Harrahs Reno ,!:«• ''*0 !o cornn OH,; e Room O' M> • - Oregon West -FITNESS STUDENTS ONLY 1 Month- s4000 Full Use of Facilities Unlimited Aerobics Weights Exercise Bicycles lOi'.uod B\ Running jtu1 B>Ku Trnih BEST HOURS • BEST PRICES 6am 11 pm 7 Days a Week 485 1624 1475 Franklin fllvd Across Irom Campus fj -University Advertising, internal problems hinder Incidental Fee Committee T" Ii\ |<>1 it- Andrade I nterald Reporter Intel rial < ommunii atnm jimlilems hiring <>t new mem here and misunderstandings with the l),t tie' Ini [denial I’Ve ( atljlinlltee s budget hearings I he II * lined two new mem I»t I s h tel Rev il I and ( had lieimloll. .it lilt* elld * ■! W llllet term .mil the middle t»l budget hearing'., said I tedd\ Vihhes. \ it e ( hail nl the II 1 II was ililfit nil het .mse the li t had In slop and train the new members and si hedtile new hearing limes said Ar mando Morales II i tnembt i I bis made it hard to continue w 11It the beat mgs, he said Mist oinrmniit ation between II ( members also made il ddli i nit to Update Ret ill and I-I'fdcl\ \ ill hus lIn* prubli'tiis ( In isliipln i HI,in I iiut.iIiI news editor said there have been problems u illi advertising ‘I’ve been frustrated because I've been with the ll (, lor live years and this (the cancellation of many meetings) lias never happened. ' — Armando Morales Ilennitm, i .itiMiig vet another reason tin (hi setbat k Mem bers (Inn'i -i r r,tt h iithrr often. Morales said. .tll«lJ4«*t hearing bet .him' the inerting was not ,nl\ritisrtl m tin- I t als set tIOI1 ul thr l i:ii-i,ild. Mur.ilrs slid l \r lit'i'ii frustrated iirt atisr l'\r lirrii with thr III fur live wars a mi tilts [thr taut rtlatioil ol mans meetings) has never happened Morales said flow ever hr sa\s he tines mil blame the I'memhl direr tl\ Ini RESTAURANT TUESDAY NIGHT IS PIZZA NIGHT 4 Toppings of your choice *9.75 14” Targe Pizza 5:00 pin "til closing 13th & Alder 343-068! J tin- III’ meetings Ihm ause tlic\ .Hi' tin' ulih group Ili.it needs to have llii'ii meetings ,(mummed two dans in athanee. a provi sion id the Oregon open meet ings law Other group meetings are ad vert ised the da\ ol I lie event Misunderstandings about the dates ot the meetings and miss Armando Morales meetings ,1 \s eek with imm' III.m six groups si heduled to appeal each time l lie ten groups u ho have re quested budgets mnlei S i.illlO will he heard horn tirst and then the remaining 17 organi /.at ions with budgets over s , iMill will go. Vlb lies said \\ it h the i in rent plan \\ a should be done v\ itil all the giihijis in two weeks he said That u ill still leave the li t with a lew weeks to prepare a din umimt listing all the budget appropriations that must he given to I niversitv President \h les llrainl on Mar It) lor ap proval. Vilohrs said Vih lies said although sill dent groups will lei eive atnple noldieatmn ot then scheduled budget hearing, thev will not he subjecting them to the new lllle to help speed the [not es-> ‘With the current plan u<> should be done w ith all the groups in tw o w eeks.' — Freddy Vilches mg I I ,i|s form-, have i ,ius.-tl tin- mix u11 Blair s,ml. adding tlnit this will mi limgri hr ,i problem. In an attempt to allot iatt- the problem tin- lit' nil] In- adding more hearings to their weehlv m hedule l'here will he 2 1 FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 1U17 • 50-400rr enlargement or reduction • Color opies f.om 35mm slides, negatit es, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies Great people 860 E 13th 44 W 10th 344 7894 344-3555 I hi' rule mslituted l.ist 11■ i in stall'd lhal d a student j^rmtp did not show up liu their heat tun thev hud In submit a w nl ten statement explaining thru absent e In ihe 11 1 within tin' d.tvs after the scheduled meet in« l Tj fmrgnJ fuktiUtr* IMminfin SlMMiKJOBS Ik a salt s rep re sentalive lor one ol our t ainpus telephone directories nationwide (.am valuable exjHrieme m sales, marketing am! advertising Travel to ( hapel Hill. \< lor a live dav expense paid training program I aril an av erage ol $ V l(H) in I 1 weeks Interviewing on Campus Wednesday. Aprs! 4 Having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified