_Universit> Law students push for diversity B\ Peter C ogsvxell f mer.ild Reporter I'he ! )i versitx ( Coal it inn a group ol students .it the i niver sit\ lulling for improved diver sitv in the 1 im ersitx 1 .aw Si hool. has organized at tivities for Thursdav to promote greater representation o! trail it ionalh urulerrepresented groups I he at tivities are part ot a on Iional protest i ailing lor in creased hiring ot minorities and women at law si In nils across the i ountiA Ihe t niver Ml\ is one ol more than >n i ol leges expet led to partil ipale, said M u v 1,011 Hoeh ke. organ i/er ol the at tivities lilts is a mat innu ii 1 e pi a ill lem at all law si liools and the pri itession as a whole. Hindi ke said Its not lust uniipie to the I iliversitx The (Coalition w as organized after students from the I nn er sit\ ol t California at Itei ke lex where a similar protest was or guni/t'd Iasi veal i onlai ted students at the law school Hindi ke said This is the sei olid veal ol the national protest. Hindi ke said I hr ,ii tivities w ill he more subdued .1! tin' I'nnersitv then thev \\ i'i i’ .il Hithelm w Ill'll' students praetii ini 1 1 \ 11 disobe diem e ,uul .trri'sts uriv made "We lie lint going tn Use these extreme metlmds Uni'll he s.lid 'We iile 11 \ lllii tn edlti uv st hf itulftl S.il uni. 11 \pril .it llif law si litinl Minority I .in I'.11 spttns111.1l In tin- Minnnti I..111 Students \sstit i.ition is designed tn show st l It It'll I s. the m,1111 nppnt tunitifs .iVtiil.ililf in thf Iff,. 11 protf ssinn I sir tin- tint fi-fiits being compatible In supporting 1 greater ellort tn liin- minor il if s Hi if It kf ,ud Kais i ng llif awaretifss 111 this st liool is going to in.tkf tills pi,11 f lifttfi Ini minoritifs 1.1 . ntiif Htifli kf said llif problem is not just recruiting iiiinoi its l.n u 111 hut .dsn 111,iking minorili l.n nils t omfort.ihlf otu f tlifi all* at till- I IHVf 1 sits "It is a mixture ot not just gutting minorities here hut making this a bfltf 1 plat ' lot minoritifs slit' said Head of child care serves state B\ Daralvn Tr.ippe 1 meruld C ontriluitor i 'niversitv Child t 'ti*' Coordinatot Dennis Rev uuliis lias been appointed In (an Neil (."Id si hmidt to represent child can1 providet>■ mi the (tregon ( 'mlimissiuti on ( liild (..ire Reynolds ulm administers the l niversitv s (;hild ( sire and Development ( enters said Ins work tor the I'niversiU will help him repo-sent the < liild care needs ot students and state eillpltiv ees, lie said Because he also serves as to < hail ol the child Cart' Service Area ( oinmlttee ot the Lane ( mints 'imitli Development Commission Revn olds said he t an provide the perspective ol Lane ( ounlv ill general Lhe Commission was created during the ad ministration ot (.overnor \ it Atiyeh and was origin,lIK tormed to issue leports on the '(utils ot i liild i are in ()regon. Kt-v nolds said It has si III f evolved into an ongoing hotly u hu h ativises the geiveflioi the state legislature the Department ol education. Children s Sen ices Division and the Oregon Scholarship Commis sum on (IhlId l are Reynolds saitl he reapiested the .ippointment I i.i rt t \ liei.Hilse til Ills work with t hi' A Si ( ) t li i It I i,iir r.i>k rtin i' I winked with till' AM O oil student 1 hiI.I t art1 issues, rspei i.i 11S tilt' (him r ut leg Islat ii hi that h,.i ami' thi' Statf Scholarship ( ummisslon on t li i Ul ( i.i ii ■ whii.ll provides iiiaiih Reynolds -.an I Hr will be one of i I meiiihrrs t-ai.li appoint I'll Ini' tllii'i' vr.n terms Him ailsi- hr Is i iilli|ilrt mg someone list's trim Remolds will hr mi thr ( aimmissiotl until I ). ttihrr Knell (it till- mrinliris has a dlllercnt ana ul expertise ui child i art 'll s a diverse group. Reynolds aid | ht'ir air parent. consumer irprr . t * 111 a 11 \ is. tax Hill legal experts a prliiallH 1.111, lllfirirllt people whn havi* hrrn appointed trout aruunil thr stair 1 want til n pirsnit what's going mi hrri' In- said Rev mids addrd that as a pairnl hr is di in til i mu rrurd w ith thr nerds ul i llihlrrn in dal i ai r set 11 Hits I'hr ( ummission is a iiiluiilari nrgaiii/atimi winch meets nmnthls Remolds will continue In work at the l inirrsitl and does not anticipate alll time l i >1 it I li Is A cut above the rest... CARE’N FOR HAIR 561 E- 13th AVE EUGENE. OR 97401 (503) 4RS-44M OWN 7 DATS Wolff tanning available by appointment Haircuts ONLY s1000 i w/coupon Reg. $13.00 and up ♦ Condition ♦ Shampoo ♦ Haircut ♦ Blowdry Good through April 30. 1990 __ ()rcf>on Duih _ _ Emerald »• M H. s *!'■< Kik.im " **'***1 !•'. • .1 . i-.iJi .*■’-! 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