_Encore!_ Play unfolds tale of jealous friends CAKKKR SI.MIWR l:FINANCIAL PLAVM.Vi Th«? (Career of tin; ‘Ml’s JDS A meric an Kv press 1m can of In vn ■ < areer m v\ hit h you ran use your sut i I’ssftii business expenew e «md < nlle^e educ atinn t )ur Personal l inanc i.il Planners serve « s with .1 wmetv of invest merit prod tic ts and lirtam ia! planning sen ic es \ttemf our career onentatmh seminar It could In* the tn-sf invest merit you'll evef make IDS Financial Sen. kcs Inc. IM.n Sludrnt I niun ( rd it i ( it ltd I) I )«tIf* \ |»r 11 10 10M0 I mu1 1 (Ml anti f» id j»m I nr Ki'st'r\ alums ( all ( .it mllr 4(14-2444 ,r, M CARE TO BE R MEMBER OF THE COST? PROGRAM ASSISTANT U of 0 Residence Rolls f R*c*ivf room a*j >> / towd m a molhple oi \ I corTV>triit>t »w\ fVel J V people ond hove J \. fm, lool y y^Prod-xf d*rtcl / taxational and I culture! prvyremi \ in U of 0 i Re licence Kails S Need to know more? Come to an informational meeting in the Carson Gold Room, Tuesday, April 10, 4:00 p.m. Applications Available At C• rlun, Hamilton And University Inn A/e A Desks And University Housing, Walton Hall APPLICATION DEADLINE: ( P.M MONDAY. APRIL » AT WALTON MALL G- »f r j:ly Hooliftfl ij I0/AA iMtilvtiOn committee to «*!(-• «' C *e : British 'Benefactors' opens tonight Bv l .iv ru‘ I akofish I n< ore Reporter Aren.i Theatie opens tin- tourth ot its In. pi.ns this season Wednesday night .it H with /fene/ac - tors writtentn Mu.haul Iravn \iidilioiial peiloriti.iiu es .ire sc heduled for April 1J 11 and in .M. all perfonnances begin .it IS p III Hrni'liit tor* whic h features the talents ol lour performers follows the lives of two emiples who are loon I line friends ()ne of the i harm tcrs. < olin. sets out to destroy the i areer of l),n id. an up and-t inning yuppie ar i Intel t In destroying one of Ins projet ts To complicate the plot, (adln’s wile Sheila dei ides to go to work lor liavid and ends up toll mg in love u ith him Ihis is a story ol jealousy and opposition and benefai lion said duel tor Nam V heating 1 he i Inline ters have to dec ide when helping is n< Inal ly helping and when not helping is helping I he play also deals \y ith the ideas ol i o clepeii demy and giving i are and receiving can' said heating ‘‘Jane David’s cs lie is always helping every one " heating said She’s almost a niartyi with mil knowing it lull in the 1-11(1 she tomes In ,i re ali/.ation and gels her life bat h Tlie fniii i .ist itiemhers and many ( rcu mem bers have been prat lit mg tor six weeks and ke.il mg said the pla\ has i nine a long wav "When von hrst read the pla\ it seems verv wnrtlv ver\ l.nglish. hut the east and 1 have had the best time finding more and more and more in the pla\ explained Keating Its a verv tom pies play ami it's very ( lever in the things it ties together In /feoe/.ittors actors spe.ik diret 11 \ to the au dience in monologue form It) wars aftei the events tlesi ribeti took plat e The actors and at tresses present their monologues then go hat k and perform the e\cuts "It’s verv i inematit . it flows verv quit kh and it's punctuated hv the monologues." Keating said Although the plot tells of friends torn apart, it ends on a somewhat good note ' The ending is a little bit up, Keating explained "All the t burnt lets end up a little hit better off and ihcv all tome to an understanding One of the good things about the pla\ "is that it allows eat h t harm ter to go through t flanges." she said l’lie tangled plot of /fene/at tors promises to en tertain audit-in es " I his is a funnv plav Keating is known lor his funnv stuff so people will he entertained . " Keating explained "Hut it will also leave them thinking and mavbe seeing some of themselves I he\ will he amusingly ilhiminat ed " Uk! v/,( it A Tom’s £Tea Houses Restaurant ^ SZECHUAN/ HUNAN SEAFOOD DAILY SPECIALS H8 \V. 7th Av t-\ We Buy Quality • Stereo equipment • Video recorders • PA amps & mixers • Portable color tv's lust J blocks Iron i atnpus Stereo Workshop 1621 F mih 344 3212 M l 9-6, S«it 10-2 __/ LENNY KRAVITZ JB RULE \ IR(.I\ RI-CORDS C»KI AT NEW ARTISTS - GREAT PRIC ES REMEMBER - ASK ABOUT OUR BONUS CARD THE JESUS AND MARY CHAIN Automatic Featuring: Blues From A Gun WARNER BROS. 1 \W \ IT WORKS C A NEW \ & ^ USED ALSO ONLY $11.88: l B4II I ABOR Of IOVI I HI Bl IOVU) HAPPIMSS |AM ( Hll!) |\\f ( HUD inn MICiM 1 Bl CIAMS HOOD (HRI'RIA I HI ROAD TO Hill EUGENE S BEST AND ONLY C OMPAC T DISC STORE 2100 W. 11th 683-6902 ■\t russ From Waremjrt School UNNamr of okoon of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave APRILLEFOOLE CONCERT Faculty Artist Series Music laculty in a special program ol musical hijinks Fri., April 6 8 p.m. $4 General Admission $2 Students / Senior Citizens "BABAR AND BEARS" Children's Concert Series Youngsters meet the 'giants’ ol the orchestra Sat., April 7 10:30 a.m. S3 Adults. $2 Children, or $5 tor a Family ELECTRO METAMORPHOSIS Live Computer Music Guest Artists Sunday, April 8 8 p.m. $4 General Admission $2 Students / Senior Citizens EMERSON QUARTET Chamber Music Series Music by Haydn. Beethoven and Hindemith Thurs., April 12 8 p.m. Reserved Seats $5 50 to $13 50 Students $5, $3 For more information, call: 346-3761 (Music School)