Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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    .Monday In-Depth
C onlimifd from Paijr t>
lx* more o! an us and them si|
u.it inn. u liu Ii u ere tr\ ing to
Although ( lark said irairi’ on
tori ement is an option to be
considered. he didn't lliink en
forcement was the kes solution
I want to stras auai from
more enfon emenl lie said
"Hut it’s an idea like all the
others and we have to < onsider
overs tiling espec ialls w hat
other si liools in similar situa
tions are doing
( dark said the AM '( ). the po
lice and the cnnimunils are
looking for long term solutions
to student polii e i Leslies
"We are dealing w ith w hat
just happened, hut we also
have to try to keep it from hap
polling again. he said
In the meantime the ASI ( )
is taking some immediate ai
lion This weekend ( lark and
three other students formed a
student response team I lies
wore beepers and responded to
eight parties that had generated
i omplaints to the police depart
"We observed and advised
the partiers about the < 0111
plaints ,hh) we licit) really good
responses Irom the students
( lark said None of the parties
est alateil to the point w here the
police It.id to respond
( lark said the student re
spouse teams nr,tt < onlinue un
td attei Ma\ > w hen ( am o de
Mayo tes!i\ tlies usually goner
ate large parties I'hen the
teams would lie evaluated to
see d lhe\ should become pel
I In A SI (t is also sponsoring
,in open forum Wednesday at
.1 til p in in the Hen binder
Room to discuss student poll! e
bins will be anothei step
we ll take to lr\ to impri>ve the
situation (dark said
('.until I urged I’niversity stu
dents and administrators and
|'.ugene police to take seriously
the options provided from olh
er schools expel lelli es
bisten to us when we tell
you not to take it from the up
proach ot you do vour thing
w r || dii ours he said It
\ou really work together, you
can find a solution that's agree
able to e\er\ one
( ontinued from P.w *
able for students espei ially tui
those under 2 1
Tin* nnh event tJi.it ih ( urs
regularly is beer gardens. I’.u
tridge sa id ()n-< .impus ( omedy
nights in big-name i oik erts .ire
[mssihle diversions tor students
who might otherwise drink out
ot boredom Partridge said
t dark said AM '() is considei
mg dilterelit ways to alleviate
the tension between 1 diversity
students Kugene potiee and
the i (immunity - mi lulling tin
d Ml ion
A tummunily torum. to lie
held Wednesday at t 10 p m
yy di provide an opportunity lor
students and community mem
hers to suggest as many options
as they ( an think ot to improve
student safets .it parties and
improve communits relations
( 'lark said
t ile lumm is l III rent l\ si lied
riled to take plat e in tile Hen
I indet Hoorn hut mar he
moved to a room that i an ai
i omniodate more people
kuk Hailes A SI < > I n i vet si
t\ altaiis i oordillator said the
lorum will serve tsso purposes
finiiiii.U solutions and provid
mu a session where students
i an an ans trust rat urns ovei
s\ lull happened at Mill Street
and 1 till As I'tiiie Mart h s I
It delinitidv has to he a
ventini; session. Hades sanl
Hut I hope it ss ill In' i on
trolled and i ousti m live
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( onl min'd from Pam' t
is important tor them to
sot goals and budget tin'll
Imn' in order to tin a mii
i esstui law student I tag
gerlv said
learning enough to
pass tlir bai exam is tlm
most important goal a
poison should sot loi
Inins,-it 411 hoisrlt altoi
enrolling m law si hool
I laggertx said
'You i a 111 ii it prat t it o
law it vou i annul pass tlio
bat examination. ho
said It \ on look at \ out
soil as a (id soil \ mi will
sin i ood It vou look at
\ oursell .is a law studoiit
vou iii,n not
IlaggerU also inhumed
studouts that thoro is no
sin h thing as a i onspira
i \ to koo(i minoiities out
ot tho liar exams
I’oojilo will toll \ Oil
minorities i an t pass tho
har o\am on tho first tr\
ho said It vou do pass
lhe\ s.is vou wore
Ini k\
llaggerK told studouts
not to tool {lieinsflvex
w lion it i nine to budget
log time
Who's having an affair with whom?
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