s FxrnsFS NOT TO GO THROUGH RUSH *4: "It'll hurt my grades." Biology. English. Math. Basketweaving — There are too many classes to take to list here. Chances are you'll take some that your friends haven’t. So where do you go for help? Go greek. Join a fraternity and you'll have eighty friends to help you out. In ad dition, ttie system as a whole offers free tutoring and scholarship programs. Hurt your grades? Hardly. START GOING PLACES. GO GREEK. Fraternity Rush April 9-13 Sign up in Suite 5, EMCJ A—A Questions? Call Tim Grossnicklaus 346 3701 Regional Expedition leader knew storm was coming I'OR'I I W’l) iAi'| Oregon 1 l>isi opal School officials vvIhp planned i student ext ursion up Mount Hood didn't envision .1 serious attempt to rea< it tin summit .1 former si hool oft 1 i nil testified I uesd.n Sam Dibhms |r testified in Multnomah < !ount\ < in nit ( ourt in .1 lawsuit brought li\ Richard If.ieder Ifie father of one of nine 1 limtiers who died The group was neat the top ol the peak when a snowstorm strut k the mountain After spending the night in a snow 1 ave two hiked out to get help, hut onlv two others survived af ter spending the nest two days in the 1 ave Dihhins. the former head of the si honl's wilderness pro gram, said he and the Kev l oin (Ionian w ho led the climh 1 hei keif the weather forecast before the expedition and knew <1 storm was approaching the mountain Until of us fell I hat w ith the weather forecast, we expiated evervhod\ would he hai k at si hool hs the afternoon. he THE SPRING COLD RUSH IS ON! $75 $50 $25 OFF OFF OFF 18K 14K 10K Order your college ring NOW. ,I( )STENS APRIL 4, 5, 6 10 A.M.-3 P.M. Order Your Ring Now To Receive It By Graduation! • S30.00 DEPOSIT REQUIRED • MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED UO Bookstore 13t1i X Kincaid M F 7 30 5 30 SAT 10 00 5 00 346 4331 tesldied It dlrln t look good The Ylav 12 1 'tao. c limit w.is part ot tin- i urriculum at the s< hool but no provisicm was made lot an alternate date in i use i it I ia\ ollne mating ei Ronald l.eaeh I he burglars is believed to have occurred be tween 1 III |t in I ridas and 8 ill a in Mundas There svas no sign ot tori ed entry police said Derek Humphry executive direetoi said the burglai oi bur glars combed through tiles, stole dm untents and made copies ol i heck stubs I lie papers sseie related to an ongoing audit by the In tenia! Key ellue Sen li e Audit tiles and letters between the sot iety's lawyers. at t mint ants and the IKS vs ere taken Humphry said I he trime s\as highly selective lie said. The person or per sons responsible knew exactly ts hat they were looking for He said there is nothing in the missing liles 'Which we cannot lephu e nor does it i ontain any information embarrassing to us Humphry at said he has no idea it the burglary is related to rrx eut charges by his estranged yvile Ann Wit kef Humphry i ' that he mismanaged society hinds. Deiek Humphry has denied any wrongdoing. He contends questions about the translei are matters ot tax law rather than li n.mi ml impropriety Spring Special Oregon West - FITNESS - STUDENTS ONLY 1 Month- s4000 Full Use of Facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles Located By Running and Bike Trails BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES —— Sam 11pm 7 Days a Week L 085 1624 1475 Franklin Blvd Across from Campus A