Sports Washington blows out tennis opponents 40-0 B\ Robert Welter I mer.tld ( ontrihutor ()n paper l! appears last weekend s Pat ilic • It) V irthei n Division womens champion ships was another example ol Washington i nntinuiiie to cm barrass overmatched opponents but tliosi' \\ ho wi'H' then' .it tusti'd to .something different Washington did finish tin three-day tournament with .in other tit it ni.itr h rei ord but (begun i o.u h lorn (,ieider would tell VOll It w,isn't .is e.isv .is it sounded I hev were obv mush the best te.ini, but they don't domi n.ite us like they used to (ueider s.uil \\ e keep kno< k me on the door and leel like W'e re .iboul re,Illy to k ii. m k it down ( Irngon plat ed second m the round robin event by si taring a III' mail h advantage oy er Washington State that let! the I Hu ks with a 14 .'I i . iy ei all I e i ord and the (iougars third at I, u (ireider said I h*‘ weekend was ii good test !(ii lilt’ ihitks who shout'd themselves .is well .is thf Huskies they .iirii't going to lie content uilh their second position mm It longer We played Washington \ er\ tough on I niday .ind Saturday and let them know that they had a mate It on their hands ' (ireidei said Oil Sunday ue had .1 little hit o! .1 letdow u and they just look ovei ( begun lei ehed solid pel tormaiii es I mm eat It ot then top three sin ales pln\ers K tmii \agatnolo. playing No 1 sin gles. 11 n is lied the weekend and u dll hi t vif tort Sunday ovei MulH Kadi Idle ol Wash iilgton State moved into a tie w ith Lindsay Hartlett lor most career singles wins at Oregon TERIYAKI ALLEY Tofu Vegetable Stir Fry With Rice Large S3.50 Small S2.50 1306 Hilyard • 345 9555 SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield u ith '>'1 Milan Roberts .mil Amtirr (iohern also posted ' records pl.n mi; No J .mil \u 1 sondes res per tivclv Besides llic tup three plains tin’ I hit k s a I si i ri •( ii veil lu 11 u ins Irum |a< kie I )elord and Mate,net I i.ilnidi and one u m apiei r trum Slielli Brandt and Trn< \ Miller rhc matt Ims seemed tn lol Inn a pattnn lhruui;hi.nit tin1 Weekend U lienrvm an t)ii'i:nn pluver would in,ili Ii up u illi a I luski opponent Ihf mah h umild bt' i■ Itist* Bui thr liuski plain would prevail in t lu* mid \\ lii’ii w!• pi,ni'd limn I'.irli it in thr season we got trimmed in almost everv mail Ii. I heidri said I'll is lime around we went three sets in a mail lies and were never re,dll blown a wa i in a single match Whal it all boils dow n lo is the thud set or i rum h tune ut __ V _ tht- m.ili h (.iiMcim said be I .HIM' lh.ll -• W Ill'll lilt'll '.kill (mils them through (Ithei highlights Ini the Dinks IIH hull' I the etlnr ts el t hell top two doubles te.Hlis against Washington State X.lg.lllli iti ' .llu! ( aiheell lie le,ileil the \o I le.iiu Irom Washington State n 0 li ! while Koherls and llramit ills posed ot then \n .! ii[i(niiients li II fi t I he I)m ks head south this w eek tor w hat should he their stillest i limpet it n m ol the rear I lte\ will pi.iv \i i on.i t .r.iiul ( am on ami San I lingo m a mallei ol him davs beginning with Ari/ona U edriesdav "Mils will detimtelv he a learning esperiein e lot us (Ireider said Ml three ol these s< hools are peienninl pow erhouses that would ovet powei Washington in the same mantlet we would overpnwei Minu'hndv like I'ortl.lfld State i'tmln b>l.ilr. \ m/ii'i (M ci —— A With our Coursebook Guaranteed Program, you can rest assured knowing you won’t have to go to class empty-handed. OUR GUARANTEE TO UO STUDENTS AND FACULTY HERE’S HOW IT WORKS...A UO instructor submits Ins her book order by the UO Bookstore’s specific due date I he Bookstore guarantees to have the qualifying coursehooks on the shelf the first day of class Qualifying texts will be listed under the “GUARANTEED" header on bookshelf tags If we fail to have a qualifying text, we will make photocopies of assigned reading from this text, based on pre purchase of the book, at no expense to you. until your book arrives (Books delayed by natural disaster, transportation strikes, imported books, or books out of stock at the publish er are exempt from our Guaranteed Book Program.) Deadlines to qualify are U D E^NT^ • APR 11 I I tliMcIliix* for SPRIN (* term spec orders EJ • APR 11 1 i d«'«ullim* for SUM Ml R t<*rm fat ultv ortlors Questions? We’d Be Glad to answer them! 346 4331