CONAIRPHONE SLIMDESIGH telephone (MODI.I ' ) i • Desk or wall mount • 1 ,tst numtx'i "-‘dial • Mutr function • Two year limited warranty SUGG D l VI RYDAY Rl I All I OW PRK I 29.95 '9.95 SALE i 16.49 I CORDLESS TELEPHONE (MODI 1 ( IP ?00| • Slim design • I )rsk 01 wdll mount • t osi tions will turn into sales positions next year (and possibly during summer) after intensive training in sales, marketing and general business procedures. The positions require use of a car (NO MON DS BH Y( I KS). minimum one hour a day and, of course, unlimited enthusiasm and energy! We have to he honest when we tell all those interested in applying for these jobs that the competition is tough. But, we always need qualified salespeople and now more than ever, experience on a daily morning pu|RT will give vmi invaluable “real world" experience. Please APPLY TODAY for positions starting next fall! Pick tip an ^application in room 300 KMl CLOSING I)A I K: APRIL 6 Please also plan to attend a preliminary informational meeting April 12th, 7 pm KMl Board Room I >/*/ l> .Ul Iipu/ Iip/M>illimli Ilfl/Wolal I hcllcnii pri*si(lt*nt Kegisti at nm fin happa Delta begins luil.iv Its f.ill 1'1‘ih, Sig m.i happa s\ ill also i nun* tu the l 'till ITMl\ It (tin' (deck s\ stem \ was Itci oining mure popular, more people Hi'ic joining. .mil ht (iitln'l have the room to hold all flic women who wauled tu lie in flic sororities, lurgens said I Ins is an e\< client i.Irani e lor people who missed file (fiame lo get involved in the (.leek SVstem In gel involved now . said Nicole hies/. e\ pa ns n m i hair ftn I’.iiilielleilii lurgelis and hies/ said the tield consultants for kappa Del la w llo will he at I tish regislr.i linn are looking for I'niversitv students at all grade levels and not just Ireshmen and soplio mores Kappa Della will take test deni e at the old Alpha ()mi i roll I’t house in fall after establishing itself as a healths " ( hapler hies/ said A he.dlhv (olony means a surorit\ u ilh .1 dei cut size membership that lias the poten tial to survive on tin* ( arnpus." h iesz said lurgens explained that fan llellenii lias set a ladling nt '1(1 women to start out a surorils "It s their opinion whethei it s a healths colonv to move into