TRY out* HAbP V Ml AR T PQPCQR* PQPPtO IN C APtOiA OK Thj Hf A l TRY C HCMCl' ^ Y '*/(, ’00 » 10 • W> Mi1 4 4*rg -vv a *»• r «# a? ■' ■W -»»»• r*a 0/W«ri t*r#f <■*•*•< poaM #»«} p* w* IJ ^MF LEFT FOOT OMf WU* OHI f'”' ^ AIBI HT HNNI V • SUSANNAH YORK I Winner 4 0%< *f• including B**t Pi (tun* I r M.Hl l*M«' fW)S rmwv Af'Mli} to '■ ft., ADULTS ONLv' am tst 0 0 7 f; N CK/ST1M »♦.*< ( WAN UirTHCWIMOOfRK nothirtg hk« a good robb+iy to L FAMILY Mi BUSINESS] The EMI Cultural Forum and the African-American Drama (ompam Present: “Oi/i / Spcnk For You Brother?" a dramatic performance portra>ing Martin Luther, Malcom \, W.K.B. DuBois, and other American Leaders. EMU BALLROOM Monday, April 9, Spin Student**: $2.50 (iiMHTuI I ’ll 1)1 it: $4.00 KA! KAPPA DELTA SORORITY IS COMING TO UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Rush Registration: April 5 19, 1990 Register in EMU Lobby by the Fishbowl Rush: April 20-22, 1990 ( or more information call ext .'>888 Faculty plans Aprille Foote show MUSIC Friday April 6 18th annual Aprille Foole concert h-atur mq i delightfully irreverent fist lays ot mu',i .1! foolery by University faculty and friends will be in Beall Con: ert Hall to night at 8 Tickets are $4 'or general ad iTuv.i'in and S2 tor students and seniors Bruce Carroll w *(>;••• ir in erf at the f urj"' ■ f:.-nth 1 Center tonight a' 7 30 pm T■ k»-1 ,tr. $ t m .advance md S4 at the Saturday April 7 Seventh Annual Gospel Extravaganza tic at St Alice Catholu church. 1520 F St m Sj nuqfieid. at 7 p m tonight Admission _(Calendar_ is S7 50 at the door and S6 50 in advance For more information. < all 687 8489 Babar and Bears is the title of a Children s Concert Series program, beginning at 10 30 am in the Beall Concert Hall Tick ots are S3 for adults and $2 for children, or $5 for a family Sunday April 8 International Night sponsored by the In temational Student Association will be celebrated tonight in the EMU Ballroom beginning at 5 pm A 10-course interna tional buffet will be served followed by an exhibition of international art and an even mg of cultural performances Tickets are on sale at the EMU Main Desk at $6 for students ant) $8 for the general public Electro Metamorphosis will perform in Beall Concert Hall tonight 8 Tickets are $4 for general admission and $2 for students and seniors Monday. April 9 Eugene Symphonic Band will present a concert in Beall Concert Hall at 8 tonight Tickets are $6 for family. S3 for adults and $1 foi students Thursday April 12 Emerson Quartet will perform a Chamber Music Series concert at 8 in the Beall Con cert Hall tonight Tickets are $5 50 to $13 50 and are available in advance at the Hull Center Student tickets are from $3 to $5 THEATER PERFORMING ARTS Monday April 9 Can I Speak For You Brother9 an Atm an American Drama Company of California presentation, will be hosted by the EMU Cultural Forum in the EMU Ballroom to night at 8 Tickets, available at the EMU Mam Desk are priced at $2 50 for students and ST for general public VISUAL ARTS Prints and Sculptures t . two University students Teresa Kersey and John Morris will be on display from April 9 to 13 in Gal lory 141 A public reception will be held tor the artists from 7 to 9 in the gallery Mon day evening Obsessive-Retentive is the title of the ex hibit currently in the EMU Gallery The ex hibit consists of individual collections, many of which are obsessions ranging from Smurfs to Doris Day albums. The ex hibit will run through April 13 Ashen Beauty: Wood Fired Ceramics, an exhibit of contemporary ceramics by 10 nationally known artists, will be on display in the Museum ol Art. 1430 Johnson Lane from April 8 to June 3 Paintings. drawings, mixed media sculp lure, fabric work and photography by four Northwestern artists will be shown at the Maude Kerns Art Center from April 6 to May 13 The opening reception, featuring music and hors d'oeuvres. is Friday, April 6 form 79 p m Paintings and Drawings by Richard Quig ley will be at the Jacobs Gallery from Apr 1 to 30 The gallery will host a reception on Apr 1 from 3 to 5 p m Computers and the Creative Process is an exhibit of computer capabilities of acting as artist's tools and will be on display from March 8 through May 6 in the Univer sity Museum of Art Galleries 1C and ID Ritual and Regalia is the title of an exhibit featuring the costumes, music and tribal costumes of the Mardi Gras Black Indians of New Orleans It will be on display through Apr 15, in the Lobby of the Uni versity's Museum of Natural History, 1680 E 15th Ave. Dennis Cunningham will exhibit his work at LCC's Art Department Gallery through April 20 Cunningham will give a talk about his work on April 4 at 1 pm in the Art De partment Gallery The event is sponsored by the ASLCC and the public is invited to attend I DOUBLE TEE PRESENTS SANTANA : APRIL 16# 8 P.M. s HULT CENTER TIX $19.50 I CARlOl 1 AN TAI i C Ml*T| R THOmPJ ARMANDO PIRA & l N N Y R l I T V l WAlfRIDO R £ Y AlCX LICtRTWO 1 PROOllCED BY DOUBLE TEE AND BILL GRAHAM 1 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ALL HULT CENTER OUTLETS \ MULTIPLE CHOICE .L d \ 'S3 ■ ;: I -h < &K __1 \ cl-- .> HINT: Find the answer at SunShower! SPRING IS HERE: SHORTS! BODY LANGUAGE!! TAN LINES!!! Bnng in fns ad and receive ' 2 FREE tans of a FREE movie ticket1 "(With minimum purchaso ot 10 tans not valid with any other coupon otter) i »j •• A; . - • SunShower 874 E. 13th Sl ' (By Kinko $) 485 232* -Encore!_ \lvster\ I'rain. ,i trio <>l storirs h\ ilirrt tor /ini l.inmist h. is ,is nun li .1 1 omnwnt.m on \nwrii .111 1 niton• os it is .1 /id iilinrh vnti'rt.iiniin; film. Opus observes Memphis legend By Thomas Provvell E mcrald Editor I'liiMi- s .1 great moment m V/vs/en li.iin, thf new film In <11111k\ mini in.ili.--l director |im jarmusi h when .1 hotel 1 lerk asks wlicit Kl\ is Presley would Ii.ivi- weighed on Jupiter At thr tunt' ol his death," an swers thr helpful bellboy "Klvis would have weighed <>4H pounds 011 lupiter The hotel clerk is suitably astonished It s that sense ol astonishment and liisemation with Klvis that in forms Mvsten I'niin and makes it one ol the most 1 (impelling odd little films oi the vent lor those not familiar with larmust Ids singular work, the movie is a worthwhile venture For those who are it's a great return to form lor a gifted director who's been absent since Ins underappreciated Don 11 In /.an came out in 1‘IHt. Actually, Mvster\ train could have gist as easily been called Mem pins .Varies, because similar to <1 re cent Scorscese I )el.aurentiis Allen opus the film tells three short stones set in one 1 it\ tailde .Veu Fork Stories. this film's three tales are thematically bound together In \/i sfen Train, the present e of Klvis and the motif of file foreignei in America lav down the trat ks lor the inov ie's run The first sioiv I .11 I'inm Yokoha mil is I lie best of tile lot Its .1 slyly linin', j>i«•( 1 • about Inn ■< 1 ui Mitsukn iMasatoshi Yagase and N imk 1 Kndoh). .1 pair ol teen ago lapanese ton lists on their wav to (inn eland (In thr wav . they iit t 1 ool show oil tain \ wavs to light 1 igarettes anil ar gui' about who was better. 1 hi- king or (birl Perkins They vv.nuli'i around Memphis, look at boarded up store fronts and visit Sun Studios, where the carlv rot kahillv greats rei ortietl Through it all tliev 1 oiument about America and its pet uliar 1 ulture vv itfi strange observations "Yokohama looks |usl like Mem phis," |un dei ules looking over the 1 11v skv line It vou knocked down (>!) percent ol the buildings in Yoko hama. it would look like this The wide eyed wonderment ol the foreign observer is a familiar larmust h theme best illustrated in the i ny Strange/ I' I'.mithsi (l‘JM4| The unllini hing hut ultimate ly loving tone ol I at I null 'l okoha ma equals the best ol larmusi h s previous work \/t xferi Tr.iin does lose inmiiiiii turn alter this great lost story The next two stories both continue with strangers 111 a stiange land, hut to less sill i ess The middle piece \ (.host tol lows .111 It.ill,111 wlllou i \ H nil'll,i Hi.isi ln) ulm Is visited by ihi' da/ed ghost nl Presley li s i uli' lull nut .is i'Vix alive .is ihi' pni oiling story ■Unit's moil' III,in i .111 lii' s.iitl Ini 1 .nsl in Spa< e I hi' I irosome i I grictlo nl .111 I nghsh Insi'i mi kn,mu'll I'lvis |)nr Strummer ami Vi's In* pi,i\ i'i) tin ihi' ( lash! mil Ins two hud dins | Steve liustcemi K k k . \ v 111 ■ s) who spend a night spilling blond and had all iihnl The biggest disappointment nl "Lost m Span e is Its pil'd It I .till Ills something that's delinilelv not a hall mark ot larmusi h t i I ms lie did a bet ter |ob treating the story of outlaws on the run m Ihmn In I an The three storylines eventually merge at the site ol the A Trade Hotel, an open all night rundown hovel managed by Si reamin' |av Hawkins and a sleepy bellboy Hawkins, the blues sillgel is some soil III idol ol Jarmusch's (veteran tans no doubt if member I Put a Spell on You from St;,mgr; I' I’.ir.nhsr and the Intel hides involv mg him are yvomlertul There's mm h else to i oininend \l\slrr\ Tnnn including (emeus by musK iaus linn Waits and Kuhts I homes a hip soundtrai k and i mu pelting cinematography' that informs every scene with the sense of loneli ness and longing soinehoyv endemii to tlie groyy mg Llv is legend WO*ll >OII (uni lliiii”s around. CLASSES EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY 6:15-7 15 p m Conveniently Located at The Wesley Center (Next to U of 0 Bookstorei 1236 Kincaid Linda Eisenmann. Instructor 343 2943 * AMNDCPIAWP * GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTNOAVS 5-uinrn allgameswork Vf,UCU WlTHNlCKtLS GAMES ADMISSION 1 so 5TH STREET PU»UC MARKET • EUGERE • 613 <464 •„< PEACOCK* * TAVERN ~ 745 8522 • 125 S.W. 2nd Corvallis Live hiitic IHE CONTINENTALS!!! Fri. April 6 & S;it. Apiil 7 WEDNESDAY NIGHT BLUES JAM!! April 11 11 i sim Nl( .11 I A Bcviii: \M I > NU.II I Santa Cfu/ A Ik'crig I III KM> \\ NK.II I I $495 I KID \> Ml .11 I N \ I A M s Ml ill I *s|i .lk, I [|ls \ S.llilll Dis< 0\ I K C II OK \l Ik Ml 11 R S M \\ on IONS I OK Ml N IN ( OMIOKI Mill N \l I KM IIHKI ( lOIllINO IKOM \KOt M) llll MORI I) I Sill 1 IKMtl I’KOIM i IN I OK Ml t.lOHI I KOI II KN \M> I MOI I I OIK \K I I’ll ( IS 3 III si I'l HI It \l \KKI I DOWNS! MRS «»H l 1 1 > I JANE GOODALL Tuesday, April 10 7:30pm, Unit Center One Jul) 14, l‘M). Jane (iif (minute fof S*. uroir, l-rg.n.-rnn* 4nd l*uhti*. |H»1k y ( i* *«l b> Kl i ( 1 M |Hmi!aiv4 Sutr t mvrrvity ( '« >mutn I dt»« ain»i, Die W*ng«Twr lioaip, < \, aim r»l ( > «: puling Institute and < )rr g.*i |\ibl.« linudi AMag S|a‘ti«l thank* t<> the I ugenr I L . *1 EMU CULTURAL FORUM PRESENTS HOT TUNA ACOUSTIC Featuring Jack Casady € Jorrna Kaukonen of Jefferson Airplane with special guest Peter Kaukonen Friday April 13, 8 pm Eugene Hilton, Playwright’s Hall $9.00 U of O Student $ 1 1.00 General Tickets available: I MG Main Desk I ace the Music CD World Record Garden