CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 10!) PERSONALS SAND* l am most pleased to have tf»**• opportunity lo truly send you my wish es lo» an astounding birthday • wish to give you my most hearttelt apologies concerning my misconception ol the anniversary ol your birth It would be a pleasure tor me il you could find • < m yourself to forgive me With great sen Irment MR BflfVCOtRf pniVATf Ml IP I MOM f MU NDS f »ee Pregnancy Testing birthright <>m/ 105 PERSONALS TRUE BRO VOL V CONGRATULATIONS KKl SHANNONS' Your hard wot* paid oil I am very proud ot you' rou are *e'y special lo Love AImiw B J N 0 P S I had lo hod tome *a> ol ieihng rvpryonp fc now r»%pee rally Ihe boy*.1 DORM RA «. IPS PERSONALS PLANNED PAHfNTMOOD ATTENTION: Fraternities, sororities. Dorms, Club Sports. Professors, etc mUtvitfrd in paft*rtp a Ung *n Anchor Splash »o» Aid lo thp blmd siqhl con )0b PERSONALS GRFEff S' ' WALIV ;05 PERSONALS •MAMS I OH IHf V! MORIF S WALLY DEADLINE 411'90 \<) Congratulations \ I1’ Jenny and Darrin on your pinning and Miipnsfi angagament ‘ BEST OF LUCK' \ |'( > lon> your \U PR HOUSE CHAIRS! DON'T FORGET' ios PERSONALS KAPPA DELTA SORORITY Good luci« with rush' Kappa Sigma no LOST & FOUND FOUND Budgie Parakeet on Wednesday <4 4> morning Call 7 41 4161 toidenhfy leave message • < A ! i„H A TOR v v. F > mkv PI.KASF. RKAI) • i V * " 1. ( t J 1 . I • : A *•; • : 1 ' 1 • ' t ' ' • ' • . • • If tout iit jppr^rt HMuMnih > ill fcV« IUMh|..h 1 p f.n ((•nrilliM U) (ht • i'■1 HI I H»K II I I (.(HI Y M \M)\N HI I IN(, 1)1 ADI INK: I PM IU\ 111 K)K» »M HI l( \ I ION . ;i .• i.. if *•" . If «*" • M ’ f.Kft 4U» ■! MINIMI M ( II \K«.I ' I INI s 1*1 H I> \N 5*4.50 first tl.ix 5 ' 00 i onset u11\ t tl.iv s Dailv Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Oregon IMIs -» , |li|\ Ml si K! ' OMH fill* Ith .«!■* 1*4*4•» **»' I •»*<■*' •"* I'HONl- _ N Wll_ \i)i)Ki:ss_ i > \ 11 _ C:«lfHor> _ Buvrd? N i*s L . No 1-1 »innc ( hj» k:« I iH al amount . < »f t t k \ 11 Nil. I ii i 1»..* ' Sji . Nunit , ■ ..f (J.,> s 1.. i uil • ItvJ lijlt x if <»••! .>>!»«.,A «jll> ■ We’ve got the right tools I hr Health I ihu at ion Program at the studt*nt Health ( enter has all those things tor vou!! FOR FREF!!!!! | l,.,. Health l ounselmg tut sties'- loot! iltOKes, eating habits Illness emotional eating, «holesterol sexualitv concerns .mil more h\ tiained slutIrnt h« vtlth t'tiut \ lending I ihrai\ lull of hooks, pamphlets health-related articles trom penodii ais health related newsletters handouts and <. assette tapes | on, ueek workshops wluc h w >u mu-t i all and sign up toi m the an as ol smoking i essatton. tood issues, weight management stress management and helping a tiiend who h-is a ilnnking problem (without tit mg an enabler > \ one r i is lit HI I* IIIX lll\ Peel Cducator Piogiam designed to help peers edm ate peel s on the issues surrounding Mi's and Mils prevention, tales! speakers and w'Otkshops are .nailable lor tree to dorm groups student groups gieek living oigam/altons anti sen lal otgam/attons. c tubs and the like tor a whole gro.eis list ot topics ulm It ate related to health (,i\e us a t all .it I4t>-44'd> or stop In and see what we have to otter vou. located at the Student Health C enter, lust floor next to ARFA B. The KMl C ultural Forum and the African-American Drama C'ompam Present: * 'C un I Speak bar You Brother?" a dramatic performance portra\inn Martin l.ulher kin*; Jr.. Malcom \, \\ .Lit. DuHois. and other \merican l eaders. KMl' BALLROOM Monda\, April 9, Spin Students: >2.50 (ieneral Public: >4.00 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU \ 7H( 5 4b , PR ■'.\rsHW .m.v;*' 0RANP NEU) P4k ''t ya> o-OKf UP AT 5 45* Wu JhANKMtMH£N YOUK Uli 1KJC- &U. t,)tiMK.Y 'v #r’ 4?£5 v'< vtA^CON- X'**' -u .] *W7*W W/ ■ *K " DO OUR PART THRBt \HHUr£ <5H0HJtPS SePARATEP QAS&k* BRCJ&iN TUB TOtiBT yf5 IT5 w TOeeTmH Tt PROGRAM ' • BARTH MONTH! 3KJOSIN 7 He 7THLE7? I THINK l'U Move OUT UNTIL 'THIS blows over (x?3 ‘— bing Cherry Palace Fashion Name Brands at a fraction of the price 50°o off many items IU \ • SKLI • I'ONSKiN 62 W est 13th Avc. (Between Willunvctte \ Olivet 344-4X‘)l 11 aiii-5pni Mon-Sat