Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1990, Page 13, Image 13

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    ('onliniifd from P,ii*o 1
t'rship ill the land
1’iTlm.in said approximately
7(H) people were arrested due
11114 the m,tin .11 lion and about
1.000 doling the entire exmil
People wore arrested tor Ires
passing on tesl sde land or for
blot king the buses that trails
port lest site employ ees
When demonstrators were ,11
resletl. I hex were handt lilted
and Inised lo a nearhx bidding
pen Attei Inn lo si\ hours Ibex
were bused no miles to Beattx .
where Ibex were prot esseil
uni idled and released
" There w as a lot of 1 espet I
betxxfen us and the polii e.
said junior Daxid Dodson who
attended lor the tirsl lime
The otilx violent e x\ as in
the sense of people being
dragged. 01 try mg lo est ape.
I)odson said
Most of the arrests were at lu
allx detainments beeause "tin
pert fill ol I lie time the polii e
did not reatl us our rights
said Kindt
Some demonstrators were .11
restt'd tor more serious ol
leases, sut h as running as tar
C ontinued from Page 1
.md inform the students and
the I hmersih
Olierhiu' said the greeh sys
tem lias a social polii \ in ai
lion and approvimalelv |><■ i
i enl ot the niemhers must at
lend a s earls pri>gt am loi used
on suhstam e abuse ''()I.<.(
would make these programs
more educational, Oherhue
kuk Hailes . \Sl '< ) I bnversi
ts allairs coordinator, said it
the ()1.( I tollou s the gHide
I ines that w ere set up it would
lie a benefit ial progiam
Ah i mu ei n is I bat it would
be an enforcement thing in
stead ol an etlut ational tiling
Hailes said
Although ( )l.( ( ..til. .'Is 1 .III
write tu krts ami make arrests
(PKourke said I hat s not
what we are out In dii
'' We want to work w itti the
i it\ students and administra
tion on education, intervention
and enfor. ement It s hard In
enlorc e a lot with onl\ two nlii
i eis ” (1 Knurke said
I lie desi ription ol the pro
gram, to lie i ailed the
()!.('(! I hiiversitv ot (iregon
liquor Law I.delation and In
tervention Program was writ
ten up hv a group w hit h in
i lu.ied students administra
tors, law enfor. ement represen
t.itives and mam others
"Kvervone is parti, ipaling in
writing up'the joh specs con
coming w hat we w ill expect
hum these people it is kind ol
a team approai h he said
Bailee said it the Ol id can
show that the pro. ess and up
proui h are i omprehensive
educational and accessible the
program in.it lie elle. live
I'he ASt'() has not been ap
proa, bed to help fund the pro
glam and Bailev believes the
stale should pax tor it But, In
the end what will probably
happen is th.it evervbods will
take a little chunk ol it he
W ilson said a I niversity task
ton e on communits relations
will be meeting I ruins to ills
i uss different options on deal
mg with the situation Student
representatives, administrators,
city officials. 01X10 represent.!
lives and others will be there
W ilson was unsure whethei the
01.0(1 program proposal would
be .list ussed
into the test site .Iff.I is possi
hit* In-ton* lining t aui>ht h\ po
Ik e
()ik* t'mversitv student si*
niiit Unit i* Stensland tv, is ar
rested lor nhstrui lion of just it * -
atti'i In* asked a polii e oltu i*i
u In In* i mi hi n t pai k h is i ar in
a i iTtam spot
Hi* spi-ul mori* Ilian Uni
hours m tail uhili* ollti’i i ni
versilv sluih'iils hi'lil a ituil
ontsnIt* I li- is si hi-ilnlrii lor a
i tinrl hearing in Mai
rlu- I Insert I hll ks planm-il in
advent i* for mi ulents sin h as
this Hi'tori* tin* ai lion u i*
had i onsi-nsns meetings to do
i nil- tin* tlnimi* of tin* at lion
u ho i\ ill pn k np pi*op11* from
tin* j.iiI anil just to i iivei all tin*
liases ' Kindt said
Non \ loli'iu i* training mu k
shops hi'tori* tin* protest also
hi'lpt'ii stinli'iits i l.irili thi*n
pi'rsonal iii'it*. ol tin* dt*mon
stratum and to prepare tor po
tentialK hostili* i imlrontatinns
In addition, tin- demonstra
tors ivi'ii' organized into aflin
it v groups whose inetnhers
lent support to eai h otln*i w hen
1 ItfS w rrr anrstrd
In help studrnts pus loi tIII*
!ii|i tile IVsrrt Minks singl'd
I>**n>• fi{ ( um i-rN f.irlii*r lliis
\ I Ml' .liul illsu sought loud dotl.l
Hons I mm luigriif irsluuinnts
to knop < lists low
During the protrst womon
lit’lil I hm o\v n .11 tion a w.111
iin; i in In w In*ic woim'it i onlil
Iflrasr tin'll finotions said
I’ft'liniin I hf uonifii tlii’ii
llillll l'i| to till' trill f V\ Ill'll'
ni.im nifii iinni'tl thfin .is tlirv
t rossi'il outo thf test stir
Mam ili'inonstralois atlrnd
nl loi prrsonnl if,isiins
It was ,i majni fvriil loi
ini- s.ml Robrrl HnggrrH
who .it if mil'll loi thf In st l mu'
I w flit ilou n u ith .i lot ol nn
rest insult' ot nif
I iii.iiIf ,i hit i it gtuni i iinni'i
hulls w nil pi'oplf ilow I! till'll*
Ilf Sillll
I'lli- Studi'lit ( .Iiii(>.itvi11 loi
Disarmament is holding out
m,ii li programs lor thf sluilfnls
who .ittfinIfil thf tlfinonsti.i
lion, .uni want to do nioif
Kindt said hci .nisr hf mg si
Ifiil fquals df.ith
Five GOP candidates
accuse media of bias
NAllA! ! \1*S I i v o lit tho
iossoi kn* iU n Reput'd i< «iM
r amlidutos tor gn\ ornor hold
a joint nows t ooleront o
\\ rdnrsd.iv to < omplum that
thou i atnpatgns liauMi'l gut
ton inut h ptih!i( it\
Speaking to ropurtors nit
the hunt stops of tho ( apt
(id, tin* h\ r sard tho now s
media and tin* stato Ropuhli
i an l’art\ have all hut writ
ton thorn off and am paving
at ton I inn nni\ tu front run not
I )uv o 1 ruhnmav or
I li'iv's w Ini shmvod up at
tho now s i ontorom o
• Santm d Man a ’ \ oai
old retiree tmm Salom who
npposns a sales tax and ha\
mg \lahmna I l.dl as tho ntti
i i.d guv1'iiior■'s rosidont o
• I .d t hi 1st 10 a (it) V oal
ol(l mi 11v\ ui koi tmm ( rah
troo who uppusos ahortinn
and meomo taxes I hi* ion
! filed to run ts port I \
lie. ause up .ilf underpaid
mid overtaxed .is .1 people.
I hustle said
• i ! I iifl !l ! .1 ■ 1 ■ ' I it
Salem v\ 11<) described him
sell .Is .1 sell eilipluv ed i .11
pentei .ttul ' .1 sei \ .Hit ill |e
sun ( dll 1st ' tv hi i oppt ises
.limit lull
• h ill n I im .) i » \i.ii old
lle.llth 11 ii id dlstl llllltil! trilin
lresit.mi u Ini s.lid tie s
lll.lilllv i I mi el lied I li.lt the
V mi e id the "little people
isn't lieiiiyt heard ill tile Ke
ptlhl ii <in piiveriuii s rare
tin i inn mi ed III.it u hen
we .ue heard vmi me filing
til see the pi 1111. it A r.li e he.it
up I im s.lid
• I iU\ aid Steulis a i'l
Ve.it util insiir.illi e m.ill tnilil
Well lies v\ ho uppi ises . 11 ii ii
t ii hi .i ml thinks env it11111111*11
Inlists me using the spotted
»u I .is .in e\l use tu ship log
v; 111 v; ill nld growth trees
[its a. 11.
u id
\rm€ tiling*
PCI l>w«m*»Ti
iiwsibp iJtfiay -**r sat! JOHN M ATERS IMW