__Sports ( onlimicd Irom P.iv’o 10 Jv IIMI M.-t.-i Krl.n t HOW Mrli-is 400 Mi-In Mltnilrs 7 was surprised to set' the Concurs throw so tor in the javelin. I know it caul’llt Art (Skipper) hy surprise. ' — Hill Dellinger I »00 Meters 14 ! : \!i!l xt.^i i11 i in ■' * » I ony |ump } 4 > Sji. ui « I U i ) • i • <;euri(e Oulu ulr \VSiJ m-h*. 4 ( u i IIP-Meter Hmdies ( I 14 Brum VVr u.;iit I ( I 14 Huh i. i, t \ i(» ll U 4 l • ms Pole \ .lull lii l . Sh ii \ 4 Ben HriiMtu ( < I .ihe\ V\ Si III l 400 Mi h is .1 1(1 4*» I IIM) Meters I*e ( itch, uh 4 Huh t.i-.i Shut Put .’(Ml Mrlrts 11 ijili* lump \! a M Sum-i. ! i 4 I 1-4 llmh jump lit . Mark Monh-.-mi .a U M IP , i I mill I luhfbi Ij M»* • astir, \\ all*Ml I ( I (. H • . t I) iv at Dtsuis Mi k Alia ■.laSSi.ulus i U lit I ! I whkr ( nfhnu I O r.M Ilk 4 i’«it11 Has si i *-» i i • (MMI Mrlrrs * ' i-4 J Hi.ul lliiils**-, I (I i -i \ . \p | lidU‘1 l ( ) I I 1«* (14 4 1*1 i.imi * ihim I O 11 1-0 * \likf kr.nm-i Si M4H (I I x 4(Ml K rliit i \ilain Hi nsii‘\ I )uhI ii'■ U i’lilt ( II! I IMIII S» INI'S I N A T II R A L F I B F R S O U A I. I T Y jCFOTH 1NG AFF( )RI)ABI.F IP R I C F S *• Banyan 'tree ! , s I ! ' I ! I I H 1 (I < ' ' | ||| s s it n «.! -i \ i i T Graphics son I 'll L 346 t Vi I CONVENIENT, F AST & Al I Ok’DAEfLE W ith aic professional de sign, typesetting and <. am era seniees ii i' II gu i' your Resumes Posters Ads Booklets Business Cards Brochures etc... a professional look ar a price that agrees u ith a student biulget. ★ MJNDCRIAND * GREAT FOR PART IF S AND BIRTHDAYS 5^|/inpn ALL GAMIS WORK £VIUtU WITHNICKEIS GAMES ADMISSION 1 SO STM STRUT fURLIC MARKf T tUGIRt • tt] 1464 V Sa\ lunnlln to standim* on thi• sidi'linus t>n April II vou have a i ham r to make a dittotomv m a wr \ unpoi lanl mm iisih institution vour own l t' hook-.toil I ear n inoiv about it n,i\ o us \ out opinions and obsi i \ at ions or stand out in tlv i tmvd In aniuvuin im* win nomination tor an important hoard position rv I" - l () HOOKS I'OKI \\\l \l Ml I I I \(. Wtui ih'mI.u . \piil 1 I ,il V.30 p.m. Room I vp ( , i I bri t I I a 11 Reports lium thu i/oi poi.iU oIIrii l omniums limn |mi W ilium-- C.uiu t.11 \l.units r (. 11mments hum mum In u s (sUuluntv l.n ull\ . .1 in I st.it I ol l imciMU ol Oi tv.un) \omuutions toi bo.u.l positions / hin- will hr it tier ihtiwin^ foi s2 > >.!)() worth ol lit) Kook>torr yift i n t if teuton tor oil tit trailer>. 01_ KUO BOOKSTORE I till .nut Kiiu .mi Ml. '(I t> I N i Sat 11) ( HI »i I It I IIiuii. !' • I I Expanding your choice of power. Madrid di llt\ \I.IUIHun! : Ik3 M.iuniiV'h IK Mucim* inIi Iks Announcing the Macintosh Ilfx. \i )M v. Hi have n»ire wavs!'. >exen en* y.>ur [> i\ht ' it chuiu' lk\auy; we just expanded y< >ur ;; na-(>t [KMcrtuI Maiinii-4; ’» >mputer> Inin niuong ihr Maani< idi llt\ V t1 • morahtfiz n •> ihe taxira Maanti idi mi lt> amazing speed makes evtry Mai intn work more ijuickh and eflioeniK \Xhuh nukes ppuliKtivin vurtonew levels \\ hat s m> nv »t> wmafkaNt- p< mer and enhancedrt-tponsivenes.x■ >[x-nihe«#: • an entire new world < >1 * »(hiiMk aied a{>|>ik utKHb ! ike ( M). ( \i if real 'inn- anmutut.> v hi haw plena of room !< ir expansx in i >t t iurv .ill mi xiuiar Mat ml >^h u anputer s\ Mi n's an- designed t< > up >\x ,il< mu w ith \ our needs—In rm tin' !V\it'ii- Mai ml' >sh Ilex '< > iht HTMtilf Maori!' ish llx lotiH- miglm M.ii ininsh Hu so xi> an suit with the level < i\\it \< iu need rx i\i \nd aiki extra metre-n [K-npliiTah and > inmumkatioriM arils a> v m need them I!«i»rm iirk'(lungOink'' 'tandard with even Mai iniD'lt the legem ian Mai inr >'h ea* - >t use lust pnni ami elkk and you II ukn lull advantage itihuuvirut' ■! Macint' Mi applkaliufts Hut all u >rk in the sank-, graphkullv intuitive wav I \crusc \our |*»\ut nf choice ltnJa> Slop h\ and ask f*>r a demonstration Special pfiuni.’ lor l ot U students LkiiIin .nivl stall Choose here. Microcomputer Support I.ah 202 Computin'; (’cntcr/M-F ‘)am-5pm 346-4402