Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1990, Page 4, Image 4

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    Students, Faculty, and Staff
are invited to meet with
President Myles Brand
April Open Office Hours
Wednesday, April 4, 1:00-3:00
Wednesday, April 1 1,3:00-5:00
Wednesday. April 18. 3:00-5:00
Wednesday, April 25, 1:00-3:00
20 minute appointments an available n> mdn uluai-.
or groups of five or less I’le.i-,,■ i ali Me '< i< t • >
schedule an appoint merit in the Pi esident •> Oilin'
I 10 Johnson Hall
—- . : - — - — - -- - -1
70 OFF!
Your Balfour
College Class Ring
Don’t miss this
golden opportunity
to save on a Balfour
College Class Ring!
• $30 OFF 10K
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1 lurry! Offered for a
limited time only!
720 K. 13th
/.''A nn < V(_ / ii/i/u/i / i/y><i/iy
Sacred Heart decides to use cloth
diapers, points to recycling needs
B\ lime Kussell
I merald ( <mtribtilnr
Disposable diapers lost anothei stipporlet in
tin- diiipn is.ii as S,ii red Heart (h-neta! Hospital
swili !inl to ri'ii'-.ihli- i loth Hi.ipi-i'. Man h ,! he
< ommg tin' toiuth Otogon hospital in ni.ikr 111>
shill to i lotli diapeis
I ulluw in. tin' example ill kaiser i’erinanente
and other I'oitland area hospitals Sill ted Heart
in.nii- tin i hungo In lain- advantage ill tin’ envi
ronmental and uni nun benefits ol ( loth ilia
Hull) stall suggestions and roevvling
lui n i o 111 it 1” nm ittintimi that it might !»• m.iih
limit; we < mild hr doing ’ said Lori Logan of
umlernal and newborn sen it es at Sailed Hear!
Diapers wen- about the last thing u r thought
about Just about ali the materials within the bos
pilal that i an be rei vt led, are
I be hospital in \i les more than | i tons of
Jlajiei and 1 aollioald ear.il month an online to
irilormatton from the Im al Pearl Honk m \i lii.e
program IMastu s. glass loam, metal and Herns
are also ret vt led Logail said
Nation.tlh . to ( penent ol l.iiidldl umtents
is disposable diapers although a retool Metro
waste slud\ pi,n eii the level in J’oitland landfills
at I pen ent said (iiiini \ Sugarm.in, rnvilonnieii
tal ,idiot ate toi Oregon State I’ublii Keseari h
ib.it dues11 t soiled like nun h but when
Mill 1 11 its n lei that \ on ir talkilie. about null one
item that beeotne.s a lot Sugarman said "His
posable diapers lake up to >1 HI years to dei one
pose, where i otton cloth diapers only take si\
More than lit billion disposable diapers are
thrown aw.is .at ii \e.tl aid Ionia lleikkila
()Sl’IK(. projei ( leader ini re< \ i I ini;
I lii Intspit.il uses approx imately In.' nun dm
pels annually Logan said Disposable diapro.
nun slill lie used Ini babies with spe< nil medic.d
needs bill Sailed Heart udl (unlinue to explore
alternatn es
"Ui> lee| this is going In make a diilerein i us
the number nl diapers being thrown into lie
landfills I.ogan said "Tin* otliei environmental
ci mi ei n we I eel were addressing is tin- present e
of fer al mailer being pul into till landfill and
ilia! doesn't happen with i loth diapers
Ken Sanriusk.v, recycling rnordinator ini
I .ane (.mull y agreed "Obviously il will rcdui -
I lie present e el a commodity lb.it we're nut par
tu ularlv i ra/v afrou! having in the landfill. We re
also glad because for one thing il u ill lessen the
present e o| certain baeterias and reduce their
present' e in lear hifrg
I he reusable i loth diapers are also more et o
mimical for the hospital to use than expensive
dtspcisable diapers.
\t tuallv. It IS a leu ( flits less per < loth dia
per than disposable.'' I.ogan said "When vnti
look, at tlh volume ol diapers we use a leu i nils
i an make a dlth'ieni e
Hie response from hospital stall ami parents
alike has been very positt\ t•. i aigan said
Hte\ find it no diflerent to work with." I.o
gan said It s been a very smooth transition
We vi’ gotten a very positive response from par
ents it s a choice they can make when they
home hut we re definitely very supportive in the
hospital ol using cloth
\altonvvide, Ha percent ol the diapers being
used are disposable I.ogan said I feel that (In
hospital using (.lot Ii 11 la pew will make a difh-i
lorn to Diapers, Page
Native American Student Union to meet
\S1 t > i .1 mlirl.ili's iniTtiti■:
wit! I» h.'ld tonight ,it i. in
I All ( .-ilni Kiumi I
( )i i .ill I c ilium I’nu it Ini
I t als
I hr I liltin' .• ■ • ■ • - .. -! ii ., |
a m I Ml Suite 1
Students Ini I lilted Vilnius
meets tonight at It ill the I Ml
I'mintiiiu t Mur!
Students Ini tile Imprme
mrnt id ( uiiiisrling ( enter
Studies meet* tonight at 5 in
the 1 Ml I i in id .ii n (’uurt ( ,de
Men \gaiust Rape . t> i ,
night .it in I Ml ( eitturv
Room I!
\nti\e \meruaii Student
Union it t p in in
I \tU Koom I5A
Druids meet |..night at i ui
I Ml I edar Room I to dtsi uss
events < inning this spring
\m lent t nresl \i turn (.roup
meets tonight at . ill in i Alt'
Suite I
OSIMKt.'s Hunger i le.iilup
group meets tonight at t. tit in
I MU Suite 1
1 G I S Thank God it s spring! However it is also a time
wh.-n many of the students of the University of Oregon
think about their housing needs
At piIEASANT l’ARp the demand for housing
skyrockets as early as July. So we are now faking
deposits and making reservations tor apartments
which will be available in June
Fnjoy this summer In one of thebest housing values
in Springfield!
( nllrv’r Krjmhln ,ins
toim»ht .it *>: Hi m I \ 11 (irdm
SHAKIRS \\|) I .I t I i KI .S
I mm ( onsri \ ativ r 1 tili/a
tion t <» Subsidi/rcl IHundrr
I cm*st Sri \ it i* \l.in.ii*mnrnt
irs and tin* \rw I nviitm
mrnl.il ( niisi imisiirss" tin
I it It* tit a !t‘t turr lo hr jjivrn l>\
Mik* Mrtllt i .in rnvimnmeutal
stutiirs ^raduatr stmlrnt 1 hr
iiitiiif will hr 11uI.iv at i ji.m
in Room inn {dnulun
Mist t i 1 \\! ()l S
"(irr.it W bite 11ti111<'i i In•
title nt a \ iden about i lass \
rivers to In* sltuvvn todiiv *i!
1 . til |) m m Kootn 2 i I \ll'
Ilu* showing is sponsored In
llu* ()utdoor Program
"When* in the World \re
Vou t.oing?" IS the title (it
workshop on sluilving abroad
through the Stiill\ Abroad Pro
grain It will he held today a!
! Ul m Room lie) (begun I bill
\ workshop tor phvsit al
therap\ and or i up.itional ther
apv prat to um students ill lie
held Ihursdav morning at 11 in
Room 1fi4 (Ireenn 11,ill
( ommiiM.il Ki'i om ill.ilmn
peliain i' sctrii C will he Ill’ll! Ill
night ,il 7 ill at tllr \rum.m
(!i*1111■ t 1 Mat) I mum.iId SI
Uednestl.u nighl SImiIimiI
a I tin* Newman (.enter. 1 Hal)
I. me raid St Refreshments will
fnlltm Mass
fr.iii'lmi; \<irlh l Drtoui
on tin- Koiiil to l’,mnli>f
title nl ,i lilm In lie slum n to
night at 7 ill tile S.H red I le.nl
l.enei.il Hospital Auditorium
1 lie lilm is pari ol the Mental
I lenllli and ( aneina series
Deadline for submitting i t
.lis In llir I mri.ild bunt desk
l \tl Suite Mitt is nine! the il.n
before pubiit at mu I t a Is run
the day of the e\ ent unless tin*
event (Haiti's before noon
flense submit I t als the il.n be
lore they .ire to run only V
tiies of eieiits w ith a donation
01 admission charge uill not be
accepted Campus events and
those scheduled nearest the
publication date 11 dl be given
priorit\ I lie Kmcr.ild resenes
the right to edit notices tor
gr.immat and style.
■ •••:>• you to enjo\ the u" ■ iif">
an food to our 0t .\ dow a locui -
, ! A f'r .00,0 Sr." . 'U1 rl Mt ■ i ,1'i
days a week t xample Cfw.Ken Camilas
niias do Res Cnite Verde .tnd’Chi'o
jodav-Thursday ll-fi Friday & Saturday
Now Serving Cocktails
2 FOR 1
per parly
Kitiod for combination dinner $6 25 maximum credit you pay the difference ^
No! Good on Fridays Or On Orders To Go
Otter expires 4/30/M
26S0 River Rd. 689-5321/635 Broadway 344-1091