LANGUAGE STUDIES IN EUROPE Tin. Intmiattniul 1-angu.igc ( cuter* arc language *lud\ institutes located in I ranee, Spain, nut in Salzburg. Austria. tfircc of tin: most beautiful areas ui ! uiropc I EC. offers mk-mivc counrs lasting three in twelve weeks in French, Spanish and ui German during the summer months and during the (all. winter amt spring quarter* Next course* l«cgm Ajiril A June- Hie program is enhanced by a wide range of cacurswwM and cultural admin** Or»A>ff campus accommodation» and full board are provided For detailed in formation, please contact INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE CENTERS at IIX Mosstrassc 102 0. A 5020 Sal/burg. Austria I cl (01 14 i M>2 l H44 4KS Fax K4 7 71 l or in I SA: Newpo Tel (714) 72 ort Reach. CA 926<*8 8707 12 is»c«) In (714) 722 v|VK Plca*r indicate wtiKh language you *nah to rtudy _Sports_ Women look to get back on track Seek win against Cougars By C am Sivesind Emerald Sports Reporter I'hr Oregon women s tr.u k tc'am hopes to return to ils win ning wavs tiv hosting Washing ton Stale .iiid Boise State m dual meet ai tion .it I laws ard Held SaturduN The meet he Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner Gift Certificates! Special Orders Gladly! In thf I illhpt'.irl Shops FifTh & PiahI • Edc^ini 686 8742 T H f HI AMI A BA/ltUON Pi AC E S T O « . t » AN! THIN i , S T O V ( A Hi H f H f V O U C A N Ci I T H f M A I •' N T M f f n f ( ) U N 0 T T 0 B li S VALID U OF O STUDENT ID IS A 0US PASS FAR! FORT H h TERM INCLUDED IN STUDI Nl INCIDENTAL t l I *> P M O V I D I D < N COOPERATION A i 1 H ASSOCIATED STUDENTS I UNIVERSITY 01 out G O N CD Laneltansit District mw Whjt. wu think vce'u* got routes to the moon 'Conte on' You're j college student h'u figure it out " gins at 12 JOp m Tlir I Hi< ks were narrow ly tie fc.ili'il In Washington in Seattle last Saturday, thi'ir first loss to tlir I luskies in 12 years Oregon linliis a similar streak against Uasliiiigtun St,tie liav mg defeated the dougars in all 11 uf their previous meetings 1 he 1 )in ks hail no trouble with Uoise State last vcar defeating the Hrotit ns *l'i .17 in their first and nnlv meeting Oregon tom li loin Heim men has a streak of his own on the line While under Ills leader ship ol 11 v ears the I hit ks have not dropped more than one dual meet In a season We want to see improve meitls in this meet from last week lie said We need a greatei ahililv to compete in the i lull h I he ( singers are strong in the Him and lllli Senior ( elestine N'Drin. the reigning I’aeilii in ( amlerein e -4(10 title holdei is expei ted to he the strong favor ite in the HOC) Saturday ( elestine is head and shoul dels above tile rest in the Hill). I leinonen said .Sophomore lenniler ( arpen tei won the I ’at 111 HOC) last year and will run the 100 lor the t 'ougars Saturdav lleinonen believes t arpenter has to lie the lav orite in the -Kill as vv ell I'he kev to the meet ill I leillolien s eves is the -1x100 relay, one ol the earlier events on Saturdav 's st hedule I lie Dm ks will ret eive still t o in pe tition hour Uoise State in this event Hoist State iriav pose more ALL“KARAT”COLOR PENCIL SETS 25% OFF ^ "KARA I " INPIVIPl AI VVATERCOLOR PENCILS V RKti.TCV 55c EACH “TOPSTAR” HIGHLIGHTER • l-\s 1 > \ LONd i lMt • A>"OK;! TH OLdld I vie i l» 99c LACH c ;raphk ■ u\v . BRUSH MARKERS h • ixm\ ini \[ Ki t. . 1.75 T* COLOR SE1 REG.: 16.99 1 'A\' w;: Jr» 'LOR SEl 33.98 t 'AX' w i: • I iRAI’HK x\\ 80-COLOR WOODEN ART CASE RE( i. di.:o 129.00 UO B |13th & Kincaid M-F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-43311 problems for both tbr Ducks ,ind tougars ill,in |us| in the 4x100 "I wouldn't overlook them in this meet (Boise Sl.ite) could possiblv win the meet. Ileinonen s.nd "Thev're solid Thev're w as more than fillers lunior Christine lohnson ot Keizer has cleared a-IOC in doors m the high jump with a best of 5-7 so tar this year Se nior Stachia Neeles from Nas s.m Bahamas will open her season in the 700 and 400 this sear, while jumping a season best ih o' i in the long jump Neeley owns personal bests of 75 14 in the 700 and 55 78 in the 400. ss bile boasting a 70 41, lifetime mark in the long jump Sprinting is the Broiu o s strong suit ssilh junini Kris |es sen ( 1 1 05) and sophomore ( !,u la llovde ( I 1 0.1| leading the team in the 100 lessen has re corded a 17 41 tins sear, while Bos de lias turned in a 17 5H Ileinonen would like to see improvement tram Laurie U il liams in the 100 and 700 Satur ilas after a below average show mg last week in the 400 (Iregon’s other \\ illiams Rosie has been on fire so far m this soung season. She pos sesses the second fastest time among I’m-10 sprinters in tsso events i lot king an 1 1 Ho in the 100 and a 74 15 ill the 70(1 Both marks quality bet tor the Iii 10 meet Sophomore Kim llsatt and tumor I’auin Berts base been impressese in the javelin Both have qualified for tile I'ai 10 meet