Sports Kelemeni faces tough task of replacing Loville By Ashley ( onklin I mcrald Sports Report or It's a t.iil imIn for \galu k• *!emeui Alter spending Le t w.ison as .1 redshut fre-dimaii Ij.ii king up tailback Derek 1.1 >\ i 1 le ki'lrmcm has tile unenviable task of trying to replace the si hool's all time leading rusltei anti si orer tor the I'l'Mi season's not to sa\ that kelemem isn't a taleiiteil I mi k I'he 11 I ,'IIH pomiil natn e of I’uel'lo ( a no n as the Colorado i.\ player ol the year his senior lent in high si hool He was also the Dinks lourth leading rusliei last season and averaged :i 1 v arils pet lushing attempt Hut It's not everyday that a Derek l.oville iiimes a I on >4 anil 1 an he 1 ou tiled on to he in the line-up 4 a me altei name and give ()t 1-4011 the consistent mound game it needs to take the pressure ol quarterh.11 k (fill Ndusgrave "I think theie s no question that w ■■ need a pro din live around 4ame." I lurk head coai ii Rich Brooks said "l.oville was a steady 1114 influence there Ini S ( veal's "The tilings that l.oville did was that he didn't tumble the ball,' Brooks said It von have somebody that runs tin 1.000 yards and coughs the hall up la I inres that doesn't help Lm a lie A as virtual I y there ry ery day and was very durable \4.1Iu lias already had some problems being hurl and missing practice and play ing Iime Both kelemeni and Brooks know that kelemem can step 111 and he a productive tailhm k tor the Dm ks. hut the hardest thing lor kelemeni might he dealing w itli being pall ol a new bm kiiehl that has to replai e not only l.m die hut IiiIIImi k Latin Berry as well "There’s a lot of hype going on about that kelemeni said I need to set all of that aside and gist coni ell 11 ate on w hat 1 have to do Possibly the biggest tiling that 1 mild help kelemem during spring drills and next season was wait long and learning I rum I ,ov die and Hri rv last sea son "Derek helped me out .1 lot kelemeni said It I had a question lie would answer it He was good in leai liiug me as well as being a triend I’liMlo li\ M.ijIiii I hirl Ki'lrmcni wlin ti ill Iir .i sii/ilinmuri'. luijirx hi ,il A Ini llir Dm As nr\l se./soii Last veai I saw sunn- nt tin- leadership ri*i*• that him ami l.atiti hail to i «>ri \ anil I knew that would he part ut inv min un cu-xt vimi tram, he added I)»• x|n11• heing lelatiielv inexpertem ed. kelt-meni had some hig moments List season iiu hiding a I > vaid run against Ari/ona that helped the I tin ks i iintinl the hall in tin- game's final minutes It was !1111si■ kiin{ til hrifl imthnrsts that have Brooks Believing K«•lt*m»*»ii will coint* through Ini him ni‘\t stMsini I dun t have am comerns ahmil his talent ftruiiks said I In has show n some 11 ashes of hi ill la in e as a 11a!sluit tri'shinan and a . a true tirshnian when we uric i edsh irh iii* him I I * * s a biii ha« k s shorn.’ and k .mil nrrds to sta\ lit*.i11i*\ I or t)iv^(tii. nov\ m it n sfi ond week »>} spring 11 nlK (Hit* i»t 1111 • I > i p* ' i * s t Mini itiis is j»«*tt mt* ktdemom !»»■.« 1111 \ i lr ll.ld fit sit Dill o| dill's 1,1st UtM*k tl I 111 trussed last S.11 nit I,iv •. si i* Imm .nisi* of a hip ptil lltrl III till* interim Nr.m limwell who ledslmted last east ai a a true ties liman, i allied most ol the held .md looked unpins ivt with It Yards in I t fames helemem v\ent llmne.'.h dulls on Vlond.n and < ould lie lorn to krlrmom, 1-4 School Supply Super Specials /VV'CIKX), (,u I ' "‘I Mill i-1 SC7SS( )Rs ,l,‘V /) \ / i >/\ /AH H( X )|vS PAULI PAPER CUTTER POST-IT NOTES . \ - m muiim oi okm 58c 79c BO'mi 11 MINI STAPLER iK L69 mxoN TICONDEROGA PENCILS 1 ♦ ( 3 O ■ /.'Ml ---- v.J PENCIL / w r I >.Si*ARPENER / 1 u>/ PKs 1 iQiin paper