Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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    I ni\ersit>
Historian to lecture on British medicine and society
Ml! 11V
Karthdav volunteer meeting
will lie held tonight ,il " ill ill
Ilf 1 \ll Urn I.indfi Room
I hose interested In volunteer
ini’ ini' I .litlid.w slimild attend
Mtnlf nl I If.illh I Ilsur,ini f
_Ft als_
( Ollimiltee nifcls tndnv .it at
|i in m i Ml ( i mi 111 r\ K< mill I
levvisli Sludent I ninn 111 <■ I -
tonight ,ii i in m Suitf > I-Ml
Ini iilciil.il I ff ( nmitiillff
will hold .1 budget hearing
Tuesday night ft r. 10 in the
IMl Hn.iril Room
l.nlin \iiifin .in Support
( ommittee will If Id a .(miim.i1
mooting todav .it -1 p m in
I Ml I Vd.ii Km no \ All into I
c sit'd .in1 i\fli on if
Survival Outer nirrls I”
nigllt at I it) in Suite 1 I Ml
tin all i mualinatnrs and interns
The toi us will lie on I aithdav
SIT. AKKKS Wit l.ld It Kt S
''Medicine and Sim ietv in
I titli ( enturv Iwigland is tin
tiipu ol a publii lei Iure to he
giv ell Iw Margaret I tel,<u v a
si ieni e historian the lei tun
w ill lie todav at 1 p ill in the
I Ml 1 ir Room
l\ I 1 K\ It \\ S
file billowing organi/atinns
will be holding interviews on
i ainpus Submit bids lor inter
tml«i\ through \\ Vdnrsdav
• \pril ‘I A
uiinivlr.ition (stndnnt inopt’i.i
! i\ »• odist .it ion program!
( -h k.im.is ! <iii( .itton.ii S**i
viic Dish n t Mm vlhurst ispr
( mi ini in .it ion positions)
\( R ( s,til's jvpiVsnilUt l\ r
I imbi’ilmr S\ stoms Inc
f s»iftu am rnglimri I
Dim \ Bradstmet (husmtss
• \p111 in \• t !• 1
.iltv (i l.iims soiv it t* protossion
•i! 1
VYrnati hot* St hoot I listric t
\\ rihit( hot* V\ ash frdut at ion
spot lal rdin at ion)
• \pril 11 st■,11 s Korhia k \
( (i (ivtail managomont tr.iimr
i O'llit managrmrnt ti .uiio-i
Xahist o Foods ( o (salt’s ivp
n*st*ntati\ r I
I ant or I f d (salt's mpmsrnta
! I vi * j.
K Mart ( <»rp {assistant man
agn tiainnt’l gnmp mooting
April in at ’ p m in I Ml ( on
Inrv Room 1
• \pril 1 w Sa\ On I )mr
I in ()S( () 1 )i ugs (rotail man
agrinrnt 11 ai nro).
( RS So mm Knginoors lnt
(projoc t stall rntrv 1»*\ *• 1 ongi
nooi. siimnmi into! nship)
Russo! I Stovor l audit’s (salt’s
i fpl fsrntat iv f)
• \pril J.t ( . 1 * •! i < I a S i S m! i * • < I
.St liooi I )|sti n t ( liondalo. ( aiit
(odut at ion spot ial odu» ation
• \pri! 24
Ui.iUinirT • nip mirlim;
Apnl ’ i p m in KMl ( en
hirv Kiumi I)
f),i\ i<{ Douglas Sehool i)is
frut I’mHand irdui a
I ion spin 1*11 edueat iciii pnsi
W .1 ] Mart Stores 1m ! man
ngemeut li.imi'c! group
meeting \pn! ' i p m in
!All i edai Room )
• \pril 1~» \ I U ! i ! ■ ! ! t < >
Portland (salt’s marketing rep
it "'fill at tv e)
I S ( .fin*!.11 At t mint mu t )t
tn •• group meeting \pnl l
,tt i. ill p m m I Ml t Vntui \
Ronm I
• \pril Jli R< >a«i a .tv l‘.\i»ie
itu (assistant dn« k supervi
mu management trainee}
BS \ I Int s\ stem analv s!
s\ stem iMiiiinn-i programmer)
language t ujtmal Hiumh \ m
ijuiirment tor employment in
• \pril 11 Into lav Ini
mri s,ilfs internship}
limmiurv ( arpomlmn 1 m
simii h assistant I
t begun State I ‘niversit\
I AH' Irom 111 a m In I p in
I he set unit workshop on .it
tending meiln al si hool
held tonight al t> in Room I 1U
W dlamette Marliss Strange
and students an epled this v ear
wilt review the apple at inn pm
Htrrs of n»fominrnda
linn «’tt
\ s11<I«* show prrsrntation on
i tnidrn \ ill
frrat 11* 1111*i m (In' W ashingtou
i ,isc adrs will In* hold tnmviht
at Hi .H (hr hmnnnia < « ntrt
! tin .it \ 1 l i \ k 111« (i tcI St
\n oprn hmisr lor thosr who
h.ivr complrtrd tin* Katt I rip
initiators ( linn Sri irs I hr
hold tonight at l<» in I hr l )ut
door Ihovii.im oltn r in thr ( All
hasrmrnl I loot pn/rs and vid
cns will hr av ailablr
( I) KOM tutorial a thr I KH
friliu .ition 1 dalahast* w ill hr
hold tod.iv at 1 i' m in thr Krl
rime r 1 )rpartmrnt of thr
Kmuht 1 ihrarv
Malf Dav on thr |oh \lpha
kappa I'm s |ol» mlrodin lion
pior.iam will hr hrld this work
and nr\I w rrk Applu at ions
art* dur tor thr follow in*.’ op
portumtirs \pnl in
• ■ \! ! !\ V- S, i:- \ | i :: '
• : .iluif ! Ini!!!.in
sniiircs m.in.im'iurnl, \prii 1.!
imiii in .1 m to 1 p m
• k ■ • 111:; i. m . i ( < • * i in 11 s i .mil
11.it,i }»!i -i rssmy; \pril in horn
‘I m In m><hi
Dr.uilmr toi suhnnttmjj it
,ils tu tlu' 1 mol.ild hunt ilrsk
I \ll s’*:ifr UUI is ;ioon thr tins
ln'toif inihln ,itton I t .ils run
thr iI.is ot thr rsrnt unit's*, thr
r\ rnt oi i urs brtorr noon
I’li'iisr submit I t .//s thr this hr
tort' thr\ tin• to run onlx \u
furs iif rxcufs with ./ tlonntion
or .ulnussion t luu^r w ill not hr
,ii i t'(itml l .imfius rsmts mid
thosr m hmiutri! nr.urst thr
fniblunhon thitr will lu* vivrn
in Hints t hr i mi'i .ild ii'm'/io
thr rii^ht to i'i lit noturs toi
t'ininiu.ir .uul stylo
\S uh itus coupon mhi
can bus a set ot
( otipnu « \|mrs \|n il MU
music city
open evenings til (>
I llllllrl! to s(lN k
HINT: Find the answer
at SunShower!
Bring in ths aa and receive *
2 FP€E tans or
a FREE movie ticket
•(With m " jm pure' ; :*.o •:.* ’ :
■ not valid with any < .n:
offer _
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In the Santa Clara Square
Egad! Vikings' And they mean business'"
The things they get away with!
Featuring Jack Casady & Jorma Kaukonen
of Jefferson Airplane
with special guest Peter Kaukonen
Friday April 13, 8 pm
Eugene Hilton,
Playwright’s Hall
$9.00 a of o
$ 1 1.00 General
Tickets available:
I MCI Main Desk
I ace the Music
Cl) World
Record Gaiden