Editorial Too much violence at weekend parties !,,isi uct4 Miini' I 111\ ci Mlv students ret i-ivftd .1 let ■ In in.lilt-d mil In tin AM (> In it \M <> President Aridx (ilatk 1 inversitx Presithml Mvles Hi.nnl mil Im 1 j4**’h* Depots (hie! ul I*i 11111■ John Rutledge respond I’ll tn .111 1 n< HMSi 11)4 III! hr! ween students .11 td pul it e Sever,d inserts were included in the mailmd One gave .1 lisl ill him tn throw 1 great' parts Anothri 11 ted In dispel some ms 1 hs' a Inml police 1 espouses In p,nti. , During tie' liist two semesters ol Iln l'ltm mi si li lien I am In lxi mm WE DON'T HAVE TO PiV MINIMUM WAGE 5UT WE MAKE IT UP 9i MOT LIMITING POUR HONORARIA/ A Toxic dump doesn't trump research park 1 iir discovers of toxic chemicals dumped 11 \ IMIS ago ,lt till' silt' III till' planned Riverfront Research Park has done in it hi nit In hi'ti a tlif I ni\eisit\ s plans tn gc i ahead with construction Opponents of the lest mi i h park Imped In use news ut the toxic dump as damning aimnuiiition in then cam paign to stop the paik from being built hut then ellorls haven't sui i eeded ( it\ attorney him Sercomhe denied the ie(|uest nl paik opponents to hold a public healing regarding the dump and its implica turns loi the future of the rescan h park And despite the questions regarding the I'niver s11\ s role m the dump and allegations of a envoi-tip In Dan W illiams the institu tion remains committed to breaking ground SI K III I he dec isions reac bed In Sereoillbe and the I Diversity are the correct ones When one gets down to it. the discovery of toxic s at the site has little to do in dec iding the tu ture use of Ihe riverfront land owned In the I ' n i X'i“l s it \ \ftei the dump is (leaned up. the land can then be developed .it uhim The dump doesn't magic ally sanctify the n vert rout land area In its present e The ox 1st one e of the tox lc dump also fails to validate c laims that the l'Diversity will continue to be careless in lion it uses the land The dumpings were made before tlir researi li park was ever dreamed up lne dumps were < ertainlv made1 at .1 time when I In* I niversitv did little to i onsidci the haz ards and ramilicatiims ol what it was doing undoubtedly her ause there was little value attai lied to the site. Now that the riverlront plot has liei.ome desirable, the t miversitv will take hettei 1 are ol its investment. Rather than questioning what happened Ltd years ago. park oppo nents would do better to question how the I 'Diversity plans to use the land site non ()n this matter, they've had some success in the post saving the sneer held and the Sil va Orchard from construction in the latest park proposal. Lai king <1 valid argument in the dump itself to halt construction, park opponents have made better use of the bewildering re action hv some t'niversitv officials to the dump's discovery to raise concerns about the park Hut again, opponents are missing the real question here. What Dan Williams did ■ is news ol the dump was revealed, and whether he was dishonest or incompetent as some allege, is a verv small part of the total Riverlront Research I’ark slorv because op ponents have failed to prove a larger lhiiver sily conspirni v in the dump, there's no rea son to dein the t niversitv its opportunity to go ahead with development. Letters Imitations III Ittti 1, (III VIM! lulluVV III); the I main ipation I'roi I,him linn Vilnius noting broke nut in New 'link in real I inn against lilt- North's i n i-ntlv imposed mllitaiv ilrall I lit* i mts v\ rri1 l.iim• I\ an expression ut fury iiv er tin- iilu.i nt light mg a vv ai lur "nigger" freedom l'pun hearing ut this [’resident Ian c iiln vvondered. An- vvi* ih' generate'' Has the nianhnnil ul mil rai i> run nut •'' Lincolns anguished i|ui'stion reveal a i uni ept ul "manhood" that I find intriguing Imth in his histuru i onlext and in mil s I him inauhiind vv as i‘i|u,ili'd with lertain charm tin traits, iut hiding mural i mirage, ptirsunal responsibilitv and sellli'ssiii'ss 1 )u sin h ti nts have am rule v am v Inilav ’ \re honor and dei i'll! v essential to our define tinn ut “real men nr is man hond now inerelv a matter ul hei oilling old enough to go tm the gusto" and grub .ill vnu i .111 :’ I lot's .1 11 m ! man' value "lull" and limits alsnvi' all else1’ Dors lie treat a utmi.ni as a se\uul n|)|i'i I using her In gratify 11 i s desires and then abandoning hci '(hi unri t' a woman into getting an .dilution bei ause he doesn't want to as Slime parental responsibility tin the ( In lit In' lias lathered ’ It we dare to look honest I \ haven't we allowed the welfare ol others, mi hiding our ow n tnmilies and the very lives ol our i.tiildien to hei nine e\ pendahle in our pursuit ol ini mediate grat itii at ion and per son.il t ii 11111 mi*111 ' Is this aiieptable:' Are we i ontent tieing lightweight, mot ally stunted imitations of men ' We were surely made tor great er things May (aid grant that we seek I hem U illiam Moore Musii stall Wrong I read \.n ifh great interest 1,1 I dill Hit'll s ( omillfllts III (lie April .1 /vVgisfrr (.Uiin/ regard iii)l tlir h'.ii gassing ul tin1 pails mi l-tlli and Mill mi Satnnlas mglil and those ul us u ho svere llit'if tan tell sou that must ul ss hat Ilf sas s is w rung Hit'll sa\ s Thf officers a! llif si cut' did gist' warning that i 1 if mn ids would bf usfd if anything was ihrusvn " Wrong \o loud warnings no bull horns. /fro I If said " a sft onti warn ing w.is gm'ii aflfr Mini!1 peo plf had thrown objet ts at ulti tiers lb.- throwing continued, and it continued at a greater rate Wrong One idiot thress tine bottle. Ilit'ii Kugene s finest stormed at the crowd in toll riot gear ssith tear gas Using without warning I he parts ot i urred in a walled, three sided courtsard ssith the fourth side, the only open ami asailahle exit, partial ly blinked b\ parktMi i .ns and tin- HIM) is \ity lu< k\ th.it someone wasn't seriousk hurt in tin- ensuing In get the hell nut nt there. Ill m i in it that the parW was a little lniid and that aitet last veal s tint tie-throwing fracas cm Uth and I err\ relations ina\ lie a hit strained between out neighborhood and the HIM) Hut is that an e\i use tor the ( a-sla [in tal lies used Saturday night on a hunch nt people drinking a few beers and listening to a live band ' Uliat next tear gas the i rowd in front of the 1 hiiversity bookstore for bloi king the bike path' Steve Buck Kugene Open door ( ongratulations to Steve Ma ples and Diane (lush man for l>e ing a set of ASl'O candidates stressing open-door policies I led this is \ cry important tin a i ampus as large as the I 'niver s 11 y Maples ant! (irishman trnh impressed me as being down tteearth people who want the students to pla\ a larger role in eampus decisions I’ast presi dents and vice presidents have been virtually invisible alter the campaign, and vou never here from them Maples and Cushman have made a big point to open their doors and seek out other doors of communication Their meet ing at Rennie's allowed me to got to know them as students and not simply candidates I appreciate their efforts and hope their campaign is a sm (ess. They have my vote for open doors and student in volvement. Susie Hodman Journalism