Music classes offer rock, world beat to all fans and scholars B\ I av ne I ukeiish I iu ore Reporter I'm .ill those rnusii loving students who would r,idler not turn oft their stereos or remove their earphones before heading to i hiss, the Cniversih otters three alternatives world popu hir nuisii and ,i pair ot nx k his torv i lasses These three i red it rnusii si hool i lasses are taught even term !>\ I)r Paul I- riedlnnder .1 former rock performer The world popular rnusii 1 lass, .1 new i lass, fix uses on reggae, salsa. Afrit an. Indian. Soviet. Kuropean and Chinese rnusii The Historv ot Hoi k Musii 1 coni entrales on the blues. Id vis. Chuck Bern Buddv llollv Ihe Rolling Stones, the Beal les and Idle W ho The 11 istoi \ ot K01 k Musii il moves on to musii from the tills to the HOs including punk. new musii I)ydan. I lendrix S.iii I rani isi o sounds, soul and Motown There is a $'ri fee to enroll in t'.ii I) nt those (1,ismvs I'hi■ \ ve alvviivs been self supporting ( hisses.' I rind lander ex AW started the (lasses ill s.ud tried landei who Is one of I lie few roi k si hol.irs m the countrv After hai mi; tieen on the ro.ul .is ,i rot k nuisii inn and Ini er earning Ins master's degree Irom (lolumhia l niversiti lie dei ided to i ombme rnusii and teai lung and develop a t turn u him in roi k music hislori at the I niversitv Hie i lasses are taught on two lei els music al and si u ietal "The i lasses are a ehronolog leal overview ot roi k starting w 1111 an old hlai k man on a hue k pore h in Mississippi sing mg the blues, to David Hvrne to tomorrow s music Hut the classes also otter an interdisi iplinarv perspei live where we not orilv talk about the text ot the music . hut (we) also talk about how it Ids into the soi ml context. " 1 i its I lander said Spend an evening out on the town! BJ's Restaurant & Lounge is the perfect place to treat yourself to a delicious dinner out on the town. Select from a variety of entrees, moder ately priced from $8.95 to $15.95. Bring this ad in for 20% off any entree or lounge appetizer. Restaurant & Lounge 44 E. 7th Downtown 342-6869 >’hiilu h> \mtrr K.iim-ti Dr. I’.ml IririlLindrr .1 form or musii prrfortnrr. u ill tr.nh thrrr mnrsrs in musii this trim Inn nl thrin nn thr histor\ ot mi l\ You h.i\ c lii liink .1! this mu si< m its soi ietal 1 nntext he added "You 1 ant t .i k < • link out ot its politic .il ami 1 ulltiral surroundings l’hese 1 lasses am unii|tie on 1 ani|ius ami throughout the Northwest. lint tln v arr impor tail! Music has always pleved an important part in people's Iivi's anil llmst' i.lasses otter sin limits a chance to stmls some thing tlie\ have always heen exposed to "Rock has heen the most ini portant 1 11lt111.1l element in the last t i vears it has been the soumitrai k of our lives." I rieil hinder said The i lass strut lure itself is sort of a t . 11 < h .ill I I * *c tore ur listrn to inusu ilis< uss watt h \ nlros. hold sin.ill ^loup «11s« nssions and talk hkr a srm mar i lass r\ rn though thru1 an* 40 to »0 students. hr said ( lass grading is hasrd on an exam. a paper and < lass partn i pation "I drmand stn drnts hr at h\ r partn Irirdlandn said "It's hkr u liat I hr BratIrs said. I hr ( lass yon takr is thr « lass yon inakr ' l liis is a \ arird approai h and it's thr widest wa\ to trac h thr subjrt t hr explained "Students hr^in to rrai h drrp n into understand ing tin- inn Sll \s y\ ill) ,i11 ( lasses there i always something makes teni lung llif i lass i*ii|i> ,1 Hi I well as I in 11( ill I llg i l.iss silt I t'SS I nril l,inili'i said ilia! tills Iiinnt i iuni's win'll tlir slu drills stall .ii ting likr lllrv re studi'iits in tlir lids instrad ul students in tlir ‘Ills and tIlfV stall aggressively challenging tlir ideas as opposed to bring spoon fed tlir inferillation All ihrrr i lassrs of In Inis rr s11\ studriits tlir opportunity to study a subjri t that easily and nalurallv i ombinrs education and entrrbiininrnt lor more information i all tlir Si bool ol \liisn at t it. l/t. I £ FXfllSFS NOT TO GO THROUGH RUSH $5: "Being Greek just isn't for me." Ok, Ok. That's a pretty good one. Maybe there really isn’t anything in it for you. You won’t make any friends. You won’t gain any leadership experience. You probably won't be able to start making important contacts for your professional career. And don’t even consider making some of the best years of your life even better. Yep—there’s definitely nothing for anybody. There’s also some first rate beach front property in Kansas you might be interested in. FRATERNITY RUSH NOW, YOU’RE GOING PLACES April 913 Sign up by 5pm Today in Suite 5, EMU