Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 05, 1990, Page 11, Image 11

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Hate crime measure pending
B\ Mike Robinson
Assot ijtod Press
U \S||1\(, m\ I II..
Mouse approved Wednosdax
and sent to the president a bill
requiring the government to
. ollec t data on hate i runes
moti\ ated b\ mi e religion
sexual orientation 01 ethnii
n mts
Now is tin time Im ( on
gross to begin the tight against
hale crimes. Rep Charles
Si burner I) N A told the
Mouse when the measure was
brought to the Hoot I he law
makers voted 4I)J 18 on
Uednesd.n to send the Senate
passed measure to the prest
dent 's desk for his signature
President ( leorge Hush is ex
pei led to sign the measure
w Im h would require the |us
tire Department to keep data on
crimes related to victims' race
religion, sexual orientation 01
ethnii group It is supported b\
a \.11let\ ol i ivil rights ethnii
and polu e groups
At t u a i I\ . Hit1 11 on st' already
had passed the measure and
tins lime merelv t onsenled 11>
minor changes made when the
Senate approved the lull on
l ed H
( a imes that u unit! he count
ed are murdei. non negligent
manslaughtei lort ilile l.ipe ag
gravated assault simple as
saull, intimidation, arson and
destruction, damage or vandal
ism ol property
I irst proposed in t UH4 h\
Rep Barbara Kenneth 11
( Him . the legislation grew
trom a senes ot arson nu idenls
.it synagogues in kennelly s
central t ainnet ticut district
\ilthorities yyere ney el able
to determine that r.it ml ot reli
gious prejudit es led to the
t runes
Hard Rock Cate
^»ets drenched
U IS! li( II.I.VUOOl)
Cal it i AP) l lii- I lard Kui k
(lute. ,i w atering hole tor the
hip and famous was (loodi'd
with 200,000 gallons ol w a
In c.irh Wednesday n lien a
film i row tni( k Ini a In
I he water warped the
Hard Kim k’s hardwood Hour,
hut firefighters were able to
save such rock n roll
monientos as Klton |nhn s
seijuiued baseball uniform.
Steven Idler's leopard
jumpsuit and an entire wall
ol Klvis memorabilia
firefighters and employ
ees used water vacuum
trui ks. mops and squeegees
to i lean up the I lard Koi k in
time tor dinner, said Valerie
Van (lalder. a spokeswoman
for the rock n' roll-themed
i lub
The truck strut k a tire by
drant at i 47 a m and water
shot up to the I lard Koi k s
root The water leaked into
the restaurant, covering the
floor with up to eight im lies
ol water, said < itv l ire l)e
partment spokesman Pat
No injuries were reported
The trm k that hit the In
(Irani w as part ol a i amera
i rew taping an all-night 1 \
spei ia! commemorating
1 artti Day ( ailed "I lard Kook
(late Presents Save the Plan
et ” The show will air April
20 on CBS
Some supporters sa\ the
measure is needed liei .him- nt a
rising tide nl "hale i runes' mi
the part nt neu Nazi skinheads
and other sut h groups al
though there is no t ertuinH
th.it sin h offenses are cm the in
i lease
A Mat I08H Instil e I tepail
inent repott said These It pes
ol oilenses are tai more serious
than i oinparalile i runes that do
not involve prejudii e hei ause
tliev are intended to intimidate
an entire group
I stimates ol the i list to i ol
lei I the informal ion hn\ e
ranged front SI million a year
to Silt million a \ eai lire |us
I u e I )epat I nielli has said it
would have no trouble making
hale i rimes part ol its ammallt
published uniform t t ime re
I he lull was brought to the
floor Tuesday night and de
haled hill the vote was delated
until U ed nesdat
Bush asks for South American aid
By Christopher ( onnell
Assoc iated Press
U ASIIIM, l t)\ President < ieorge Hush
lobbied lot Sennit1 passage td an emcrgrii* v
aid pa< kage fix Panama .md Nit aragua do .
week hill Senate Minority l.eailei l anl a
Mitchell left the White House Wednesday in
dii ating lh.it tlie timetable won l lie met
Hush invited more than a dozen seriate is io
the White House to ( ottgralulate lliem on
Wednesday’s passage of lougliei i lean air stun
.Yftetward. he suiumonetl Mill hell Senate
Minority l.eailei lioli Dole and Sen Patrick
l. ealn IJ Vt who < hails the Senate Ap|>oipti
ations subcommittee tii.it dispenses lur nil
aid. into the ()val t >ttn e to lohtiy for the Pana
m, i \i( eragua pai kage
Mitchell who on Monthly art.used the ul
ininistlalioll of taking a "jigsaw puzzle ip
proneh to foreign aid, told reporlois I here s
no point in worrying about something that yte
can’t get to until we deal with the authorize
lion lull
lit** anthot i.Ml ion lull separali' legislation
dial must 11 is! In passed lietnre ( Ollgiess i an
!I*}’i'M*r"i mtuallv disburse funds
i-u'l inm ing Ihs ausf Rrpulilu.an senators
i> ’•>'*• mi I d l>i'i*n mm ailing In permit us to pro
i i i'il williuul .mn'mlnii-D! .mil In .1 short tlmi*
limit said Miteholl
UV tiisi ivanl In sit .u lmD on the author!
*tit.ti lull All nisi' is spet ulalion.' said
N'ili In'll U la 11 vvn gel ai lion on llm author)
ali 'o hill llii'ii lie II i (insider tIn- next step
Whili Ilousi* spokesman Mailm I il/vvali r
di i liimd iinmnniit on thi meeting, nailing il
Hush lias been prodding the Senate In appro
pi into up to $,Huo million lot I’an.una anil Nn.a
lagua lu llin' il loaves I'hursdav on an I'astei
iti ass until Aptd in
rhu I louse voted tin $7-0 million in aid In
the i minim s luosdav Panama u. rebuilding
billowing the l’ S imasiun that ended llm
Noriega dn I atm a dp ill I lei ember and Nil am
gua u ill end Sand mi si a 111 le and instill I den 10
iraiitallv I'lni ti ll Violela (lluimorrn as presi
1I1 nl Api il ‘ 1
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