Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Court overturns death sentences
SAI.KM ! \I'i l ln (lif.'.ihi Supreme t ourt
nil Tuesdav overturned tun additicm.d death sen
li’iii is hei iiissc ut i s Supreme ( mir! !ri|inn'
lln1 action sent two Portland minder i .im">
Ii.ii k tn tritil court-. jni new sentencin',: pmti’ril
ings tnr Mari u Antonio Monte/ ami Stephen i,r
11>\ Netstad
The Oregon Supreme ( unit 1111In■ i<l limit ag
gravated murder i ntivii turns but said tlmv'rr en
titli'ii In new | ii ii.t 11 \ hearings tn allow juries in
i oiisider am mitigating evidence that might
weigh against a death senium e
in allot tier cast' the Supreme (null refused
to review a Imvt't court ruling that iiaimui'd in
slant cs m whit.It public uffit nds iiiusi disc lost'
I Oilf 1 it Is 111 1 llllTCSt
Tim (Hurt so till has set aside senium is of
seven u! the I people t <iiitieiiined lu die under
the state's i iipit.il punishment law
l'lie first live sentences, vaunted Ian 11- in
eluded one ol a man w hose murdei i tmv n lion
also was rev ersed hei a use of improper I v admitted
ev idem e
Km ept tor that i ase I he sentelK e,s have been
overturned because ol a I S Supremo ( ourt nil
ing Iasi lime that defendants have a broad right to
have mitigating evidence considered In juries
llial i an impose i apilal punishment
Vtorilez was ctmvit tod ol the June -U I‘IH
death ol (iaurhn.o Straub who was strangled and
her i orpse set afire in a motel mom on Portland's
east side
Wfslad was found uuillv ol the Man It I t.
IIIH7 stabbing death ot Steven jni kson. who led
the Acropolis Tavern in Portland with Netstad
and Rev es M iranda
Miranda also was i onvii ted ol aggravated
tmtrdrt and his death seitleiu i' ssas dn> >it those
reversed hv the Oregon Supreme ( mnt in lame
.ir \
In impose iapital punishment ,i fui' must
wnnntrtnnl.sU del idi- .1 killing sms deldit'M’e th.it
it's probable thr defendant would commit 1 rum
ai acts threat! e lultirt! and I
tin' slaving was an unreasonable response to am
prm in at mu
lllc Oregon limit sa\s pirnis now must alsn
1 nitsidei whet ho then' s am uspei t nl a diden
danl's hai kgrnnud nr 1l1.1r.Mle1 111 am t sn urn
stances nl the idtelise that Uuuld ptstits 1 sou
trill e nl less than death
In the fth*1 s ruling, tin Supreme < unit w it.h
nut 1 eminent announced It had let stand an Ore
anil ( nil It nt A 11 pea Is dei is ion
ril.lt appeals 1 mitt said nltu i.ds don't have In
announce potential 1 ontlii Is nl interest siheitesei
tiles support a prn|ect that inineisahh 1 mild
brim; personal Imam i.d gain no matter boss re
mote the possihllits
d'lie slate Klliii s t niiimis'-inii ruled that An
thorn ( aiagol a Inniler Wnndlium cits council
mail, s inlaird stale lass hs not ilea losing a puteii
ti.il 1 out tit I when he siippnrted forming a Itotul
ing eulhonts that could tiiiam e a retiiemmil I are
tat lids
rhe 1 omniissinil said lie had a potential 1 on
lint because as a real estate broker he hoped to
make mimes selling houses to people is.idling to
move to a retirement village in 1 ontiei lion ssitli
the care fm ilils
I lie appe.ds court reversed the 1 niiimi-■■ ion
I he 1 ourt said tile Issue hetore tile 1 oulll ll ss.e.
olds Iormi 11g a bonding authority. sshuli ssotdd
lie ,111 independent hculv that would decide
ss betber to Imam r the retirement tai ilits
Public needs to be aware of owl habitat
WASIliNt, l'()\ IA 1*1 I'n
viilc I.mil owners u ho disrupt
habitat loi northern spotted
owls i ouhl fin e i i iminal penal
lies it tin- owl is tli'diired on
(Lingered I S Kish and Wild
lilt' Sima h a oitii i.ds said tndav
Fhi' administrators told .1
i oiigri'ssional pani'l that 1111 ■
I ildangered Spot ii's Ai t out
laws tlii' "taking" ol a spin Ii's
and that a "taking" could in
cllldt* habitat disruption on pri
vatu lands as well .is pulilii loi
Krp I,es Aut loin. 1) ( h e and
1 hairmaii ol the I louse \ppro
priations Subcommittee on the
Interim said the serv u e s opin
ion w as 1 ritu al new informa
lion for residents of the I’m: if it
Northwest awaiting the agio
1 v s dei ision on whether to list
the ow I .is endangered
" I Ins may he the lust time it
has been made so inexplii abl\
1 (ear that the habitat rei over\
plans would attect private
lands as well as pulilii hinds.
Ant loin said
John Turner, direr tor ot the
I ish and W ildlife Servue said
most timber 1 ompanies in the
Northwest are "1 oncerned and
aware" ot the ramifii at.. ol
listing the owl as endangered
but the general publu is not
"I don't think any ol us have
done an adequate joli ol eilui at
inn lilt* {1111 >11< about vvliat vou
t an and i annul tlo. ' Ilf >.,11(1
Ronald I.ambertsun a lauvfi
and tbf agency s regional di
rtx tm in Huston said he be
lieved llir maximum penallv
fur t.iking .in endangered spe
l ies was one veai in prison and
a s 10.000 line
It s i|inte severe I haven I
lot iked at it ti n some t line lie
"You might want to dust that
oil " Au< anil said
The I ish and Wildlife Ner
\ k e is si liednled to dei ide In
|une 2.1 whether the spotted
owl should be prolix ted as a
threatened or endangered spe
lies a move irilns sav would
drasticallv reduce the amount
ol timber harvested in the Pa
i dn Northwest
I lie agent \ extended Its pub
In comment period on the is
sue until April 1 1 so it i an re
i five a report Wednesdav h\ a
si lentdii panel made up pn
inarilv ot l' S purest Serv u e
I luring todav 's bearing Aii
(loin said lie was concerned the
l ish and Wildlife Service's re
gional olfice serving the North
west lai ks the expertise to rule
on whether certain manage
meiit plans meet i nteria to pro
tei t the spotted uwI
Service officials said th.il it
“25 Years of
Quality Service"
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ihr .i^rm v n*« ommrnds in junr
In hs| tin* owl .is rnd.mini'll il
« mild takr .uiothi'i 1H mouths
hrtorr .1 rn ovn \ plan \\ mild
hr .idnplrd
offer onK ; i • ft
with Girvi
1 < 11 Lincoln
Willamette Towers HI do
sqq qc
si.i» ting il w C7 .
NOW 6.00
Illusions • 345-1810
■ ■ i M with
Tired of Waiting?
Fall Creek Bakery
has fast service.
HH I } .1st I Jill
nr.it < iilti|»is
Mini \ n M f. s.il H i
H II. lb- APRIL 14
I he LX) Bookstore is
sponsoring a photo contest
with this thenw*
Wed like* vou to photo
graph what you do when
you re not studying or
working, w hot her it hi* a
day on the sloj>es or at the
ocean. a romp with your
kuls, or a ilemolition
derby Show us w hat you
do tor fun and relanation*
(.real prizes will tn
>itfered and vour entry
photos w ill t*e displayed in
the store
I he winners will be }x r
son.illy notified, and their
names posted in the lobby
of the H« n »kst»*re as well
as announced mthe
t )rej;i >n l >aily I inerald on
April M), 1*W0
Have lots <>f fun vsitfi If us
and (.ood l.ui L1 --
Ihore will lx- exciting
prizes awarded to four
lucky wmrHTs our
People s Choice prize
wiiiiut will tx-1 hosen bv
you the fx*ople'
Hirst I’tuc
A JVC Remote C ontrol
Compact Din* Player
(Value $.100)
Sstond l'ruc
$.’(«) t ,ish"
l bird l’n/v
Olympus Infinity I win
( amera (\ alue $?00>
Cfiupk’s Uiuke
1 riv prtn rvsin^ for *>2 rolls
of film enough for each
week lor a year*
• I'wo entries per person
• All photos must haw
been taken since |an 1,
• No professional (a
fierson whose print i pa I
living is made by taking
pu lures) may enter
• Si/e of photo (total print
or mat si/e)
Maximum: 11x14
Minimum: S x 7
• C olor prints only
• fudging will Is- done by
Qua lex. In* the l i) Jour
nulism I Vpt . anti Iikal
professionals outside of
the l (t Bookstore ITie
judges will not aware
of who submitted any
The duration of the Photo
C on test will ta
il H lb APKIl 14, 1'W
• All photo rntrios must
ta‘ rmivt'vl al the photo
department of the* UC >
IVmkstore .(near tht* tan k
of tht* main floor) no later
than April 14.
• ( >n tin- tan k of your
entries you must print
very < learly
(1) Your name
(2) Your address
Oi Phe* title of your
(4) Phe type of tamera
lens and film list'd
(if possible)
• People s l holt e v>>tmp
vs ill take plat i within the
sti'n \pril 1 14
• Prints must be pn ked
up b\ Mav "'l, 1*W()
Ik* 4 kuM«d
M >' ? *>*«*»