j When was the last time you i i had your eyes examined? I • ( omplete e\ e exams • ( ontac t lenses • Walk-in wel< mile 10% off Barry Kat/, OD |( Opt it .11 Valk*> Ki\rr ( enter 342-2671 i your eye exam »ith Mu- . \v: K.,.I luwclhnn ■ A i 7//.\( > K V\ /.t H / :! U hi -t r. . e\pk •>, ; , 15 (|>t problems of sexuality and mtimai \ lined bv adult ehiUren . ’I .tk i>holii strat-ht or . "It vou're in .ldiiit i hild ol in :ik oholit, i harke- are\oinv unhappt with Vi ’ii: se\, with v. '.ir hie, v. :tl; voui' u ! hi- n-hipi .inner, .itid - u with vourselt," write the aurhors. Based on texan h with over 100 Women who '.:re\\ ip :n ak . >holr I.nnihe-. Ail :n>.: /. >r/,mU lhl.. ,n the sexual pn 'Hems th.it often t.u e .idult i hildren. Mary Ann klaiMiet .in expert m sexuality and mho ante ahi.x, live' in hueene. OR She is an adiuiut t.n ultv member at the l alitor nia Lainih si ad\ Center in Rurhank, C A. Robbie Hasselbrine, who live' 111 Reave!. reek, OR. n tin authoi .7/le A/iv/li.l/ Sell i '.ire I\\S ( V W . 'men ’> ! h-.iith and . >ther K oks. ''he u rites lor \1S, \\, tmen > >;\'t7s and OM Y MARY ANN K1 U SNLR WILL BL PRESFN I \ 1 LIU BCX7KSK .NINO. UO Bookstore GENERAL BOOK DEPARTMENT lining landlords to evict Ion .mis with morr ill,in two noisi’ violations Moreover. the I'niversits ol I tela wart1 Now,irk dot idod to suspend students with more than three noise ol i otistmip Inm misdemeanors and to os pel am stiiileii! with three lelo Dies or more than four misdn meanors I.oliissei said the si liool's oi liiials provided evident e that their [ >< 11 it ies are legal ' I lies i ilial a i ouple of eases that went to thr Supreme ( ourt he said ' It too nil ill.it there Is no double jeopards " in subjei t ing students to both < i\u and ai adetnir pen.ill ies lint l.obisser said students shouldn't worn that sin h poli i ies would he adopted in I.u gone "1 t an t imagine this inslitu lion and this ( 11\ would do that lie said A ltd I taut imagine this program would he right tin our student hods hooking for the ke\ Rutledge agreed The prob lem w till that Is helore the situ alion would gel better. it would get worse, he said It would lorn to Parties, Page 7 I Start feeling good about your body... U(‘*ll tl<‘lp >OH liini things around. CLASSES EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY 6:15-7:15 p m. Conveniently Located at The Wesley Center (Next to U of 0 Bookstore) 1236 Kincaid Linda Eisenmann. Instructor 343-2943 .jiizz-nrisr