_Sports_ Ducks to challenge talented WSU team By Ashley C nnklin Emerald Sports Reporter The men's dual meet Satur day .it 1 lav y\ ard I lelil betyv een Washington State and Oregon could he very interesting for several reasons The Dm ks string of Jt> straight (Inal meet \ n lories camecrashing down last week in Seattle where Washington exposed Oregon's weaknesses in events sue li as (lie shot put discus and high jump to take i H I 7'l win To say the least Oregon coach Hill Dellinger is anxious to see hoyy Ins squ.id responds to the loss "I think it yi ill he interesting to see how we yy ill respond and hopefully it will he tor the heltel. " he said W e need to houtK e hai k and he i ompeti live and pull for one another and give a good team effort Not only do tfie I hu ks hay e to bounce hack Irom the loss hut they have to do so against the ( nilgai s. one ol the nation s best dual meet teams over the past dei ade Washington State yy.is ranked as the eighth best dual meet team in the nation last season fry I mi k \ I irhi Yen and de spite losing four straight to the 1 )m ks ( .ougar i ouch (dim ( diaplin has a 1 Ml 1 t rei old in 1 7 y ears ,it I’ullman (Ihaplin has another out standing team this year rvilli his distance runners leading the way - I. I (!uo uas iIk I’m 11it in l ntiierenr e i (lamp in the 111.mill meters l.ist season .nut tinisheil sixth in the \i \A in (ionr meet in tile i.tltlO this sea sun \t.111\ Ntrosi hem IS tile lie tending Par In i hamp in the steeple! h.lse and leads a talent I'll Steeple I nips that has tinned III three Ilf the fastest live times m the i onlereni e this season In lai t the meet has the tup live sleeplei (lasers in the I'ai in in Washington 's t. 11 < ■ s Strnsi hein Knherl Price and lohn 1 lill and ((regrtn s Damn 1.1 ipe/ ami Ka k Mest ler I think both teams mati h up evenly and I think it will he a good dual meet. Dellinger said I think the sleepier base will lie .i good one the 1 ani will he good and the i.tltlil should he good Mthougll Strosi liein is the only Steepler (laser who has run below the \( A A standard ol it 4 1 the other lour i miners are all within eight sei otirls ol the mark this season Moth I .ope/, and Mestlei made the finals ot the \(\\A sleeplei base last season In the i 11(1(1 ( Ire go 11 will 11 \ to counter (mo with Iliad Hud son l ei rant e Mahon and I ’at I idler liolli (iuo and Hudson were \< AA qualifiers last yeai Not only do the distaur e events have lug time perform els. hut the high hurdles pole vault and long jump should also give the 1 lav vv aid I le111 faithful then money’s worth In I In- high Iiiii dies the ( mi lorn to ( ougars. Page I 1 With our Coursebook Guaranteed Program, you can rest assured knowing you won’t have to go to class empty-handed. OUR GUARANTEE TO UO STUDENTS AND FACULTY Hi Kl s HOW 11 WORKS UO B<‘okstou» p»*< iK 11ui' ietf»* Flu* Bookstore qunrnnfrus to have flu* <)unlifyifO i our subonk-, 1 !i flu* shv'lf flu- fir-! tiny < >t , j, . OunhfyiiKj texts will be listiul uiul**r flu* ( il ARAN I I f [ ) lu’.n U/i • «n O m >k-lU’if tap If u. a i I !■ ■ h. u, . - .1 v ju1 a^opm-vi tiuuhru) from tho text Iu*, ,*•.i on prv [umii.iv of flu- book a! -; o expense fo you until ymi lunik dinvi's Rook*, t U * Li v* *. i by nnfur.il hoaMei trnnsj u>rtnfu>n strikes imp. .iUul books or books < *ut of >to< k nf flu- publish or an- exempt from our ( ninrante* i Rook I V umiii I Vmillin' - \.. punish am STUDENTS: XI'HII I 1 ilriiilhiif li*i sl’HINt, iifin >111*i t.il uitlt-is FACULTY: XI’HII I I >li iillim lot SI MM I H liini l,u ull\ imiIcis J Questions? We'd Be Glad to answer them! -UO-Bookstore ' AH_ _IAll ■ ■ 148 I i n Get the word out with an ODE classified N AT II R A L'; | F 1 B E R S j IQ U A L I T Y i jjCLOTHING j \ AFI'ORDABLF i • B R I C E S i l ( ! % Banyan "tree [ * i H \ I H S I I'll* J , H S ° ^ i I I I it Mml s •> I | Graphics MX) l 'll * 3-)(. J.VB CONVENIENT. FAST 8. AT FORDABLE \V :r/i our professional dc sign, ty/vsettmg urui aim c'tu services li t' I! gift’ sour Resumes Posters Ads Booklets Business Cards Broch ures etc... a professional look at a price that agrees u ith a student budget I FRIDAY, APRIL 6 12:30-2:00 GENERAL BOOK DEPT. WITH EARL \V. EMERSON HELP WANTED ORPHANS PREFERRED Help \\ .intixl: l V/’/i./lls Iretcnwl e tlic e.uvik awaitnl -ei v >iul out i tip of 1 mrrson’-' hero, \ta> I nntnna. If is an exeit mp mix ot firefiylirmu, action, suspem-c, and murder. Here a- cvervthinp 'hat f url Emerson's lain have mine to expo t; tru k'» | li 'Miliv'., ioKirlul v liai .u lei . hair i.ini

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