Editorial Create a ban on all old-growth logging Last week. ,i ndvcmmi'iilal studv group released a report on the impact < ontimicd old-growth logging would have on tlir spotted ov\ I The task lorn' recom mended H > million acres ol old growth he put oil lim its to loggers Timber industry ol f if i.ils declared such u link on old growth would devastate Oregon and Washington Thousands of jobs would he lost bringing economic doom to the Par itu Northwest As usual timber otti i nils are prone to exaggeration It the task tone's proposal is adopted, there will be an imparl oil the Oregon lirnbei industry Then* is no was around that There are about l.iTuun people in the r i 11 it Mil industry in ( begun and Washington the in dustry s highest estimates sav that hall ol lliose vv ill he lost it an old-growth hail is enaeted While we see a hit ol hyperbole in those figures, there is no doubt that some communities which rdv solely on logging lor jobs and money will he hart! hit Seen in that light. it s understandable why people in tin* logging comiminilv would oppose a ban on old-growth harvesting Regardless, it’s time lor sin h a meusuic The spotteii nw I is the c rux of the present argil infill but it is really gist a symptom of the entile ills ease Oregon ran no longer depend on limber as the \o 1 souri e ot revenue You ran t maintain a stale on a single non permanent rosoiin e and while trees are renew able, old-growth lands simply are not I he slut! to second growth harvesting and other industries must begin now The economic devastation w ill only lie greater it we put ot! this i hange until there an- no trees left And the e< onimiK devastation w ill he negligible compared to the natuiul devastation Lawmakers have to understand that the budget i annul ride on the shoulders ot the logging industry I here must be a shill, not only to set ond-growth lands, bill to other economic sources Happily, some lawmakers have tome to tins ion i Iiisioii tint the spotted owl report has i aused a ritt in the state Democrutii party Last Saturday convention delegates rejei led a plank which would have bar ked a ban on all old growth logging. The very next day . the delegates i hanged then collective minds and inserted the proposal in tIn'ii platform Notable Demoi rat it lawmakers, such as House Ma jority Leader (’nrl lloslu ka (l)-Lugene), hav e gone on record against the ban Democrats from logging com munities are iin ensed They fear that sm h a ban means political death They maintain that because their con stituents are vehemently opposed to any such propos al. demoi rate legislators hac king it l.u e i ertain deteat Rather than watching their politic al hac ks these timid legislators would he better off looking for wavs to i reate jobs lor then constituents in other industries because that's a political reality these lawmakers will soon face, whether or not they're re-elected, and w hether or not there's a ban on old-growth logging Oregon Ihiil* _ _ Emerald »• O •!.»% »!*•* Ititgon V'4U‘ f •• ,••••!•' • 1 M 'KUv tti- ' . » l diloi ' ‘ .< . P' .*.« Edilor ■ Sports Editor M.i h Yi. Supplements Editor k* V, ■ Night Editor Student Government Activities i” . M • " Features A • • , ‘ 0 f\i! M . t *■ St»-iif -if The Emerald thud floor of the f;r The E merald is p ecu table by taw Managing E ditor Editorial E ditor Graphics Editor E ncore t ditor Associate Editors Community h .* Higher Education Administration Reporters <** » ’• • Photographers r 1 Mi ' Advertising M i f • > :• A • , M t*. „■ Mi i N- » Misti Strother Edward Wenu K Production A- 1 * * it' non Lotus Child Jim Finch Yw . • M.r d> M Rembecki Janet SchobOr Ted ! General Stall Advertising Director Production Manager M Classified Manager v | o Accounts Receivable Ciiculation Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production Graphic Services irk Am. .i.iar.tad Assistant to the Publisher Advertising Coordinator 346 SS11 346 4343 346 371.' 346 4381 NOW I'VE GOT YOU, YOU MENACE! ..NOW DROPTWE BROCCOLI. Letters Maturity I'm suns to mt tli,it our mu turu t nist isit\ students have oik c .«}*.on shown thi-u untiir tUii.lti-K t\|)ii,il adolescent lie has lor ,it tin- part if-, last SS fll hl-llli So mas In' tin’ i ops did show up ill lull not goal Sii w hat ' l llcs did so olds allel in (‘IS lllg i iti/.cn i omplainls Hut more i nipt trt.mt I s no matter boss min h we like ior d islika 1 i ops tiles are still a tiguie ol author! ts and mature responsible ( it l/ells l(-spin t that autlloi its I lie poln e i nine to Irv and elilori e tile lass II sou don't like the lasss. there an ssass ol i hanging them hut Ihrossing heel i»alb’s at cops is not the ssas I he hell.is-nil exhibited Man I) tl is similar to svhat I svould expet t from a group ol junior high kids upon being told by then parents to go to lied not supposedly mature college students ss ho were i I ear Is in the ss long (.reg ( h.ipmnn Musk Idiocy Students asserting theii light In urinate in pnt>lt< and police using Iimi gas In send them to limpet toilet* t ertamh mdt i ales that meaningful buttles are taking plai e between slu denis and police II the 1 'nilersit\ would like to redut e enrollment. I suggest informing mi oming slutlenls of the idiot v of tile nnes tlfeadl here and of the restraint the Ku gene Police Department shows hi dealing with them when the students are "fighting tor their rights Thomas Baughman English Out of hand Regarding the "riot" last weekend I'm thankful the po ll! e look appropriate ai tion in a lough situation I live a lilm k from w here the partv happened t he noise was d ist in In ng everyone within two blot ks I drove home .mi! whs slue k in waves ot people refits mg to move taming various bottles Things were out of hand. I xt uses from those abending tin1 parlv. oi defending it. are luiltt runs I lie o al problem is maluritv or lat k thereof Is it reasonable to think a parts with live musit outside and till) plus noisv people milling around in the streets tmild lie t ontrolled I \ eryone knew ten sions w ere high suit e last veal s not Must impoi taut U art it les .11ni letters have tailed to men lion that polit e didn't arrive in riot gear Rather olfit ers w ith out riot gisu talked w ith those m i barge of the partv saying it was out ot hand and had to he disbanded As thev left thev were pelted w ith bottles Police then i ailed lor !>ai kup w ho ar rived to protei live geat to assist dispersing the croud W hen the hand finished tear mg down as requested In po In e some in the i row d let bot tles 11\ ()nh then was tear gas used People, we re in college now We are now considered adults t how up and learn to ai t like one I don't applet iate having im neighborhood trashed tor a good time I do applet iate the prompt ai turns ot the po In e w ho only did then job to keep order and peat e in the neighborhood Kev in Dahlstrom Theater arts Harvest A-- tin- Merlin IV.iU comes tumbling down ,md Nelson Mandel.i prepares for negoti ations between the Afrii an \a •tonal Congress and the South Afrii an government, the poten tial tor pear e in our troubled w orld seems enormous '* ft even as warring tactions sit down to talk of peat e in na tions around the globe, human suffering upon which genu me and lasting peat e r an never he built is on the rise And the 1 'niter! Stair's and the Sovi 1't 1 'nion an* ac tuallv increasing arms sales throughout tile dr veinping wurld I’nt simply. the gap between tin* potential lor peac e and the realitv of peac e is immense \\ Idle politic i,ius and polil v makers in tins i ountrv dither m el u helller out Icloated mill tan budget should be cut. the tremendous opportunities ten the I nitrd States to become a leading ieternalional peac e maker are slipping awu\ I .ast month I introduced a resolution in the Senate (le signed to sc*i/i* those oppoltll nities The I larvesl of I'eac c Resolution which uccw lias 111 sponsors, calls lot a ill percent rc'duc t ion on w cirlclw ide mill tar\ spending In the year jniltl a dei ade aw a\ The billions uf dollais saved would he spent to address the root of human causes ol w at and \ ioleuc e poverty hunger and malnutri tion. I lie time to ac t is now I In Harvest of I’eac e Kesollllioll has been endorsed h\ a wide range cct organizations me hiding Hread for the World. (Islam Amor tc a. KKSt I I S and SAM I Kill X.l Passing this resolution and implementing its goals, however, w dl take the support and e ominitment nt in dividuals throughout litis c nun trv and indeed, the world Mark Hatfield I S Senator Good work 1 u ish to congratulate1In* lai Hem1 Polite Department tor si lent ing those morons Saturday night Marc h 11 Ain idiot reterring to tin' "(lestapo-tvpe tactics" of the police is simple too ignorant to understand th.it some people live in that neighborhood and apprei iate sleeping at night unlxithered bv the drunken si reams of adolescents Keep up tile good work, otti ( ers Chris \eumeyrr I .a vs