010 PPl 0| Continued from Pam* It reads lor tins Satnrdas s s( rimmage Although ktdfinfin has more <• v[x-r!i-n< e than Kurwcll. Murwell's perlorinani e has didinitels made tin't a 111 >a< k position tin*' th.it w ill In- ( ompet it ive Obviously hi- (K!• I•• im*n11 was tin1 leading tantli date " lur Ihi' tailbat k position brooks said ‘Scan Hurwidl hail a good si rimmage and is a talented hat I It will In- a hotly ( untested position Both tailbat ks lift'd to slav hf.illhv anti it might t onif down to who sins s healths 'still, the luturf looks bright loi kelemeni who titles hung some louts Ins si/e anti speetl to the position that l.ovilh- who was . HI and 1 ‘IH pounds might not has e hail I think I ha\>- iiuiri’ i)t ,i hlritd ot quickness ami novvi't kchitni'iii said Derek was mor** tii a quu k hai k Inil at tin- same linif In1 Mas still pi iMerhil Drunks s.nii that tin' highest rlifli'imi a hetuirn tin' I\mi hai ks is thi'ir sit Irs I think he's a step lasti'i Drunks said nt keleniem I.uvdle had ^ood quit k ness hut nut great hreakawav speed Ngalu has guud hreakaMav speed hut isn I as <|11m k as I.m die \galu i an t makethi* i tits that Derek Mas famous tin Im*i ause lie's lugger and stronv'.* r Ills stvli* is ddlri nut Ur's nut a 11iiii k i ultint;, slashing hai k m ith one i ut esplusiveness Ilka- I.uvillr I.nvillc also used his <|i111 k. cutting abilities In hr ( nine .1 good rei civet for Oregon .is well finishing his i .tieer v\ ith rei eptions. 10th most in si liool hislort However llrooks believes lh.it heleinein imild he just .is good .1 lei elver .is |,o\ ille I I In nk N'galu i .in he .is prod tit: I ive jus l.uvillel I in inks s.iici Ills hell’ll! will help him bet h t not he able to make people lorget about Loville hut the Dili ks are hoping he t.an lessen the blow ot losing the best running bat k in si bool Ins !or\ CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS N**>! *•'/’** In11 « Rv Ml Cl«lkvtu l'HM> >.XI 10b PERSONALS PRIVAI1 HI l f‘ I ROM ' Mil NDS f ip* Pipgnmcy testing BIRTHRIGHT M7 «65i S r A i ON(jH AI *. ■ ,< w ij'jiJr*. *”•»*>*i »i-u i! 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