Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1990, Page 13, Image 12

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Continued from Page 1 I
gars return Turn 1 a u ho \\ as
fourth m the \( \ \ outdoor
event List \ e.ir <uul then » .i|>
lured the \( \ \ indoor Vi me
ter hurdles in Mart h 1.1 i iv\ ns ,i
best of I I tiH in the 1 111 highs
,md \vill get .i stilt test Irom ()i
egon s Holt Ora\ who r.in his
sei ond fastest time e\ er List
weekend ( H (17).
The two best v,miters in the
Par -10 this season. Oregon's
Brian Cullen and Washington
State's Palrik lohannson. will
fart1 oil in the vault where
lohannson has won the two
previous meetings Cullen has
ideated 17-7 this season out
doors while lohannson scaled
the same height indoors
The l)ut ks two long jumpers
Latin Berry and Spent er Wil
liams. will square oil with
(ieorge Ogeheide. a transfer
from Idaho Berrv has barelv
jumper 1 over d-1 feet this sea
son. but both he and Williams
will have to be .it their best to
beat (Igebeitle who lias a life
time best of dl> it1
I lespite both teams esc ep
tional strength in several
events Dellingei said he
doesn't believe the meet will
binge on unv one event i iting
List week s meet w ith Washing
ton .is a kev example w here the
Dm ks need even point the\
c ,m gt*t to win
"Ai tualh .ill nt tlu* points
hri mni! important. hr said
"When wr'rr hoping for .i third
pi.ii i1 so ur r.m get our point
til thr high jump (oi nnothrr
rvrnl) wr ni'cd to got tllosi
points to hr ill lllr position In
I’lir mm s inrrt hiigins .it
12 ;t!) p in u itti llir haminrr
throw The tirst running; r\rill
W ill hr thr strrplu lldsr .it I ill
ilftt *■
Oriental Buffet Lunch
G Try Our Dinner
Hours: Downstairs
M Ih II oo 7 <X> f Sa I 1 00 -1 3<
< !os**d Sundays
Hours: Upstairs
MTh4'J0 10-00
f Sa5 00 10 30
Clovrd Sundays
10-5 30 MWF
1430 Orchard St
Photo h> V«««fr•- Kjiiirn
Orvt;nn i>olt' xaultrr Hri.in (alien mil fair Washington Stair s
I’atnk lohannsson in a battle nt the I’ai-Ill's tm> tt>i> vaulters
Engine Service
1000 S Bortclscn Rd *1 tugcnc OR 97402
Onr Block North ol W 11th Holm Intf PIj/j
Soec j : nc,
l^ SenwFc- vents
10% Student Discount
letter Pt*rtt*t t Graphic s 3-16 1381
No matter who you are .
professional typesetting and camera work
can help you
nwp i . .itHi pt i <*
fVP‘* ■
•t ,j- ipn- .I>uJ • M.u!
>v Ih !yp**
>H took .h.upm
?X} .HWj i
i v** yet.' J«- . ,» !imi .ht*»I liHik »v•!f 1
1 1 • i>¥ 1 »-■*)*",» work
'i out pr»* f i< i ?■>•* more efhw *»vt?
PM ’ • .i • : tyt «;•* •
m m
FI B. 16* APRIL 14
I lio UC) Bookstore is
sponsoring a photo contest
with tins theme:
We d like you to photo
graph what you do when
you're not studying or
working, whether it be a
day on the slopes or at the
ocean, a romp with your
kids, or a demolition
derby. Show us what you
do for fun and relaxation!
Great prizes will be
offered, and your entry
photos will K‘ displayed in
the store.
The winners will be per
sonally notified, and their
names posted in the lobby
of the Bookstore, as well
as announced inthe
()regon I Lilly Lmerald on
April 30,1990.
I lave lots of fun with this -
and Good Luck!
I'here will lx- exciting
prizes awarded to tour
lucky winners: our
"People's Choice" prize
winner will lx* chosen by
you the people!
First Prize
A JVC Remote Control
Compact Disc Player
(Value $300)
Second Prize
$200 Cash!!
Third Prize
Olympus Infinity Twin
Camera (Value $200)
People's Choice
Free processing for 52 rolls
of film: enough for each
week for a year!
• Two entries jxt person
• All photos must have
been taken since Jan. 1,
• No professional (a
person whose* principal
living is made by taking
pictures) may enter
• Size of photo (total print
or mat size):
Maximum: 11 x 14
Minimum: 5x7
• Color prints only
• Judging will lx* done by
Qualex, Inc., the UO Jour
nalism IX’pt., and local
professionals outside of
the UO Bookstore. The
judges will not lx* aware
of who submitted any
I hi- dumtion of the Photo
Contest will lx1
FKB. 16 - APRIL 14, 1990
• All photo entries must
be received .it the photo
department of the UO
Bookstore ,(near the back
of the main fkxir) no later
than April 14.
• On the back of your
entries you must print
very clearly:
(1) Your name*
(2) Your address
(3) The title of your
(4) The type of canx-ra
lens and film used
(if possible)
• "People's Choice" voting
will take place within the
store April 1-14.
• Prints must be picked
up by May 31, 1990