University— Friendship program could ease culture shock New group to aid foreign students B\ Bet k\ kolli-v Fmorjld ( ontrilnitor ktlllli 1 lido Is IteiS Oils alxiUt speaking In strangers afraid thr\ might lavish ,il her Knglish or not understand her. or that they may simply not like la pa nese people Kudo a Japanese student studs mg polite al si Ieiu e at the l adversity, said she would like an Anierif an friend to go plai es ss ith and to ask ads n e about tile I nis ersits and aeademu i oncerns. A ness organization on i am (His mas he able to help hei find one loreign I rtendshtp I miners is ,i stmlrnl rim group that pairs loreign and A merit .111 stu denis w 1!li the goal u! easing loreign students' transition to uni\ersilv liie It .dsn provides Alltel iians with an opportuniH to learn firsthand about other 1 ultures Ihtis tar. the organi/ation has operated on a small si ale experimental basis Next tail il will attempt to mail h every in terested toreigu student with an Ami'ta an friend said Allvson Klein one of the group s lead ers. leelings nl loneliness and isnlaltoil from Airierii .ms are 1 oninion among foreign stu dents when the\ lirsl 1 nme to the I niversitv "(Ini e si hnol got started the onl v 11 iends I 1 mild hang around with were lupam-.i Kudo said Pa wan 1’iadhaii, a student from Nepal and one nl the groups leaders, understands the 1 hailenges ol being a new foreign student i’radhan s.utl lie hopes the \mei n ail ti lends 1 an show then partners around and introdmr thrm to \mrri i an culture so that the\ don't sprint till' tost i ouplr nt works absolutrU lost 1‘radhan .1 program assistant loi tho rrsidriu r halls sail! u lion hi' i aino to thr I amcrsit\ hr discovered then- wasn't mm It intrrai I ton hr In rrn fm rtgn students anti \mna an stuilrnts in thr tlorms. ami hr w anlril to change that Thr group hr Id two mfnr ma I ioiial mrrl mgs r.u I in this \ rar and has now mail hrd srvi'ii foreign studrnls w ith \mrrii an Inrnds [hr studrnls will mrrt thrir partners at a six nil film lion later this term at thr I Ml ' A harbn ur is planned lor thr rlld ot thr trim Interested students filled out a questionnaire providing in formation on their academic and soi i,d interests t he stu deni-. H ere then mail tied ai ( urding to theii interests and preferences as to gendei and countrv ol i u tgin \e\t fall. I ureign Friendship Partners will pmimilr its ser \ ires at internalional student orientation so students can I in i Id then It lend ships through out the ve.ii Klein said I he group plans to hold monthls sin ial luin t ions whir h the part ners can attend together foreign friendship Partners grew out ol the l niversil\ s I rietidship I'oiuidation a 10 seal old program that pairs lor eign students with host tami lies in Kiigeue The host I,imilies are anothei Slime of support and Irieud ship lor loreign students said foreign student adviser Margo Ramsing Host families mas in vile students to then homes for dinnei take them shopping or on liips. and share American Now Open FOR LUNCH I ry our delic ious sandwic lies smoke flavored barbeque c hie ken roast turkey or roast salmon Weekdays al I 1:30 am $6.99 Any Two Toppings Large 14 Pizza good April * .ind Onl\ CONI: SEE OUR HEW DECK!! I 4th & Alder 344-447 1 (790 f . I ith) Open I I : M) to I I :()() pm III un ki nds holidavs u 11!i !h.’in I ln> foundation prm ides ti itanr i.d support In the friend ship partners program rite group eurrentlv is applving tin ■ i 141,ml and planning tundrais eis lu support Us expanded at lull irs next \ eai I’lte friendship parlueis pro grant lultills a social need Ramsing said ! a ett lltouglt I he V ir one ol 1' (Hill Isludenls) on lampus there still is an isolation Kanisitig said \ml it min na tional students have made the commitment to 'slink in t ' S universities. Ihev want lo meet Amerii ans and tliev don't until lo spend all then tulle xx 11 It their own i ountrv men John Patton. one ot the group's organizers .aid lie he lieves tile program will give loreign students a more well rounded and happier expert ent e in (Iregon ( hie problem loreign stu dents tare is Irving to integrate themselves into a student Ide at the I mvrrsitv Patton said ! I)(’\ iiii’d i lot nt the .nl ministration ■! o! 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