April 1-7 Como see us in our new location in the 5th Street Public Market. Visitors trom Birkenstock USA Friday & Saturday, April 6 & 7, 11 00 a m 4 00 p m Preview New Styles • Black patent collection • ( xquisite line • f |m-.ir .il I htirsdav night's budget hearing or turn m burig els to (he \St () I vei illive Amerit .in Institute of An hi lei lure Students Dig I ime I’n _IK Notes_ elr\ I healer International Studies Assiii ration Toiei nm rniinii alums and I- dm Associa tion. lire YNICA Hig Hrolh er Hig Sister program and I of I) Sung and Dam e laded to ap pear at last night's or previous budget hearings \tiirenv er Hig I ime I’oetrv I heater. ISA H I A and VMI A llrg lirother lhg Sister program also tailed to submit budgets loi four months Hennion said We’ve made everv etfnrt to i ontar t them II I member ( had Hennion said I mv sell llav e left Uv o letters III eat II ot THE SPRING GOLD RUSH IS ON! *75 $50 *25 OFF OFF OFF 18K 1AK 10K Order your college ring NOW. .!()STENS APRIL 4, 5, 6 10 A.M.-3 P.M. Order Your Ring Now To Receive It By Graduation! • $30 00 DEPOSIT REQUIRED • MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED UO Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7 30-5 30 SAT 10 00 5 00 346 4331 llwir boxes rile letters ij.ilt* Iroin Mar ill ,iiul \pr 1 informing them about the meeting limes ,m(i i orre( t inns Herndon said I In■ hist lime i ga\ e them lei ters was In inlurm them aboil! upcoming meetings lie add ed I iowever the i ummillee .unanimously voted that AIAS. Hig I'ime ISA II I A and YU< CA pros nie lot the physic al and i ullural development (it students Although the groups now \\ ill not rei eive II I hinds tor next year thev have the up peals process to go through. Hennion said We would real ly like an explanation as to why thev weren’t here In addition, ttic II I' unani mously voted to send a budget note to the I Constitution I ,'ourt threatening a percent cut in stipend tees il the court tailed to lultill its requirement to turn in its budget and attend a budg et meeting I he (Constitution (Court vvhii h also laded to appear al Let night’s meeting 01 submit a budget. I'e< eived a Si .'IV alio i ation based on 1'iHM on cxpen dittoes from .1 thr 1'lHu no budget ut $t ,-lH'i The i mirl which rules on ASt() rules and the ASt () C 'oust it ut ion. Ii.nl to he funded hei . 1 use it handles ballot is sues. ASt •() Kxecutive I in.line (toordiriator Tr.11 \ \,iber s.ml ' W e c an t enforce it but the next committee 1 an," lit member (ill.id Hennion said In other business. The (inn mittee lor Musical Arts re ceived $4,075 for the 1‘i'KlUl budget season, a t 1 percent decrease over last year's alloc a lion of $4,825. Student Campaign tor Disar liniment received $4.tit)") for the 1 *t‘)()-‘»1 budget season, a $40 dec lease from last \ ear's alloc a lion Muslim Student Assoc iation received $4.1 111 tor the lOttO-’l 1 budget season, a 2.7a pen cut inc rease over last year's alloc a tion ol $4.00(1. I lance (liegon. .1 student run cultural organization, received $4 I ‘Ut lor the lODO-'ll budget season, unchanged Iron) last veal s al loc al ion OPEN 24 HOURS Kinko's Copies • Binding • Laser Design • Gourmet Espresso • Coffee 860 E. 13th 344-7894 44 W. 10th 344-3555 S M O K I II O U S I Now Open FOR LUNCH Weekdays at I 1:30 am $loo OFF ANY SANDWICH * Smoked Barbeque Chicken * Smoked Koast Turkey Breast * Smoked Salmon * Super Veggie * Meat Eater Of fer Good Thru 4-1 2-90 1 4th Si Alder 344-447 1 <790 E. I 4th)