nominations for board memfxTS will he taken at the ANNUAL MELTING Wednesday, April 11th at 3:30 p.m. Room 133, (filbert I he Annual Meeting agenda will include reports from the Board Officers and a State of the Bookstore address by Jim Williams, Genera! Manager 1 here will be 1 KM DRAWINGS for $255 worth of L’O Bookstore (lift Certificates for all who attend for more information, please contact fim Williams at .346 4 3 31 Hv ( ,im Sivesind [ merald Sports Reporter \ bundle ot personal rei unis highlighted the return of the Oregon women's track to winning wavs Salurdav .it llav word field in a meet against Washington Stale and Boise Slate \fter their I n st loss to W ash ington in |g \ears last week in Seattle the motivated Dunks outsi ored a tough ( ougai sijuad /''I i Boise State a team that was novel really in the meet except lot a lew bright spots, w as outsi ored hv l fregon 0 I -tJ Sophomore kim llvall and junior I'aulu Bern started things oft on the w inning trac k lor Oregon h\ grabbing first and sei olid in the ja\ elm I he two I tin ks provided the onfv teal competition for eat h otliei in the meet vet neithei was pleased with hei individual et fort 'I need a Jot more i onsisten i\ H\ait complained \!v 1 hv Ihm vv as oft UO BOOKSTORE 13th and Kincaid M-F 7 30 6 00 Sat 10 00-6 00 (Ph 346 4331) S/NCE J920