Regional Oregon man arrested for counterfeiting ST \ 111 I I AT \n ()regnn businessman has been charged w 11h being part of an interna Imnal i ounterleiting ring passed S14 million in phom I S I reasun i ltd ks .it ,i \ .in comer bank Michael ( Inistnphei ltushei tH. ot West l.inn was arrested Man h I 1 al Ins homr In l S Set rot Sorvii o agents on a war rant tiled in t' S I listrir I t uni t m Seattle No trial dale lias been set Tile warrant ai coses Bushel ot bringing i her ks i ounterleit ed in Hong Kong and routed through British ladurnbia into the l oiled States and i ashing them at the \ am our ei brant h ot Seattle I n si Nat mnal Hank (lour! dm uments said ltushei deposited sit million in the phom tdiei ks ( )! that total. S > million has not been recovered the dm Uments said Also i barged w ith i onspira i \ and i ounterleit mg were I tar v r\ Worn; and \ianshan Fin both Hmui Kong natives ulm lived in Yam am nr Itritisli < < > lumbia Flic pan ate si hndnlod tor trial on Slav J 1 in Nratllr Fhi' indit tnii'iits < laim the i onspirai v bogan as narh as lanuarv when Wong and Ian met with William Mi Kirov in Yam ouv or Hi itish ( olunibia and askod him In i ash i onnloi icit i lici ks toi thi'in \h I hov vvi“lit to tlii' Koval (Canadian Mounti'd I’lilii <• who i ontai tod t' S. ant hi >rii ins A< i ording to \!i Kirov U ong told hint that ho and Ian with aiaplii ing tin i Inn ks I min Hong Kong Wong said that vv hoover would t asii tho i tin ks w mild roi oiv u to pori out ol I ho prixeods Wong told Ml Kirov that tlies had t hot ks u ith tai o v.din's ot sovoral million dol hits i mill dot unionls said Working with aiithonlios Mi I Irov ai i optoil a t hoi k tin theS Wi SAVE YOU MONEY NEXT DAY SERVICE In by 1pm — Ready by 2pm Next Day $093 PRINTED 3” Size Exp, 4/17/90 Any Size Roll-110.126,135, or 120 12,15, 20, or 24 Exposure Add $1.00 for 4x6 135-36 Exposure Add S1.00 for 4x6 s4.93 JUMBO PRINTS p p ic j nn C/S "1 00 no* SUPER PRINTS 4/s-| 00 PRINTS from SLIDES ENLARGEMENTS :: ;r o/si 69 8X10 s229 Cofor lac 5/s1 im SLIDE 3/s1 Across From U of 0 Bookstore • 04Z"040D s I I tin 11 ii lit from U mti( In whom tri'.iMiiA 11 vi*111 (s ! iiti-i Lix.i*ii .1 deposit slip \Vonn .uni worn intro ilui ril to ,i Sot lot Sru it t' .iv;• ■ nt uni Inlil him tlmt Slit mil linn to x.’ii million in Tn'.tsuit I llf'l kx It till' .(i;i• 111 would i ihnili Uim.H .uni I in s.nti (hot would itli o him til poll out nl tin* t.n o \ .iluo roMTi mt; In port on! !m Mi I lint .ippnronlh .i-- .i i mu mission i null dot tiinonls x.ntl Wong .1 ml I .in thou wore u lostoil .lilt) tvoro roll’,ixod nil M.m h !l llnttotoi tin- io lo.ixo \\.ix rest iitdorl .mil tin t tvoro lo.moxtwl Ii I i tv lion .mtliuritiox dixt nvniml tin- nioiiov it ,ix In t.n I ..mix train i t nuuh-i to11 i hoi k .ii i online In ,t VI,ill Ii i detention nnior. Htlxllot ill I llo 11 Mm ill Ills .11 lost tv,is vit o president nl x.ilox t*ii a I -1k* ( )s\\m;i> i ompanv v\ .is mt orpmatrd m |ulv as ,1 w hnlrsalr llimhr! si'llrl 1 hr i mnplamt .iv:.imst Bushm a! im;rs hr oprnrd t nrpmatr • it *. mints .it Nr.i first hank tin ill’I thr namrs West Pat S.||t*s I th thr I a k r ( )su t*m> lumhri husinrs.s (iiui tin Bata lav I rad UK < ‘t *i p a t ompanv t hat \\ as int m pmatni in \ it tuna Hi it ish ( (ilumhta in lanuarv ( )n 1 rb t Bushrt ilrpostlrd S ' million m phtnu t hrt ks m thr \\ rst I 'at at « mini ami S » milium in thr Ban lav at t mint At t mtiiim In oitu lals dm tin; thr nr\t two works Busliri drpnsitrd illlir t N l ie.ism v i hrt k • \ a!nrtI in i \t rss of N| } million into thr Ban lav at ton t it thr i a mi p hunt against Bus hr i saui Hirst- Iumls \vrir rrpr.ltrtI lv !ianstrrri‘1.1 ha< k and hath hrtu rrn thr W rst Bat art,mini ami tin Ban lav at t mint * AUNOERUND * ,R| AT FOR PARTI* S AND BIRTHDAYS 54+Vintn All GAMES WORK £VIUtU WITHNICKIIS GAMES admission i so STM STRUT PUIIIC M*R((T TUCtttl • 683 1464 «$>• f / April is dedicated to wellbeing and the dimensions of health - emotional, physical, intellectual, spiritual and social. Throughout the month, various campus groups are sponsoring programs that high light wellness issues and promote healthy activities. Get involved! Join in April's activities and celebrate spring well! 8 t aster 15_ I jilh Day 2K and 10K fun mils 7? 2d I .eague softball anti tennis Ivgin today S2S rat h iall KIM V4*» 4113 9 Ri*v v> ling Awareness I>av Anti I >k>»m Rally CaBoshrc; t-4#. 4377 lb 23 Frisbee league begins tinlay $20 trr i all KIM w.4in 30 I K EE i lasses’ • rnr»JiUtWin • ’■r'tjphy** J , C 4i. \*h AMt> 10 't outh AIDS Prevention Theater 7 it) p rn Krjn ( ompki 17 24 4 11 hi 25 Natural 11 ighs' prr%rrtUOur by < ieof^r »Jbrrnwirr I' *) Willanrrttr call Cl Mil Uf* uih 12 '7VL i>n .1 Kotr baakrt Kill 7pm- Mat l »>urt . all \4e. 37.4 fur tu k.r1 iftftj Elections Unlay and tomorrow 26 <1 M 20 "Aerobi fun" l i w,■ • m »; |»J < .rfim/urt ‘'tun Porth >j” KIM Hf- 4111 27 I Junior Cleanup 0*4‘IW. UM''.' I oague mk i ci U pins t>iJ.iv 5.’;‘ ter tjH KiM \Ab 4i 1 » n 21 Health C onfereiuc Num • 00 l ML'Oftlury K.cns ( a!! VVviinrf 1 rar.*jtt*>« \4/. 41NV C. SAFE Wellness Month has been coordinated by COSAFE and the Dean of Students' Office. For more information, contact Joanie Robertson, Assistant to the Dean forTrainingand Prevention, at 346-3105. Campus Organization for a Substance Abuse Free Environment