Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    $54,450 Starting Salary
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t,vtY0U CA*
Every Tuesday
2673 Willamette
C ontinued from 1
waste i more likrh around
I hoiJ callous rather than the
.’Oil tu too callous nlfii nils first
thought wi n- dumped mi tin
l ln- vs astns \v hn I) ati- lesi
(lui1 from i hi'inistrv experi
Itients m tlm lain Mis and rath
70s include mini and sidtuin
at ids ha lot atlmns and trai r
It as \ Itint.ils
Kill in it W ollr a lot al
II nr la III n until will I Was nun |(
liner mdivIduals u ho fill'd tlm
in mils request. said |im\ mush
that thn dm iiinnnls i mild nidi
■ air tin- dumping tit low cradr
radioai tivr v\ astns
\ow that tlm dot umniits
show othmuisn those nnliia!
ot \\ d I mins haw t« mnd i it hi • t
avnmms In i j tins! 11 iti Williams
It s amazing to mi that tin
initial snail I) turned lip onl\ JO
(i.iti' W'olte said ■ d Ills til st
records inquest You rn.ilh
has n to question w iintlmr I tail
Williams was at tint: m ttood
laith thmnchoiit the document
snail ll
W oltn who would like to sen
a 11 mi dv I lean up of tin site
and to tone I hr I mversitv In
i oinph w ith rmurils requests
We’d like to
introduce the new
Macintosh [ffx.
\! tOnK-$ilK'rt/. itic nru
M.icinlush’1 Ilt\ ls Uk- t.istiM
M.kintiish cut ijr^nal
'A li.il MAi-n ukm- imprrssivt
jrr the' Ivixfitsiil tlut s[xx\l
Ilk Marini- p-li llfx tiukt '
quit k wnrk out ul .ill
Mjcinto'h upplkjiion.' Irimi
qrikT.il Ini'incss to ,1th .iih wi
dr'kloppuliWum: \iklllut
spmi helps vihi work more
efikirnth \:hI th.it helps \ on
lx* more pri xiuctiu1
G lut's I! ii >rr. tlk
remarkable |>>\ut anti
enlunted rr'|> >rw\ mess oj
i’ll Ma mtosll lilt ri|xn tlk'
v!i«>rtiianrrUifr new • »riti.>t
applit ath >n' O implex
tliar vlimmMon.il nkxlrlinjt
Krai link- anmuikHi
sequences And image
pn v evung. lo In a trw
\tkl with mx NuBiis "'lot',
\ou linr plrntv t 4 ruim l>«
rxpansKin so\ou can add
.nklmon.il li.inlw.iR'
Of graphics cards lor
pinj(i >gr.iptiK <|uaiit\ tnic
color or tnic gray vale
i,i|uIh!hkv (treommum
i ain ms i .ink ii i lK“lp
sou work with dilten-nt
coin|Hiicr environments
licsl of all. you gel all
this power and speed
without hasingtosaaifke
the Macintosh computer s
legendars easeot use lust
jwuni and click, and sou'll
take lull advantage o!
thousands o! existing
Mai intosh .1ppln.1t1.1us
tint all work in tin- same
gr.iphn.ilh irituitise was
(hils n. iw w ith
the Macmtiwh lln tin s
work even taster Xml
so will sou
Mop in lor an
intmduciK in. and
we ll show sou how _
6 I
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The fastest Macintosh. Ever.
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VI* nu* s \T«r IV vr* *r ■*"*- •
• rfr • Cl* V-'!. i a i
.VdJiunjpd iVjkt
said niir (if tv\o possibilities is
I rue
1 ithn Will jams v\ as .ii 11nk
unrthii .11i\ m holding bat k the
infui m.if nm. ni In- is mi umpi
frill fin mil knowing about the
dumping. U nite s.ml
W illiams said the sanu* mn
trovrrs\ would have occurred
had hr (list lnsi'ii the infiirma
lion earlier
I hi* difference m flic I nivrr
sit\ would have had to condiu I
a costl\ sife assessment w ilhout
flu* assurance that the ground'
would he disturbed liv con
strut lion, lie said
U hen it bn Mine clear in the
i isl \ear that the pro|ei t u.is
going In f 1 \ . anil even I hoi I fill 1
didn't think we had an\ danger
init there ! knrvx we unr gii
mg In bale In do this " Wll
I lams said
U illiams said ii is hard In get
the brnrfit nl Ihr dnuht from
opponents of (he park bemuse
nl Ihr Sflisiti vil V nf I hr issur
kvervthing I sa\ makes
srnsr if vou at i t'pl the premise
llial initially what we learned
did not mil it air we had a seri
mis problem he said
'The onl\ thing we i an do
is to ask people to wait until
the report is i omplete ” Wil
Iiams said
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