-Community Tear gas has serious side effects B\ Adam Pet k f mornld ( onlributor Hie tear gas used In the Ku gent’ Department ot I’liblu s.ilrl\ during the i unlmntation with I niversitv students Man h 11 i .111 i ailse serious health problems act tinting to retent papers li\ the \ineric an Medi tel Asst it iation and the /ft h nologv Rrvit’u The type ot tear gas em ploved Saturday night. ( S has been dm inuented as tausing pneumonia, heart failure mis i .image and e\ en death (,'S is an agent emploved In polii e and military units worldw ide It is more potent and less toxit than ( \ another commonly used tear gas and ('S has bet nine the gas ot t hon e loi breaking up riots and disturbanr es I hit 11 recently ( S was t oils id eretl harmless under "normal t in iimstanc.es. and some t ur rent inetlit al mlormalion still relict ts that \ lew At t ording to Karen \ntler son nurse at Sat red Heart (am era! Hospital, and the Poison ( amlrol ( entei in Port bind poi son indexes do not contain in formation about serious reat lions I mill exposure to teat gas Anderson saitl site was tin aware ot am teal gas victims that required metlit al attention billow ing SntunluN s nit itlenl At cording to statiste s t In! droit, asthm.itit s, pregnant women ami the elderk are par tit nla11\ prone to problems from t is. but anyone is sust opt ible to extreme side eltei ts The lournal of the \MA sug gesterl m 1080 that prolonged t \j)osuiv fdul(i insult in Illinois ,is vvt’ll • is hum ♦ • available in * i r * sis th.it ( S is list'd so that victims .1U e ( apt I h» k l.oveall w as unw dling to dis ( uss the possible dangers ot tear gas ettec ts but assured that "we are properI v trained l.oveall said tie has been ex posed to the gas a number ot times "There's no health haz ard that l know ot he said t ’ruler normal i inuimstanc es exposure to tear gas results m a mild reai lion \< < ording t«» tin* Poison ( OMtrol ( enter, the t\ pi i al victim ot teai gas Use w 111 sutler eve in itation burning < -I the respiratory tract, sneezing burning »>t exposed skin and possibly nausea, vomiting and headui he The symptoms usu ally last less than 1 "* minutes Vic tuns o| t S gas are .ulvised to avoid rubbing then e\es and to tlood exposed areas w ith wa t Hot lies should he lemoved I ion The apple at ton < *t and i I it water e skin iriitii Dance, Dance, Dance Campus Headquarters for quality active wear / ■ Ballet Shoes ■ Jazz Shoes ■ Aerobic Shoes ■ Leotards & Tights City Sweats Dance Studio & Retail Activewear 877 E 13th Ave Euqene. Oregon 97401 342-6375 PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? The Office of Student Advocacy can help regis tered students who have problems with university far ulty. staff, policies or procedures including ■ STUDENT CONDUCT CODE CHARGES ■ SEXUAL HARASSMENT ■ DISCRIMINATION ■ UNIVERSITY HOUSING ■ ACADEMIC DISPUTES ■ FINANCIAL AID ■ FACULTY MISCONDUCT ■ PUBLIC SAFETY ■ BUSINESS AFFAIRS ■ ATHLETICS ■ UNIVI RSITY HI C OKDS ■ UNIVERSI TY EMPLOYMENT We are a free ASUO program providing profession al services for students in i ampus related matters Call 346-3722 or stop by 334 EMU to set up an appointment. small amount*- of water mav at tufllly t ompound the problem I'he \rner it an Metln -il A*.*-i - i ration also suggests the nppli i alii in of ha k i in; soda I" e\ posoii sk in If it ■ tint ei t.unties -ifiout ( IS have led the I’hvsitaatrs for tin m.in Rights ever utive direr tor Iona!hail l ine to t ontlenm its nsf It s a misnomer to t -ill t N te.ir gas ' saul l ine in .in t it to her 1‘ltifi issue ot /'et/rno/ogi Kei ion In mv opinion it ■■ realK poison gas Ml. ASIA I|llfst lolled whether its further use t an he i nndoned under am i nndi I ions I'lie W! A found t hat the hulk of the evident e sug gesls ( s is more dangerous than previoush tieheved .mil ei it t ill raged the development of alternative ( mud dispersal gas Studies to dale have heen i iirrdur ted on .1 sm.rll sr ate seven til’s were used in one sltrdv and the results have not thoroughh addressed ( S effer I on the Voting lire elderly and the pregnant Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts; Mexican, vegetarian and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special — Friday & Saturday Spinach Lasagna, green salad, garlic bread.$4.75 W bth at t awrenco /am to ‘J p.m Mon-Sat /am to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m THE SPRING GOLD RUSH IS ON! *75 OFF 18K *50 OFF 14K Order your college ring NOW. .!()STEXS AMIR I A • V O t i f f * f ^ N < . M APRIL 4, 5, 6 10 A.M.-3 P.M. Order Your Ring Now To Receive It By Graduation!_ • $30 00 DEPOSIT REQUIRED • MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED UO Bookstore 130i & Kincaid M f 7 30 5 30 SAT 10 00 0 00 346 4331