Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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    Monday In-Depth
from P.ihi* I
Inm‘ii examining student point
lonsions in Kugene siiu e last
(.ill is similar to Boulders task
fori e
In Boulder. (lit- committee
lias u orki-il In t-din ate doth
sides about police pm< ed ures
and student expet laiions
and it s worked well said i am
pus polii e Sgt )obn k ish
You need In ha\ e off it ers
sit down w ith students not so
nun h to tlet itle w li.it s right 01
wrong, lull to get some per
spet I ive.' Is ish said
Hul I)inw itltlie said task
fortes are not enough to solve
the tensions t rented In negu
I ive run ms w ith the polit e
y on hav e some i ommunitv
task lort.es formeti. you have
some forums, and evervhodv
spouts oil Then it dies dtn\ n
and nothing gets sol\ ed
I low le agreed and saltl the
administration students and
polite are winking beyond the
task tone to ease the tensions
in boulder
We got the idea ol a I ore
ol observers she said I best*
people aren't polic e and tliev re
not students vet the\ re edu
i aled about both groups so lhe\
don’t hav e a stake in w hat hap
pens Their job is to observe an
event w ith students and pole e
the rent lion and report about
what w as teal K going on
Boulder students generally
view the observers .is a posit ive
addition to law enfort ernent
said keirv U’hitlord student
government liaison to admims
II at ion
"This wav evervone knows
tile pole e will onlv ai I in i or
tain ( ases whole the activities
me reallv illegal \\ hitford
(.leal expot tations
Boulder's goal has been to
help students and polit e under
stand their roles and what's e\
pet ted ol them, klsh said
"The problem becomes the big
gest when tile polite do some
thing totally unexpei led to lie
st lllll'llts
In Kugene the bottle throw
ing and tear gas mi ident ol
M.m li 11 epitomized llu’ lines
pci letl
Poln i' liitiii t espei t to hi'
lot In bottles and students e\
|k'( tcil more warnings and time
to flee said (a*i ry Moseley
I’niversity vice provost for stu
dent . 1 Hairs I also think that
students had come to ex pet t a
1 eilain protocol in 1 rowd ton
Apparent l\ liliv ersity stu
dents and I ugene polu e need
to (ommuniiete more hei ause
both sides appear 1 nntused
about what their roles are
Mosele\ said
I lowevet ASl t ) Po sideul
Andy (dark said he thought the
communit\ relations task tone
had ai hieved some understand
ing between the student, and
polii e In sending letters to oil
1 ampus students on how to
give good safe parties
Tile letters went along the
tines ot achieving mutual e\
pet tat ions, he said
hslablishing a group ol 1111
partial observers simdai to
Moulder's system might he a
step tow art I 1 renting undei
standing on both sides Mose
ley said
People who are observers
a 1 id gi\ e teedhai k on what
1 mild have been done different
l\ would be heuelii lal to poll! 1
as well as students he said
John Rutledge 1 ugene Polk e
Department deputy duel of po
lice servil es said the idea oj
impartial observers has been
disi ussed among polii e but
it was never esplored ill de
tail '
Mediating solutions
( lark was more interested in
Berkeley s nppn mi h to I hen
student polii e tensions
After l.isl June's incident
Berkeley's students adminis
trators 1 ampus poll! e and 1 d\
polii e entered into eight
months ol mediation said cam
f ;
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(7‘»<) I . I l ( h)
pus puiii e 1.1 Pat ( arroll
()ni' result ul tins mediation
pi'ui ess is ih.it ,i i otumittee ot
students police and adminis
tralors ,ue going to sit down
.uni develop .i set i rmvd i on
trol pulu v < dirndl said
Mlhoitgh it’s loo e.irlv to
tell how tdlei live th.lt will he
.it least people .ire talking ill id
agteeing mi vvli.il needs to he
done .Hid riot filing lawsuits nr
( lat k s.ud he vv ,is evi jled
.11it>ut the prospei t ol .i medi.i
turn program ,uul h.is .dte.nlv
bro.il lied the suhjei I vv ith
members ol the i omniunilv re
1.It lolls task lot i e
(loing into mediation is an
evi elleul idea he said Mav
In' vv hat we need is to bring in a
third partv to help itu re.ise
i i mi mu nil lit ion and solve it
Kutledge said I I'l) has re
i r>lveil the prospect ol media
lion posit l V e I v It's something
we are mteiesled in evplontig
lurther he said
Derrick 11 lass a i mu dinator
oj living t o operatives at tlerke
lev suggested lugelie also
toi in a public police review
commission which would in
i hide representation trotll stu
dents polite and inmmumtv
nil'll it MTS
\ similar i omunssion in
Herkelev lev lews polii e ai lions
and ret ommeiuls i ommeiula
t ions or rt-pi im.inds to the po
Ik e department l .lass said
t hat's the w av Im t iti/ens
to have some authority as
I Iti/.ens ov el police ai tlolls
( dass said
1 .ugene has a si til I Ul I orgaill
/alion the Public Saletv Advi
sin v ( onirnitlee hut it does not
have student representation
Rutledge said
Students ale tree to disc uss
vv ittl tile i omilliltee til..
i erus tllev have he noted
We i lead v vv ant to take a
plot ommunii alion approai h
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