_ .Oregon Daily_ Emerald _Inside_ ■ Minority far ult\ needed, Page 4 ■ (!li i I cl earn representative, Page 4 ■ Disposables disposed ol. Pam’ 4 ■ Duck line-up. Page 14 \\ ednesdax April -I I (WO lingerie Oregon \Olume n 1. Xtimbei 1 Events surprised administration Bv ( (iris Bounell I mernld Assot into I ditor I’niversili administrators art' .11 a toss In <>\pl.un Saturday's events u tii'ii1 • I)(• Kngene police loai gassed two parties In tlis poiso i rmviK ol ! (H1 In toil poo pin 1 guess llns could looo hap pound In t ho most carotullv plaunod parly." said ('.erard Mnsolov vd o provost ior at a demit support and sludolit sei v i( os I think I hero is an ora ol pro tost against aulhoritv that wo rn su mging into Miosoloy said I uesd.iv People think as long as liiov i an In oak I In- law and got au a\ w ith it tlion it s I IK I ugono polii o u oio i allod in Satnrda\ inglil In ipnol parties at last 1-ilh A\onno and Mill Slroot and at I Hit Av onno and I ’nttnrsnn SI root The si ono tmnod ugly u (ton pooplo bogan tossing bottles at oiln ois and tin- polii o turned to tear gas to disperse the < mud Iwo Ashland residents uore ai rested (or rioting. I Adversity President M\ les lb and is expet ted In issue a statement tins morning in re spouse to the incidents, and lo inlurni students who partic ipat ed ill the Irmas ih.it tho\ could lace proset ulmn uutiei the Stu dent ( amtlilt t ( title Students who sponsored the events t tiultl also late proset u Hull untie! the tuiului I i title »ph>ii» H.intl mrmhi'i /’.if )on.ill\ listrns In ,i /min r olth n .it mu' nl I hr fi.irtirs lh.it h.is tr.ir-ii.i^siul In I in:rnr /iii/ii r S.i/im/.ii mulit Mnselev said It liter e .in' nuliv niu,iIs Im*Iiiml this we can punish under the con i Im ! mill1. I hen well ih i it In' stiid MiMinvhile die hugene police have somewhat reversed then sto r\ about adequatelv warning pen pie .it mie ul the p.nties i apt |)n k I.oveall ul the I.iinene pnlue department said that ,il nne ul the p.lilies police nttil el's did not give adequate warning to the entile i mud hut thlew tear gas anvw.w because n! the nunihet uf heei buttles being throw n There was a lr.itrage ul buttles and we depluved the gas hetore SImiei me gut hurt I .nveall said i.meall said lie uusu i sure u h.it l .Ulsed NaiUldav - ini lilrnts or the i lot last \!.iv I think it s tin- alcohol it i ll that i noses all lhi' problems l.oveall saal I would hope |«'ii pit- tali- anothri look at it and s.iv I i an dt ink responsibh Ktlgenr police will beet up |ia tiols this weekend to ti\ and prc vent <■ 11v later parties from celling out ol i oiitiol so a similar problem in stark Hm k <>tl I n/n dims, sl.i|i|H’d .mmml llm i ainpus ,m*,i I imsihn Slurlrnl.s imulvi'il m liii- nn idmits s.iv llt.d pulu »■ provoked lln i mu d In .uri\ 111u in gas in.isk-. .mil us mg dm g.is u it In >t 11 audible u .li ning l lm 1 iH |ii)ln i' di |i,irll(ii'iil 111,mil.mis lli.it nlhi ms 4.iii- .11 It'i11 i.it 1' u,lining mid .11 It'd apptopi inti'lv In di’ liisc ,1 |iiill-ill 1.1Il\ dililgi’liHls situ.ilmn I’dIii i' 1 ,i|it lln k I.inu,ill s nd V\t‘ m not .ijmlu guilt Im what ui' did III- s.nil Im Imped th.it S41I111 d.n i l.islir bt'luumi |ii)llir .mil .iIhiIiI lull |:. 11111 ■ 1 uum isuhili'd 1111 uli'lits th.il uuiild nut li'i ill llouuvm II tti' linin' into .iimthri riiitmis situ.i I mil Wf u ill .irri'sl .is main as possible and huh I tin'111 ai i i imitablr I .in''fall said III- addl'd lli.lt III light ul last weekend ullii ms i|. a hull' 1.. alii ml tin- possibiltlV ul til 1II11' half lash against Inu i-nlun I'lin'iit ’Ueir going to hi- 1 am till d si-lit In smillai situations III' said lln- Department id I'iddic Salt'll is ill tin- plan ess id assessing uhi'lhi'i tin- parlV hosts will hi' lull'd to i onipi'Hsntt’ tin tin- extra polii i* work ri*i|uni'd I hi’ 1 ust has mil been di-ti'i mini'll hut d (mild be in llm tlioHs,unis ul doll,us, I an isill said In thr hilmi' it extra pnln e piutei lion is iiri-di'd at a potentially i n.Itms situation, dm hosts of llm parly u ill hr I mli I ,11 < oil 111,1 hlr Ini t hr 1 1 is I I 1 n i al I said Sal til d.n s sit 11.1t ion 01 a lim'd loss than a u rrk a I In moir than mil letleis were sent In I unmsitv sin dimts m tlm Wi'st t'nnersily Neighborhood di• 1,111 n 114 him to hold a legal and salt' parly I illii'i thi'V didn't usid it 01 thi'V did 11 I 1 an i 1 n t'.il i said Non 1 all hav a a parts and ti.ni' it It "4.11. Soil 1 .111 lorn to Melee, I’nge Id U.S. invasion blocked possible self-solutions B> Dan l isler l inerald Reporter Tilt' I' S invasion of Panama was lllf worst event in the rnuntrvs historv preventing Panamanians fmm .t< hieving an internal solution In theii at tails .liter a ilei aile ol crisis \nolasa Terrerus said at l ues dav night's lecture Panama Human Rights and Crassroots (Irgnmzntionx lerreros, who spoke through an interpreter, is the national i oordinator ol die Panamanian branch ol the I’eai e and Jlisti* e Servit e jServii io I’a/ \ lustii ia| of Latin Amerii | invasion.' she Turn to Invasion, Page 1 I Renovation /(ic Lun.ik i uni rnlr.ilr> .is /ic ,ipplirs \ allow paint In .i s< alphac i'/i /ro;)/ <»/ llir \il | Masrani IMiolo In M.irk Men