Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 04, 1990, Page 10, Image 10

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    Sculptor seized athletic moment
By Steve I undgren
Asso« iated Press
I,A (IRANI H\ Ore. (API Ramon I'armenter
thrives on seizing the nuiinwil
Mure spec ltli ,ill\ . the |osepll si lllplni seizes
the instant the instant Seattle Seahawk
Steve I argent caught .1 pass or the instant
Olympic gymnast I'rai.ec I alavera vaulted
onto a halant e heani
lint the hron/e figures of athletes and data
ets that have brought t'ariuenter fame in both
the art and the sports worlds capture more
than a free/e frame in lime The\ imply tno
"Movement. I love movement I’armenter
said as he twisted a hit of modeling wax he
tween Ins fingers "When von re moving
there's alwavs emotion Von can't get away
from that
A lie inch high hron/e of marathon record
set tel Alheito Sala/ai which I’annentel in
aled hefore the I'fftl Olympus says it all
Caught 111 mid stride, the sc ulptured runnel's
face shows a mixture* of pain and delermina
lion I'he viewer easily c ,111 envision the
strides leading to and lollotving that frozen ill
Since Ills fust series of athlete sc ulptlires ill
the early I'lttlls the I ugeile native's repula
ticin. and 11 pel tone have hc‘c*n growing expo
nen!tally \oyy his works are selling for thou
sands ol doll.us at galleries around the 1 ounlry
and lie is rec eiving c onuiiissions for rna|oi
yy 01 k s
Most recently lie completed a larger than
life statue of I’niversily of (fregein distance
great Steve* I’ri'lontame lor Nike s new corpo
rale he.idi|iiarters 111 Heaverton In lanuary the
Seattle Seahavvks unveiled a trophy upon split
end Steve l.argelll s letirement to 1 oinmemo
rate Ills at hievemenls
Mostly however I’ainieiller does yylial he
yy ant s and hopes someone yy 111 liny it
"I 'nips'- they reallv ( ross the palm with
green. I <iu sju-( illative .1 rl lie said
1‘armejiter .ind his brothers (.reg and Hrad
ucrc In travel lu Ihi* International Art Show in
Mow York lliis week (.reg is tin* general man
ager and lirad is the marketing dim (or of I’.n
menter Studios in |oseph
I’armenler's whole artistu career has heen a
series of surprises, mam of them brought
about by taking advantage of opportunities
Ifci oining a sculptor was almost an act i
dent W hen I’armenler was studying i oininei
( i.il illustration at the Oregon ( adlege of Art in
\shland a man from Ked I ion Motor Inns
W alked III one (lav
lie asked does anyone do sculpture I'ai
menter said \o one raised then hand so I
Me hadn't tip until then, bill at $2(10 a pop
tor table de( orations I’arinenter derided he
vv mild learn
I thought It s extra inonev tor college
you know how that is he said
M first he tried u e but the sculptures kept
melting before the banquets were over llicu
I’armentei had the ( ook order some wax
What an iveil was buckets ol vein'I able short
cuing the type used in pie crusts I'ndaunled
1‘umieutci si ulpted the greasy stull and to bis
surprise it worked Ills works jor luded a Ye
mis ill Milo leplhn and a (.abriel with an
eight loot vv mg span
(lallerv representatives staving at the motel
stalled leaving cards i’arinenter didn't think
much ol it until a cousin who was also hi
yoked in a galleiv suggested he trv bronze
Shortly alter lie did a bronze mountain ( limb
ei and w as on bis w av
In l')82, Ills big break came when he did a
scries of si ulptores ol top ranked athletes
many ol whom would lalei win Olympir med
als l lie show titled ' I ssenr e ol Movement
showed ill I ugene, |.os Angeles and several
nlliei ( ities
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have .1 |>.irt\ get along with police, you (.in h.ivc .i party ami
get along w itii vour neighbors he said
While l.oveali said lie i.oulci not remember the last time tear
gas was used to disperse a crowd in Lugene he believed it was
during the Vietnam War protest riots of the late IMMIs and early
(War protesters) at least had a i arise he said "W'hat the
people are doing now is just senseless I here s no issue, no (.arise
Dave I idanque of the lo( al American ( ivil Liberties Pnion
( haplcr said he had received a number of c alls from 1 ’Diversity slu
dents inquiring about their rights in the in< idcnl
"There's no question that police have an obligation to main
tain order and to do so using the least amount of force neees
sarr he said
People have the right to assemble, he said, but "people don't
have a constitutional right to he rowdy any time they want, any
pln< e they wan!
A her problem in evaluating the March tt melee, he said, is
that testimony from police and students present show two fund.)
mentally opposing views namely whether police gave adequate
warning and whether the use of tear gas was w a minted
It d i f I ere in es in pen options are just swept under the rug. it
will |ust ( reate more problems down the road." I idanque said
()n Saturday night police responded to two noise complaints
about a partr with lire music in a courtyard at Last Nth Avenue
and Mill Street
( apt l.oveali said police arrived, then bottles were thrown
W a ruing.s to stop were met rr it h "a barrage of them, he said
( ittic ers released tear gas to disperse the c rowel An hour later
a group of about .’till gathered near 1-ttli Avenue and Patterson
A very audible bullhorn was used to t «• 11 the partiers to dis
perse Luveall said hut limn' bottles were thrown The bottle
throw in^ prompted the release of more teat gas
Xitel the crowd broke up. two vouths from Ashland were ar
rested for their part m the "mob psvihology that prevailed po
In e said
\lexis Madden k a resident ol one of the apartment i omplexes
where polii e lirsl weie dispati lied said neithei side is blameless
bile poln e c a me in with an attitude and the students responded
w 1111 ,ui attitude
Muddoi k said she was skep11< al that the polii e gave an audi
hie warning at the mi ident. whii h began as a get together of about
a dozen tenants ol two apartment i omplexes
It tliev did it tliev didn't have a bullhorn, and nohodv could
heal them." she said
Hv the time polii.e arrived Muddoi k said, apartment tenants
hud withdrawn from the party None of us threw an\ beet bottles
we w ere all biding
Maddoek. a bane ( oimnunitv College student joined other
apartment tenants m a meeting Tuesdav with Vice Provost (ierard
Moselev and Assistant Dean ol Students blame (been to discuss
the mi ident and propose alternative soi lal e\ ents for students
In addition, tliev will meet Thursdav with members of the lie
partment of Publii Satetv to discuss the possibility of parts spun
sms being held f mam in IK responsible tor the polii e work
Mlfiough the tenants have ai i ouiltability to apologize toi the
noise i routed bv the music and i rovvd. it would be unrealistii and
unfaii to tine the tenants Maiidoi k said
'Malic Some bunny Efappij
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