.Editorial Clean Air Act is a signal of change Though there h.nl been .1 raging dehate .ill week In tin- limit tlic I S Srriah' sal down to vote tl was all hut academic In a dramatic • Inuf hip.utr.au sup port the Senate Tuesday appmved Mo M a xxtde-iang ing plan to c lean up 1 It*• nation's air I lie ( lean \ir Ac t has hi'itn one of the most 1 emtio vfisiai and complex pieces of legislat ion to ever < ome helore f iongress ( amt.lined in the ominhus were hills to impose lough resim lions on jndustiud pollution and automobile emissions and In clean up the 11)0 most polluted areas in the l nited States h\ ,'00 > I os Angles was 1 • 1 x ‘'ii an additional I: \ 1 - years to 1 leanse its sk les I'lie act also dealt with acid ram and toxic an pol lutants and contained legislation to dramatically cm tail both I tot li partv leaders m the Senate Keptihlican Boh Dole ol h.ms.is and Demoiiat (leorge Mitchell ol Maine praised the passage of the hill Dole called the t lean An Ac I ' landmark legislation Mite.hell laheled the vole "a histone \ ic lor\ Hut as with most compromises, some sides ol the argument sidl men t satislied Industry officials, seeing pollution restrictions as impositions on then profit margin, '-ay the hill went too Lit and will hurt htisi ness lux ircmmeiital isis claim the regulations and timeframe loi the ail are too loose and underestimate the immediate health nsl s of polluted .111 Tile environmental impact ol acid cun smog and other industrial prodiir ed hazards 1 annul he forgotten I he 1 h-.in An Ac t is met an end all In am means It is a stall Ndditmnal steps must he taken Air pollution is only one aspec t ol the damage we xv done to the plan el Toxic waste dumps, nuclear waste and uverfloxving l.mdhlls still need to addre ssed Hut tor the moment, there is leason to he optiinis tic (liven the large margin ol approved (the only dis si nters came from Midwestern states worried .ihout (he (inaneaal impai I on the area s numerous industrial plants and mining operations), there is a high prohahil ilx the House vc ill pass the hill intact And sun e Bush himsell approved (he compromise it guarantees his signature Mx the end ol the session, the odds are good the (ilean \n Ac I will hec ome law Mitchell deserves much of the applause lor getting the hill through the Senate lor years lie has heen <1 leading advocate ol environmental legislation (am pled with lie' Bush administration's softening on pol lution issues, Mitchell's haul x\01 k paid oil 1 lie ( lean Ail Ac 1 is the insult finally something to lee! good ahnut - •4 .vV>* 'J Fadeley violation example of poor rule With sc.mrl.ils rtde-hieuking .mil i liver ups (lomin.iting pulitii .il headlines of Lite it u.is iinlv .1 matte i "I li me hel ore coni rovers \ crept into the courtrooms. In lie spei ifii (hegoti Supreme ( unit lustiie Kilu.ml I adelev has been i aught lor \ iolatmg a i ode against sulit iting i anipaign < null ibutions I he Dommissinn on judicial Illness and Disability a stale panel with It oversees such matters, has recommended I adelev be i ensured lor his lapse ut ethii s I bis is the bis! time in state historv that a supreme limit just it e has had to (dine in limit ol his peels loi a d I si iplinurv healing Though the i ominission suggested onh .1 reprima 1 id the othei justic es 1 1 mid dei ule to suspend 01 even remove I adelev from the belli h 1 adelev s mistake was personally asking lor donations to pav for his t'lHH campaign In Dei einbii he signed a letter to the editor that ran in the Labor Press newspaper, asking lor donations I adelev has also ad milted Ins solii ilation ol 1 onlribulions from private 1 ili/.ens The pul 11 ial ethii s canon forbids judges Irnm peismiallv seeking 1 anipaign 1 ontribu turns Hut in a hail s[ilitting displav ol logic Ilii■ rule allows judges to establish commit tees to seek donations Whether 01 not I adelev willtullv and knowingh Inoke the campaign financing law s is still undei debate Although one i an nul praise oi i undone l adelev s actions, it is eas\ to see how he could he established as a \ n tin) of ethical ( anon semantics The code that prevents judges Irom per sonalis sol it iting funds, hut permits them to ( reate "committees" that do the same thing just doesn't make am sense ( Haims that the ride distant es the judges and judit ial candi dates irom political partialits is whitewash The i anon needs to he ( hanged I adelev has admitted his mistake, hut still deserves punishment A (ensure is the best thing Removing him irom the bent h would he a major mistake lustice I adelev is one ot the most well-rospe< led people in public service lie is lullv capable oi doing Ins job. despite the si andal 1 ulike l ' S Supreme ( aiurt justices the Oregon varietv is elected to their posts ladeles will have to face an election in i'l'l-t It voters think he has done a had job. !he\ II remove him from ofiice Letters Heartless Kr.il . ute pit Inn' ul Mi I’ut.i In I lead Ilii'ii' (()/>/ M.iri h 'HI \s un i in mi in, iif would s.tv abb vmi kill mi'1 ‘’ Perhaps it mmi In'lil tin' proper surgu ai tnnls .uni nn iiiotln'i h.nl .11 low i'll main vi'.us ago urn unulil h.nr uiili'i'ii killi'tl inr I wouldn't lir lit'ii' In unit' llus letter bill It s Inn lull' 111 m . (lutin' I veil Ill'll Tivb.i \t)DI M.iri b 10) .mil I .111' pntli'i 11 '/>/. 1 eh -(>) i hallenging people to ahan don the narrow mindedness and I at k of eompassion that al lows them to ignore the pain and suffering ol some ol their fellow t realures fourteen members ol Coalition l or Ani mals and Animal Keseart h re spoitded lust 11s 1 expel ted In completely evading this i hallenge d'hev u ,mli‘d (u talk about thalidomide ()k,n briefly, thalidomide was tested dm am mals before it unit on the 111,11 kcl Alter It was suspei ted ul causing human deformities. it "as then tested on pregnant (logs, eats rats, ntonkevs. ham slers and i hie kens u ithout pro dm ing deformities It w as only a i ertain strain ol rabbit that ti nallv showed deformities sinn lar to those found in humans As is the nature of animal testing, it is pure i ham e that one animal rear ts to a drug in a similar manner to that ol anoth ei animal. The list of examples attesting to this phenomenon is endless However, as I stated clearly in m\ lust letter, this is just one ot many, many arguments to be made against vivisection. ( dearly . my < hallenge to people is for them to imagine tiie tor ture human animals are inflict ing upon non human animals, and to question the justifii ation tor such torture Ihe issue ol thalidomide is nothing in the lace ul this ques lion 1 halidomide was simply an oilier sleeping pill some thing we could do without .in other of. (a-rtainly not worth the enslavement and the pain ol the above mentioned aid mats \k ole Houri ier Student Prolong Regarding the anonymous "Hack oil {.ops" message 'ion have now made your point and must think you are pretty smooth Ai i usations ahound; hotli sides have (.outlie ting stories as to vvhat oi ( ui red in the teal gassing incident, (dmotl, he hrave! (!ome out ol hiding and take vour concerns to the po lice Tr\ to estahlish .1 serious dialogue between student groups and the Kl’l) instead ol turthei alienating the two I challenge vou to he mature and leave behind this "in your lai e" attitude that < an unit worsen and prolong the con 11 Id | Brett \\ ilson (iiirman