Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1990, Page 6, Image 6

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    Now Open
Weekdays at I 1:30 am
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Report addresses higher ed needs
Portland-area potential
studied by commission
K\ Stcph.HIM- ( lull,111(1
I mernld Reporter
Thi' University inn help
strengthen higher eduiation in
Portland without weakening its
ow n ivm uni ns I 'ni\crs.lt\ off i
c inis said in le spoil se to ,i ( on
i t■ |it paper rei eiith released in
the hmiTunr s Uommission cm
Higher Ktiut iition in the Port
hind Metropolit.in Aren
tun Meil t midst hiliidl ,ip
pointed the c oiiiniission in M.n
MW I to assess what is needed
ot higher education in Port
Pile t oik epl p.ipei is ,i pie
limiiiiin report of the nonimis
sum s findings oil Portland's
mu ml and eionotni* potential
The papei states five i mitral
Heeds that must he addressed
In higher mine ation mstitu
tions in the Portland area
• I In■ health ot I’mtland '■
ec nnomv and sm inl\ will re
quire loi alh ol letiled edm a
Ilonal resources
• lie' i onimi.ssion believes
that dining tin next .Ml veals
i urrent edm ational resoun es
must Ik' irn.reused In Hi per
I pi.'iadmp vour report r ard is easy
wiih i liitU- help »t. >m Apple Macintosh
11^ orpam:atii >n programs make Muds
dme more efficient than ever before
And da Macmtn'h Imancme Propram,
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nlahle .ii ilu' Microcomputer Support 1 ah,
can kt anyone make the prade So find
out what a Macintosh can do tor you.
At til all, then ' a he. i vs nxim tor
impro\ cnient.
Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center
M-F 9 am - 5 pm 346-4402
((>ui tn remain .it today's level.
• -I itut '■. i- niii'.l hr .n: ,;i ■
i\t m making it possible toi
minorities and low me omr stu
drills to attend i nllege
• I hr n-r in noiM Mil is!.in
Itally mi tease graduate rdm ,i
lion ami rrsr.ire li related to re
(tinned needs Portland lays he
hind national and western stale
averages (or hai helors. masters
and dm torn! degrees at t old
mg to the repoi t
• 1 he Portland aira must
link institutions into a i north
nateil s\ stem ol higher etlut a
lion w itli i ommon ohiet li\ es
that meet regional needs
.V one ol the eight si howls in
the Oregon State System ot
11 igliei I tint at ion the I'niv er
sity must play a part in helping
to revitalize higher education
m Port hind I'niversity Presi
lient M\ les Brand said
We must ft ml a u av to t on
tribute to Portland and conlin
tit* to enham e our t antpus at
the same time '' he s.iid
I'lie slate t an e\pei t a t>(I per
i rnt popitlatinn growth in Port
lam! during the next denude.
Bland said Plierelore it would
In naive to think Portland does
not need a strong educational
iai ilil\ he s.titl
W e t an he espet ially help
till in providing selective coop
eiatne graduate in professional
progianiniing in Porllanti
Brand said
Rep tail I lustit ka I) I u
gene a 1 'mversih professor
anti t outdinatoi ol the I iinei
Mtv s Portland services, said he
does not believe the emphasis
M\ les liran(I
nn strengthening higher edui .1
turn in Portland ami a! Port land
State Hniversitv "ill segregate
set lions ot the stale
I lie issue is not how In
si 1 eni;l lieu I’M " 1 lust 11 ka
said The issue is him to ad
dress the educational needs ot
I lie t 'niversil\ and othei
state institutions. ( mild help In
sending prolessors in the pro
tessn111.il si hools to Portland
' We are not able now to tie
livei programming in Portland
w ithout diluting what we have
here, so the stale must provide
funding for that additional pro
gramming. Brand said
I lostii ka agreed w ith Brand
that new programs in Portland
depend 011 new rnontn
Roger Tdgington, interim
president at Portland Stale ini
versiH said PSI is considering
a merger with Oregon Health
St lent es t niversitv
As a larger institution, the
mergei would piobabh uttr.111
more grants and outside mon
e\ . Kdgingtnn said
(ioldworks is proud to an
nounce out participation in
the American ( raft l\po
‘Wl in Minneapolis. Mn.
Hf »* ill he closed March Ml
through \pril 15. \\e look
forward to seeing \on when
»*<• return.
\\ a\t* Hands
in 14K (•old
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