University Presentation part of Earthweek Ml I I l\(. I niversitv Dnnoi rats will liokl .1 general interest meeting tonight .it n in I AH l Room A All .ne invited In dis t nss AS! () .mil other i .mi |>.tignv participation in the Morgan \n olai i oninmnitv pn ket and future fundraisers _Ft als_ KMt Hoard ol Directors moots tonight at "> m tho I \11 Hoard Room OSl’IRt. i liaptor mooting w ill lako plat o tonight at > at tho koinonia denial 1414 Km i aid SI \II)S Film ation I ask I into moots toda\ at 1 p m at the Studont I loalth I ontoi All m torostod poisons hit well onto Studonts tor tho I tliit .tl I roatmont ol \nimals moots m night at n in I Ml ( ontnrv Room 1). dirt lo K moots tonight at n ill m I All l odai Room F Int itlontal I t-o ( nmmitteo will hold a hndgot hoaring to night at n to in I All ( odai Room I) I ho following groups aro sohodulod to prosont butlg ots • Ainorioan institute of Art in In Inn' Students • Big I i mo I 'not r\ re • ( oinmiltoo tm Mn i ..I Ait' • f onstitntion f iourt • I lam o ( )l o;;i 111 • Internalional Studonts Asso i latum • Muslim St in lout A '.-oi t a t u u i • Studont t amp.ton !. a It al mamont • Fr-ioi I .mii■ 1, III at n Film Assoi i.ition • YM< \ Hi \sian Fat ifii \iiioriian Slu tlont I nion '.till hold it Ins! mooting ol spring term tonight at li in I All l odai Room I I In- Rot vt ling Vilvtii ato Stu tlonl Harbingers (IK ASM) mooting for tho Oregon Rot vt I ing Alt Oampaign will ho hold tonight at ") it) m I All (ienturv Room F OSI’lKI. s ( liaptor Mooting and dotfee flour will ho hold tonight at i at tho Koinnnia ( ontoi, till K mi aid St Fi (i.imma Mu intoi malional mooting will ho hold todav al t p in m tho I All Ballroom (.vt ling f lub moots tonight at 7 it) m Room J 14 Alien For health insurance, check with State Farm. Call Phil Hillstrom 185 E 12th Ave 485-6161 NW CORNER 12th & Pearl 6 Blocks from campus '* IMJNDCRIAND *' GRE AT FOR PARTlf S AND BIRTHDAYS 5CVIDE0 GAMES ADMISSION 1 so STM STRUT PUBLIC MARKET EUGEtfl • 683 8464 Women in ( nnimiinn alums v\ ill 111.Ill .1 mr.'lim: lor mi'in hers and all interested students IikI,i\ a I I id in I Ml ( t'll.n Kn. mi I) ( In Vlpha 1 nisl i.m Ministi \ meets tonight ai .10 in IAH ( 1'iitiin Knniii \ \ 11 ai.' invit .‘.I hi attend tin Hi hie slink ami u orsliip ski \m:ks \\d i k i i ki s llil nr MvthI alior \l«ir ket Deregulation in \ustralia" the till.’ i.l a presentation In In■ m...I.■ |.\ Amin Stewart limn the luiiversitv ol Svdnev lod.iv al II , p in in llir I a. tills ( lull \ in. Inn. Ii al noon (till precede I In' presentation " I he \e< essitv <>t (ienre i the title i.l a pulili. lei (lire 1.> lie given b\ Ralph ( a.lien the I niverstlv nt Virginia\ al ) 10 p in "Walking hi the I ootsleps i.l the \nasa/i" is lie title i.l i slide show lei lure In he given h\ (,.uv Tepler luternaliunallv known photographer I hr pre srntatmu will hr at tin* Must* uni of Natural llistorv tonight at 7 10 1 abor I n\n s. ant! th»* New I i olouu al Politic s "is ! hr til < ot a prrsrnt.ition b\ Mama t)o hrrt\ from \\ isr Strps liu on eliminating to\n s Imm the pro du< linn process liu* present.! lion, part ot I arthwrrk loop is to he hr Id tonight at tu in Room 1 in Willamette MISt I I I AM < )! S I* K and Pi//a h\ t hr Pub! n ions Studrnt Soc irt\ ‘ Hot M"< I o. n 1™4a» • . ■' ' r*.im week and vars»t>ons by !he Oregon Daily Emerald Publish: j ( • »! University ■ >f Of©0on Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently .it the University w th *' ' third (too* t the frt Memo* i »f Union am! a of the A , ... ei'.r ] P—-.< The t m,-■>, ild is pi tv ate pioprlty The ,t.*.’,! tem-.val • ' j1 jm; *••-. i a o table by ia A? • ' * r . t > • • r 1 i, htro.i" :im Wtm-ly M AngH . M ,•. . General Staff Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager V Advertising Coordinator Classified Manager ' C " Accounts Receivable Circulation Newsroom Mh SS11 Classified Advertising 346 4343 Display Advertising 346 3712 Production Graphic Services 346 4381 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON '/JE // ’h.i jus* < ; M.',p ■ ) Special Agent Gumby tails into the frustrated hands of the enemy. REPAIRS A CYCLES MOUNTAIN BIKE SPECIALISTS M-F 10am-6pm Sat. 10am-5pm 687-02 88 1753 W. 18th Ave. MIYATA SPECIAL PURCHASE Miyata Bicyle Company has Authorized Us to Liquidate Assorted 1988 & 1989 Model Bicycles! HUGE PRICE REDUCTIONS!! (Up t‘ $?00 OH .>n Miv.ita a Paul’s Bicycle Shop 2480 Alder St. • 342-6155 INVEST IN THIS SPACE *25 for 34,500 READERS CALL 346-37 12 INVEST IN THIS SPACE *25 for 34,500 READERS call 346-37 1 2 INVEST IN THIS SPACE *25 for 34,500 READERS call346-37 12 BEST BUYS