Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Commission approves protocol
Student group opposes use of macaques
B\ Peter ( ogswell
f mcrald Reporter
And tin m.ii atjue rnonkev
i ontrm ersv i ages on
The rei cut dei ision ot the In
stitutional Animal t .ire .uni
I 'se i nmmission to approve the
protoi ill ol I )r Ri< hard
Marmot n. which involves the
use ot macaque monkeys has
left some people i ryitig tout
I Aider federal law the I \t 1 t
must ret iet\ .mil approv e all
animal research that is si lied
lileil to take plat e at the t ill
\ ersitv
At ( ording to the protocol
the rnonkev s will he used ill
neurologit al resean h dealing
with the brain's s\ stems lor se
lei linn and i out enUnting upon
The i ontrm erst ot initiates
Irom the use oi the rnonkev s tor
resean h purposes and u bethel
the I At I ( violated ( begun s
publit meetings law when ap
proving the protoi ol
The I At I ( t\ as not open
I reidbei,ilsn r.tised the
qurslitm ut whether M.irnnio
is qiirtliiifd enmi«h In work
with the inonktw s .is w ell .is
ti’i’l lie is mrdit .ilk qu.ilitinl lii
work. with thi'si1 mimkms until
hi' ri'it'ni’s IicIIit training
I n-iilhiTg s.utl
As a colleague, I feel Dr. Marrocco is
wonderfully qualified. He's an expert. The
propaganda from SKTA is just that.'
— Charles Rimniel
uhi'llici llti’ l.\( I ( took the
animals rights question serious
l\ enough
M.irrtx i o u ,is 'll i used of
negligent e Ilt.it contributed In
(In' ilisitli "I two monkeys mi
der Ins i iinfiol rln- i barges
ivi'ii' in,nli' during criminal
priii eedmg stemming hum the
]<mii break m ol I mversitv ,1111
Ill'll t.ll il It It's
M.irioi 1 11 could not In'
re, 11 (mil tin comment
''I ,1111 ilis.ippoinli'il ivith flit'
ili'i isimi bet ause 111 lit’til ' 'I I li
Marroci 0 s past work I don't
7 am disappointed with the decision,
because in light of Dr. Marrocco’s past
work I don 7 feel he is medically qualified
to work with these monkeys until he
receives better training.'
)ill Freidburg
enough said |ill I reidberg ol
Student toi the 1 thit al I real
merit ol Animal;. Illt'V
wouldn't allow anyone from
SKI \ to ievleu the pnitotol
before tiles met
The 1 Al I ( met o\er spring
break to approve the proioi ol
\t tile meeting the I At \ ( went
into an eveiutise session, and
1 reidberg questioned the legal
Its ot this ai lion
1 hes went into an ever u
live session a! a time when we
are not sure (lies ss ere able to,
she said riles let us see the
prutnt ol after it was approved
but it A too late
( dial les kimmel. 1 Al.! (
chairman. defended the e\e< ti
live session tis saying the tom
mittee met in private only be
i ause it had to discuss secret is
sues of the piotoi ol that were
not ten pubhi know ledge
"We voted in puhlit Kim
mel said Ur go into csei u
I is e sessions to go ovei things
that are secret W e i (insider
ss hat vse tail, such as general
i are ol the animals in puhlit
i teel the 1 At I ( is not !.ik
il1g tills Issue si'IHiuslv enough
.mil lint Ink i Hi; min • nnsulet.i
tinu tile feelings ut tin- I Ugt'tie
jiuhlii anil stutleiils she said
hiinniel disagreed
As .1 ( olleague 1 feel I ti
Marrui in is u niulei tullv i|tiali
fil'd he said I le s all expel I
[ lie propaganda limn S! I A is
just llial
hiltinte! said lie ieels the
IA1 I l umked hard and sen
un.slv mi evaluating the pruptis
I leidbelg said she lias liesi
lanl In disi uss possible legal
.a tinn against the I \( I ( In
SI I A hut did sav tiles \\ mild
pmbahlv plan to have some ia 1
lies and urguiii/.ed pmlests
"We \1 ill nut let the Issue
drop. she said It is the he
lift ut Si l \ that pixlifv mg the
use ut these munkev s is tin less
ul an exploitation than a hu
(trcf>on l/;iil\ _ _
1*0 Hut M'*> I ut;t m Oi« yi.ii 'i' Hi'
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