00 feet of the Willamette River oil l'diversity-owned or I m versit v-iii.magod property • Campus Kadio This me.is ore asks students to provide S-f"S,!)(>() in funding to start up .1 J. < hour radio station KRMA would operate in c onjuiu I ion w ith the other I 'Diversity spoil sored radio stilt ion. Is WAX • Counseling Center St 11 dents would provide the (nun soling Center with S • > nun t<> pa\ Im a full-time stall ps\ < hnlogist and more part time 1 ounselors • ()SI’IK(. The student di rected consumei interest group is asking students to re aft inn their support foi the f !niversit\ t haptei and also for an 1 I per 1 out im rouse in funding, bring mg the total of im idental lee funding to $ 1 11 .Don • I Ml Child Care and Devel opment (Tiller The 1 eiitet is asking tor a S-H!.1)110 im lease in funding to pas for stale man dated w age im leases Come question the candidates at Bubba’s... Steve Maples and Diane Cushman will be there from 3:30-5:00pm Sunday. I*.ml lot l»\ Students lot M.ipUs \ ( tishin.in Saturday Market Opening Day at the Park Blocks Run R«Hy Roc* Agamtt Apartheid Awarcs Bop Girt Goes Calypso Clair Coiner Sandunga U ol O Vocal Jazz Ensemble Shumba Loc*»i Cratt* G'*al Eood L'vtt £nterr*«nm«ni 10*rv tit Spm RAIN OR SmiNE 8th & Oa* We're back! were ready to welcome you with open hands Hand made crafts hand prepared foods, and hand-clapping entertainment awa1! you and your friends Make Saturday your day Visit the artisans at our hand made, home grown original, Eugene's own Saturday Market s a t • A P R I L 7 t h