National Senate passes new clean air bill By H. |ost*l Hebert Assoc iated Press \\ \SHINt; I ()\ (API I hr Sendte ovetwhelniinglv proved sweeping .111 pollution controls on .uitoniobiles. facto ries and power plunts I'uesd.w otter .1 decade ol struggle mei whether to strengthen i lean air laws 1’ri‘suient Hush, speaking in Indianapolis in advam e ot Sen ate action. ( ailed it a historic vote" that would after t gener ations to <.nine as ue work to build a i leaner, s.tler Ameii ca After the vote, presidential spokesman Marlin I it/water said. "We re pleased and we ll work for passage in the I louse " Senate approval shifted the clean air debate to the House where a similar bill is being written b\ the Knergy and Horn merce Committee Kep |ohn Hingell. I) Mich.. the panel s r llairtnan, sairl he plans to have the committee vote bv week's end and exper ts floor at tion next month Ififferent es in the Senate and House measures wilt then still have to be worked out The t lean air lulls before Congress represent the lust at tempt to strengthen federal air pollution laws in !.! veals dr spite widespread agreement among environmentalists and regulators that the to o I lean Ait \i I has la I let I to I if I t it les ol rl III \ .ill I he law w as last amended in l‘l ' About 150 million people breathe dirt\ an in more than 100 cities from I ,ewiston Maine, to bos Angeles, accord mg to government figures In addition, industrial plants ie lease an estimated ’ billion pounds of luxe chemir els in r hiding carcinogens, into the air eat h year and at id rain pul ★ tMJNDERlANP * L.Ht AT FOR PARTUS AND BlHTMOAVS 5^*umcn At L (.AMf S WORK £VIUcU WITH NICKELS GAMES ADMISSION I SO STM STREET PUILIC MAMIT ^ RJGt« * 683 8464 hit,tills .ur riu),marring streams .ni(i l.ikrs ,ii kiss mm It ot tin Northeast and mid Atlanta states 1 hr Srnatr legislation which would impose sweeping pollution i ontrols on industrial plants, aulomolulrs and c.oal burning rln Irii pi>w rr plants Is designed to rasr those prill) Inns Among its hr v provisions are • Tighlei automobile tailpipe emission i ontrols requiring new i ars run t leaner and re dure smog a ausing pollutants ( leaner fuels would be re quired lor Heels and nutomo biles toward the end ol the dri adr 111 the most polluted i itlrs • A red in turn in sultur dio\ ide emissions Irom eoal burn ing utility plants In in million tons a \e.u i orbing arid ram • Red in lions through the in st,illation ol the best available t ontrol technology ol tuxii chemical releases In industry mi I ml mi; controls on about 2tHI chrmir als linked to i am rt nervous disorders and birth dr let ts The bill would require stall's to implement spei du pollution i ontrol plans to i lean up urban smog and establish ilK lenient,d requirements to i ill pollution In .1 to ) peri enl a veal until federal an quality standards are at bunciI The timetable for ( leaning the ait of urban smog ranges Irom live veai s to I S y ears tot most i d I he nat ion's i it ies Hr i arise ot the sin erity ot its proh lern. I .os Angeles is given 20 years Tile sweeping i ontrol ulea END OF SEASON SALE! 50-70% OFF on all ski gear Hurry, Berg's closes for the summer. Soon1 ures ,iri■ e\pe< It'd lu hr espen mm’ as industrial plants install new pollution equipment elei ti u utilitii’s in thf Mulufst uid parts nl tin’ Smith turn avvav (tom high suit in i ual or install evpenslve si lullin’ is to inrt'l .ii id rain i ontrols and as auto makers i’i|tiip iiru tars with better emission dev 11 es and de velop i ais capable ol usiih; i leaner fuels Various estimates have placed the total i osl to the et onolin at more than S i I till lion a yeai. although induslrv lobbyist have said the expense could he lligllel Senate leaders and the Hush ion worked out a compromise alter three weeks ol closed dool negotiations in the hope ol blunting strong re gional opposition to some parts of the hill and opposition hum senators concerned about the ettei t ol the toughet i ontrols on various segments ol indiisliv Fusion claimed success IM M \ I K!.|,l> Idaho \l’i ! u u I SI,tie 1 m v r rs 11 \ |ihvMi ist s i I.mni'il Kui's<1.1 \ (h,it thi'\ piodm cil ,i i util Iusiihi rr.ii tt«iii with ,i diltrirnl I'lmiu'nl ili.m ihosr usrd in |*«»ii ini'iits In I w n i linn11sis In mi I l.iIi .uni I-on land I’lnsiis plotrssm ki'IIIH'lh I'll Ii • I s.iiil hr .mil Ntanlm \ i'L;iirs pi i id in ril llir ir. n linn Man h I l In saturating ,i sin,ill mil nl til.imum mi' in ,i Imlili* ol ilculrriimi gas roolrd In minus lull drgrrrs lahnmhrit l lir iliuiir (irmluinl hursts nl ui'iitrnns. prrsmnahlv llir tusiiin ,il lun tli'iilrrtins min ,is \cl miili'lrrinini'd pmiliii Is I , 111 * r lull I ,i news i tinfiuiMK r \ dt'iitrrun is llir mu Inis nl ,m .llnm nl ilculrrium m iso topr nl hydrugrn In imr H pr nl fusion million, two ili'iilrimin mu In lusr In Inim lii'lmm This is ,i pin mi a I prut rss in ulm Ii ili'Uln nun gas sltiml in a In it I Ii- is alisiiiliril into titanium inrlul at low Irmpi'ra liirrs ami tow prusstiri' and as llir mrlal lirats up it rmils ui'iilriins I alrr said ll ap|ir,us vvr piodm rd i uld fusion i rai I ions in a dittrirnt was hr i laillli'd I h i • i r arr maw Iwo trill mi|urs l lir tun irsran Inns weir spmrrd In trporls a vrar ago that i hr!ms! II Slanlm I’ons nl llir I 'nivrrsilv of I tali and Hrilish rolleagur Marlin T lrishmaun ul llir l'111vi■ i s11\ ol Southampton had ai hirvrd suslaiiird mu Irar fusion in a srrmmglv simph' rspriinirnt ATTENTION: LESBIAN, GAY, AND BISEXUAL STUDENTS ! ho University President's I ask f orce on t osbian and Gay Concerns is conducting a survey ol current lJO students wlro identify them solve' as lesbian, gay. or bisexual If you have ever had a significant emotional and physical relationship with someone of the same gender, we would like to know your opinion about the general cam pus environment Your participation m this important work will be anonymous and survey results will be reported in aggregate* form Surveys are available until April 13 at the following locations ASUO, Suite 4 EMU, ASUO Women's Center, Suite 3 EMU; EMU Publications Pack, EMU Lobby I; Womens Studies Program, 636 PLC, Dean of Students, 364 Oregon Hall It you would like to be mailed a questionaire, please call Karen Gatfney at the Dean ol Students Office, 346-3105. 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