Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1990, Image 1

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Historian speaks on I.K., Page 3
OSPIRti volunteer drive. Page 4
Skipper leads men's win. Page H
Women win two meets. Page t)
——Oregon Daily_ _
Muiui.n April ‘l 1'lMl)
l-lugenc. ( tri'umi
Volume ’ll. \mnhci II >
Party politics: Students and police seek accord
are rocked
B\ I)enise C lilton
I rnernld Assor i.itc t ditto
"It w,is |usl .1 partv an itmo
lent party Yeah. people were
drinking and sure the music
was loud but nohudv was
i arising anv trouble Some
were dancing. some were talk
mg. and some bad gone out
side There were probublv inn
t bere I a err thing u-e I me until
someone 1 umpfamed and lire
polu e came in
Sound tamiliai'' Hut this is
mi! an at t mint bom some par
t\ goer in lingerie who w.ts
around tor the Man h .1 I te.u
gas confrontation between stu
dents and police
It is an at t mint related hv a
student at the 1 im ersitv i >t
( (dorado Hmddei
1 .list !,ilI ( lift Diiiw iddle at
tended an ott t ampus partv
sponsored bv the Hlat k Student
Mliam e in Hciiihlet ( lanipus
and cilv polite olticers wen
called in to control the partv
and I Itnvviddie savs the ol 1 it ers
rent led w it ft too mut li fort e
[he pol it e s.iv tliev look a mod
elate approach
\ similar st ene look plat e
last lurie .it an on t ailipus pub
Phtilti In In* John-»4»M
Sludrnt < onliont.ilinns it ith fxilii r in n p.irh musr .mil .ih uhnl i iiii'.iinifitiiiii. \tn h .is Ihr im nlrnt lh.it tank /i/.n r .it I lilt 11 rnur
.mil Mill St rent M.in li II. Ii.n r s/i.ii krd i nntnn ri si .it i .iiii/iii srs .11 to ss Ihr 1 inintr\
ust‘<i on llit* ruvnk JOO students
in .1!11*n<litih t*
\i < urdin^ to 1 t Pat ( .moll
,il Herkelev s < amptis polit e
You have some community tusk ton es
formed, you have some forums, unci
everybody spouts off. Then it dic‘s down
und nothing gets solved.
(Hifi Din w iddic
at the I rm rrsih of ( 'allimma.
Berkeley ()ffic i*rs from both
tin- ( atnpus polii i- iiiui tin’ cit\
department i nine in to break up
a fight. ami from most ai ( mints
unnt'i essarv poll! e tune was
Inn r sludi'iil puli< i' tensions
.He .1 <<1111111011 |>1 <ililfiti >ii 11111
MTsilifs lli.it h.ivf .1 high tit
giff nl .1111\ ils |)nlitn .il .mil
1 it lift v< i«(. .ind fspei lally |.i! I
si.ilf mm fisilifs.
It Ihiv new string <>t pnlit e
student ennlrontat ion ‘Mis
s!\ Ie. is indeed .1 11 * * f i« i I hr
ij tics (in i! thru he< miirs Iiuv\ In
deal with tin* inevitable i lash
liVi-c author! t\ and how to mi
prove uiiivi'imU -c onimunitv re
I«ilurns after .1 i ollision on urs
I lore s hi »w Hei kelev and
liouhier are dealmt* with thru
party politic s
t he ine\ itahle task toi< e
"The tost step in an\ situa
tion like this is In i reate the in
evitable t.isk torn* said ha\
I tow ie vit e « hanc el Ini lor a< a
demies at Houldei Howie said
tht* I -mversitv s c ommimiH ie
latinos task tone v\hich has
Turn to Parties, Pam* ">
Haggerty highlights Law Day
By Peter Cogswell
Emerald Reporter
While il would he nice to have minority
hn\ professors, it's not oei essarv ac<ording to
( irc nit court judge and former l'Diversity foot
hall player A mart Haggerty. keynote speaker,
for the law school's Minority Law Day Satnr
"It is important that you learn.’ Haggerty
said "Black or white does not matter as long
as voti learn."
Haggerty addressed questions he had
overheard people ask at workshops held
throughout the day and then gave advice
based on his exponent es in law si hooj
Haggerty began b\ encouraging minorities
torn between entering lav\ sr hool or 'mod it ai
si hool to enter medical si hool
As much as we need minmily attorneys
Yon (.in get into anv law m hool um want it
you have <i medical degree
Haggerlv i'ii( omagfid students wound
about tin* I SA I .1 tost law students must lake
hetore entering law school! to t«»k«■ (he lest anil
proceed u it it their livc>
"Most minoritv people will generally get
,1 lower store In said Don't sweat it; that's
vour score Proceed
llaggertv also told people with medium
grades to get on with 1! lie said people do
wake up in their academic careers as did he
during spring lei in of his senior year at Ore
Ihiggerl\ served in the Marines tor three
vein s and was .i decorated soldier in the Viet
n.itit 'A at U Idle in the Marines, he tier ided lie
wanted to be a tawvei and liegan to look at law
()ni e a person is admitted to law si hool. it
lorn to lavs. Page 7
Fraternities won't seek
return of keg functions
Rv ( atherine Hawlev
I me raid \ssn< iale I dilor
Hu- Ir11«• 111,«11*re 1 iI\ ( '.hiin il I-,
opposed In hlingilu; li.u k keg
parties .it glee k houses. It
membets .iiinoiin) ed 1 rid.iv
\ 1111 < > 11 11 last W.'.'k \Sl ( )
President Audi (dark suggest
t'd . 1111»vv 11154 gri'i'k houses In
host k. n parlies might I..- ini.'
wav lu provide sludi'iils with a
sain phi! r lu drink and sm lal
i/e tralernitv presidents are
mil u illiug lu i hange tin- mi
keg pnlirv thev adopted tlirrr
Vi'.irs ami said turn Ohrrhtn'.
Il . pi esident
(oven tin1 Ivpi' nl environ
mi'iit we air working Inward it
is mil ai i rptalilr In bring liai k
kegs nr opi'ii up till' tlaternities
lu till- | ■ it 111 n ()l >*• rli m ■ said
1 ratiTiiilii's' legal liabilitv Ini
till- lii'li,i\ inr nl I lii'ir drinking
guests has strengthened thi'il
uppusitiun tu upi'ii keg |iarims
( tlii-rhui' addl'd
I.inhilitv has !»«•< min' a si'fi
mis issue ' he said I lie c hap
lers an- being title! Iiv their na
tiim.il organizations insurant e
companies and alumni Innards
nut tu use kegs and nut tu use
house funds tin the purr hast' ul
ah ulinl
I low evei ( lark said greek
liusted keg p.lilies would he
uiilv a small part ut am so
lution to the ongoing strife hi'
tween students and polite tol
lowing the tunable dislrand
nient of i(Hl people at an ott
i arnpus part\ March t!
It's ,i h.inik .1 solution (in
list'll ).' i I,nk said I u i mid
like In see it i<'111.11ii .in up
(lull We ve legislated mil .1
lit! ill upturns th.it ni-i'il In lie in
pi.n nl
I 1,11 k s.1111 Ilf w i ill Id 11 ki• In
set- greek houses ilei itle till
IlifinseIves whether tliev waul
In hii\f kip,irlifs rather III.in
■ihnle Its .1 pulii v iinposeil b\
(lie I niveisits .i(lniinisli,ili(Mi
i i.ilernittes shutihl h.ive the
right .uni the ri-spi nisi! 11111 \ In
i house then ntt n polii \ nil p.n
ties ,ui(i nil all uhnl Use he
s.i ul
Though It . ilnesn I want In
i li.inge 11s .i Ii i iliul pul ii v il is
willing In work with the
ASt't) the .iilrninistr.ilinn .mil
students In find .i u.iv lm slu
dents In drink icspnusiblv .uni
p.irt\ w 111111111 i uulrunl.ilinns
w ith the polii e I therhue s.iid
"H e w .ml In he .1 part ul the
solution hul we don't waul to
gi i h.u k In the w ,i\ il w ,is
( Iherluif said
rile expel ieili e greek leadeis
have gained in the Iasi three
vears hv entun mg and later
strengthening then all uhnl
pnlli V would he heIptlll III de
signing a polir \ tor nun greek
parties I therhue said allhuugh
he believes utf-i alripus parlies
w ill he imu h harder In regu
)etl Partridge II sor i.d puli
i.\ i hail. said that more on
campus events should lie avail
Turn to kegs, Page