Weekend C ontinut'd from P.iy’f 1 Ilirr explaining his side nl I In* silu.iliiin .mil requesting .in e\ planution fur the way puli' i> re sponded Wearstler filial a personal i oiTiplainl mi Mumlav against two offic ITS As fai as the partving is i on i ernefl students sav thev won't lie i flanging then haliits hut (lies won't he Irving to insti gate another uprising I don't think I was wrong in the fust pl.n e so I won I lie i hanging nitii.fi." said Hnzen who was alsi i at last \ eai s l int I ni not going to lie loiiking for trouble at parties said Steve Ifni k a resident ill all apartment ai mss the parts site Tin not going to tie going to parties in the nest < ouple of weeks loi fear of what might happen ( amp agreed I hat parties «»•(!■ going to i ontinui I>ut said thill pi'npit' might In’ i onsidir ing llii' tuai gas situation fust tirtmi' thin Inn i it "Hr don't ri'.ilh liavt- partirs like lliiv hiil vvr II jusl krop il tin- wa\ il was m tin p.isl siiiil Hi,id VWarstlor a irsidcnt ill .1 ninghlmring building, Studi'iils also oxpiosst'd an gi-r abotil ihti l.n k of support In llio I nivi'isilv .uni \\ li.it tin s i .llli'il hl.isi'd i ovi'iagr by the modi, i It M'cins is though studonl i oni oriis .in bi-mg ovi-rlookotl I lazuli said Hi- addl'd tin- li'ttri si*nt out In llii' \SI ( ) last vu i'k ativisuig students hm\ to havr a s.ih' part\ didn't address stu di'iit i mu i ins and student i iglits Although students seem to ho taking this issui- serioush olh its ina\ hr looking at llii' on i dent .1-. .1 joke Two |n'( uli.ir .ids have been plat-fit in the i'mrrald this week pertaining to thf vi.«s ini i drill In the \pril t issue .1 1 lassified ad in Ihr prison,tls sn tkm that read. He prepared to par!\ get your gas masks now 1 heap1 I tiiil l-t Sl'IXk srrms to he down play i ni< the 1111 idrilt In the April a issue an ad was plait'd Iiv a student who is selling t shirts reading I ot ( ) spring on It was a gas1' with a pit lure ol a polii 1 of I i < er and gas 1 aus surrounding his feet (tamp said the ads may lie a response h\ students who feel tills is (he only w ay people an going to y lew tlie issue "May he they re say mg may lie y\ e 1 an make it ,1 |oke it peo ple aien t taking us seriously GTFs ( ontinucd from 1 dues < ontributions in gifts I" (>11 I .in- not ili4 iliii tible .is i hantable conln tuitions lor federal ineome lav purposes according I" (lit4 Amertr .in I ederalinn ol Teat her s "Dues (bur share] paid to (.III howcvei m,i\ qualifv as business expenses, and max be tied in t ible ill I united i in ninstant es sulijei t to v.u ions restrii I ions imposed In tbe Internal Hex emir ( ode ai i ordillg lii a memo from tbe C l I I Hill kies said he. along xx itb tbe ti l'l l and graduate si bool dean ken Kamsing. baxe prepared a letter to the ( . I I s alerting them to the iliftereni i' between I,ill share fm*s >ind Chegon I ,iir Share Tile ll'tll‘1 should he m (.Tl mailboxes In Mondax In s.uii "We w.mt In get lliis thing i lr,iii'd up as soon .is possible. (. l l s who inr.nrrni tlv till'd llicii t.i\ retuins should till' Ihr our pagt' amended version tin1 104(l.\ said Inn Mueller ol Mueller ami 'i uva I i'll 11 it'll I’liblii \i i mint ants lor iiiorc information. (ill s iii.u rider to their ta\ booklet i ontai t a lav i on stiitant or i all the Internal Kevenne Service at 1 -HOI) 4J.4 1(140 Having a garage sale? Get the word biit with an Obi: classified CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 10b PERSONALS ATTENTION: Fraternities, sororities. Dorms. Club Sports, Professors, etc mt«re»ted in participating in Anchor Splash for Aid lo thi* bliml'Mqfil con »»rv.rt . U>-' Truly Agent f uller PAUL M. Hey buddy When are ere yomy to party ’ Well I saw Mars the other night I II tell you when the wedding is MA HA This weekend let s thrash I love ya KIZZY r 105 PERSONALS HAPPY B DAY AIM!t H HELP WANTED OOf Olay lMAx,INt »«■ HSClVf • •• . Ihf I .til lmagm« yuui^i.r. .. WAKE UP ODE tMtiausc you n- iJu^nurtg' THE ASUO KNOWS SOFTBALL PLANNED PARENTHOOD U4 44 5 ' PRIVAU HELP FROM f RlE NOS Free Pregnancy Teitmg BIRTHRIGHT M7 8651 RAR! HAPPY ?OTH' Hop#1 you en|Oy you# t>4 Cerve/as And Parmesan popcorn A«* HEART you CaICAH and Grr YOU THOUGHT YOU LUO ED OUT HAH! HAPPY 21 EM! LOVl TUAli A DUM 10b PERSONALS AMB H ,»j ■ & St 0 no LOST & FOUND *•» Mlr-t*. S’* •« WX) REWARD Molpn lib TYPING SERVICES Th« WOHO SPECIALISTS] ► ( >fjuluatr S» honv'| hcvc s * HIM )«'k < nn\ ftv*. m > * 1 i l’iintinf.1 *(4phi< - * I tilting. Kcvumc * !CAROLYN CiNDY TYPING UNLIMITED 485-0890 Hatb.ir« l *nd BUOU TMt ATHf BUILDING -! •. I I M» N- '• ‘ professional typing Text Scanning • ♦ M ■ ” • i S C A N N f R S 747 4589 St. . » HANM IN m Vl ■ 1 I ik'.t N* ns TYPING SERVICES l A SI N WORD PROOF SSING Robm J44 07S9 S' Hill I'lUK I *,S I NCI 344 4510 • • jft • rrt; (.» AE v■ : t I “ JRX MA, 1 S T ■ ■ ' H IJKSFH PHI NT INC. 605 E 13th Ave _ WoitJ Processing W i?5 INSTRUCTION There's still room in these CRAFT CENTER WORKSHOPS DRAWING bRINNINC. AND OYIING IABU LOOM Wt AVING no FOR SALE FUTONS & FRAMES Furnishings * Lighting " Posters ‘ Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper * Couches CITY LIVING 164 W Broadway 343 3622 130 fOR SALE 4x*. baj v*. Supei 8 i '.unis $30 Am n! 160C Sir 135 BUY OR TRADE Mt MORV LAN! thing q«CJ & unusual .1231 THf BUY A SELL CENTER Buy ’ Sell * Tude Pf>oiogt»f)hii Equipment 361 W 5th Hi) CARS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS » OH SAl t HomlJ H0-: . Nr par Ji40v)8O 346 iS9f> . Vv f 8 N M t NT • i !.’[ [! • f W... . ! .well.. ( - >R ',Ai E. Md.’tl, •esS?*** Catt 686 2666 na.iH.n $ r*e> 004 W26 726 *-*K3 82 f ORD ExP . j >. c««d ruis.# i Ad steer AM EM t .is• ♦»!!«* io* c $1600 484 4t*‘ s * i { ! AH HINAULT .!;, 48 OOP hinf. N«fA Me !i‘ 1 jreat .if <■> » fTtpvj red beauty H27S 484 4 / v 5 198?' PE UG EOT sots ;. t*ne 4 s;n-f < PWI • . I • - 484 4733 77 CHEVY LUV P * *»?? Suf ' St»U> OBO ?2t- 7157 c* |us! !unt-.i S600 U4 92l*.i rtts MONf)A C LITE E « • tjc ; a 400 mues Ppp* meld* helmdi CaM 687 9103 leave "*«raaage 87 HONDA ELITE 80 to* miles eicei cond and helmet S800 080 Susie G 683 2641 150 BICYCLES v,ANN«)NDALf. SPEf 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS SHADOW COMPUTER CO 346 6110 V- f'-wiu- ; u1."> N.-a !BK -•.»« Aage la* 165 INSTRUMENTS KEYBOARD ROl AND 1' * ; ' •• .s Si * Mu- 1 • $ f ■ 170 RESALE CLOTHING Gentlemen’s Encore We pay TOP dollai for Men •» and Women i clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING 19b TRAVEL ?io OPPORTUNITIES FISMINU IN ALASKA Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU xx leoroutm a job cam* m H0M6UCS5 PUCXb’ is ^ANYONE HOPING YOU MIGHT say that, you got THERE ARE 19000 STREET CENSUS TAKERS HA HOURS VON WIPE WASH Of COUNT I NO THEM HOMELESS THEM THEMSEL VES SELVES* HAVE TO THEY'RE. THE ONLY ONCE UHO REALLY KNOW WHERE All Tit 5PEUAL H0HEUA6 wPEXHEARt Roses $5.00 a do; en Rhythm & Blooms 1 5th «Si Kincaid "Under the Umbrella"