Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1990, Page 13, Image 13

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Rebels "steal" national title in a rout, 103-73
Hunt, Augmon keys in Talk's first title
i>i\\t:k i.\pi rho
\( \A s ultimate Rebel ss on 11>
biggest |in/c
I M \ ended the Imi!nainent
of tin ills and i Iiim finishes
with the largest margin ot s it
tors in .1 i hampinnship game ,i
lit,I 7-t win over Duke on \|nn
das night
Thes did it ss ith the sis li
tires’ have made I,minus tonu
i ions nwui-to-tuiin defense is
tiles rutiled Duke i team
knosvn for its ssvs s rind poise
"(tin team ss as osei mats lied
todas ." Duke i oar h Mike
k r/.s /ess ski said '"Hies ale
more athletir t hail ss e are I hes
never let doss n Thus re hotter
than ss e are. espei lulls ss hen
thes re plaving like lli.it U e
lost to the best team in the
r iiuntrs plus ing at then best
And tlies were at then best
Iroin the start
"I told the kids it ssas going
to come (loss’ll In the last shot ol
the game and I |iixt hope that
ss e take it. IMA oiar.li Jen s
I'.irkanian said
Hut it ss as never realls close
INI A si ored the first points
and neser trailed
INI A broke the tournament
record loi steals m a game ssitli
lie er lipsing the mark set In
Duke in the ]<lHi> champion
ship game and mail lied In
Oklahoma in the 1088 title
I lie Rebels also set a record
for most points scored in a
tournament with A71 just bet
ter (liiin iiii'ii regular-mmson .n
erage ol ‘i_! I
Im Tarkaman who looks
pained cvoii u lii'ii Ins li'.im
u ins getting the trophv
i upped a 1 i \i'.ii buttle with
I hr \( A A u hit h in in"' or
tiered tin- school !n sitsjit'iiti
him hu v loliitiuns I ,n k,mi,in
went in i onrt lor an injiin< lion
ill lti the case ev i'll Ilia IK re.it tied
the Supreme ( Ami I, whit li
ruled in iiivor ol the \( A A lull
said null I \ I A ( (illId d 1st i
(dine him
Hut no court could slop the
Rebels on Moml.n nielli
Then tiis! Hl-poinl lead i time
Oil a se(|Ueli( e ol lollj 1 \ IA
steals m lour i onset tit i v e pos
sessions the last u.is h\ Sla
ret Augmon who look, the hall
tinm Phil I lenderson Deal mid
court and sailed in Im a dunk
That made it 2 I 11
I hike got vt ithill 10 points
. I with lt> t to (day Iml
the Ian enotis t row trom just oil
! he Strip w eii! to it .ir.on
the Rebels went on an 1-8-0
run to put the game awav and it
uas Augmon and Anderson
Hunt the final lout’s Most
Outstanding Player, who took
tin us putting (lie lilue I lev its
limit started the run with a
side juniper and Lurry Johnson
sc.tired on a drive ioi a lit I
lead Augmon stole the hall nil
three straight possessions and
he found I hint eat h time to end
the break
AugmiMl whipjinti ,i truss
t tiurl piis*. In Hunt tm .!
|iumti*i lit: found Hint! again
s\ 1111 .1 pass for <i lit v ti |> and
I lii'ii lr.I I hint .is;, mi allrr taking
till ll.ill trtllll I Iflli it'l sun .ll Ills
mi ii foul loir
I lunl nndnd it u ill) ,i i (mini
ri tu 111iiki* il . I \s till I I iH
In (ililv
I \l V IV im ll bed! I ■1-ni i;i.l
Toil) 'Mi )i | m ihf semifinals
was newt real I \ t. I iii 11 ft t i^t'i i mi
llir run In llir lit In u inning tls
six \V \.\ inn's In m .iM-iagi
n! IK H
I lulu' w tin h m.uli* il a ns uni
right slnuithl final Imn .i(»(n ,ii
.mil's without winning I In* na
I ii in,il l il In i isii lust I In' I iii.iI
I- tmi w it ft ,i last sis oitil in or
limn win over tamni'itunt hut
llaililliil \i kan- a . 'I III ill lilt'
in si t i
I. , II <1 ll II <1 ..Mil
l SI l an n
NCAAs swan song for
Musburgeron network
I MW I Is IAt’l liivi.l
Muslim let 40 hs l MS on
Nundas finished his t areer
ss it li 11 if m ‘I is i >ik Mo ml as h\
ih.i nh 1114 his i (i um kefs
Miishtn i;i'r ss, uli‘ii until
ihf lm.it moments ni i MS
hi itaiii .isi ot 1 \ 1 A ■. lot i
\ it Im \ in it I lit 1st* before
s.i\ inn iaresvell
\s \ihi know. hr .ml
this was niv hist .ismi^ii
I 111’lit w it (i ( I is .it Ifl \ IVII s
u ith tin- television network
radio network .nul the sta
lions And I hail .in o|i|iorlti
mt\ to notA is it h the spent
est ilirei tins jitoiim.ers
tei him i,ms in the world
Not to mention analysts like
ms Hood Inend Hills I’m kei
Hills, sse have shared some
:i. 0 iin■ ititii ies
Muslim r*ei then put his
arm around Parker
Hit'll! sse sass ,i '41e.1t
1 hnmpion here tonight
said Pai kei tin- fotinei
U akr 1 nit I 1 oai Ii tin lied
anniiuni ei It s heen an
Iniimi Im all ot 11s to ssork
ss Oil a 4leal 1 liatnpion ol
hi 1 laili nsting
Mushursiei m lus sistli
.f.isuii as I Its s trad broad
1 aster lot the \l A A tourna
ment tlii-n deliveied his ft
nul -a it noil loi t IIS
I nlk s | vc h«11! lilt' first
st'.il m tlir honsr I hanks Ini
shat III;’ it I !! m i' \ nti ditW 11
till' IU.hI
lli' tliifu it li.uk tn host
|un \.llll/ ,1 jiiissltili' rr
Iil.ii i iiii'nl Im Muslim get on
I II,' \ I I 11 ill.iv
Hunt Yant/ s.i ill. I
just want to .111iI ill.inks im
loim’lil thunks Im rvrrs
tiltin’ Ur ir .ill guilty to
miss vihi \ml in1 i in tdtnlv
U isll V i 111 till' lll'sl
Mti'l tin- Inn.Iili .1st was
in i i I.iiu at Mi \u Imls \ri
ll. i sinmli'il mu iiiir.iiti'ini'tit
You 11' .1 11ni, li.iln ' mu'
MuslilUgrr tvlisi'il .ill anil
In tin- i rowil ami guvu a
\11 I sit;n with his indr s
tiuv.*'i i'v11■ 11111111 Ilf vt.ni- a
thumbs up ami slmuk hamls
u ith I’m In anil mm Ii nl tin
I li'VV
Muslnugri was i'si mli'il
init nt thr building In sri u
ritv ami ilid not anslii'i
qunsttuns |imm\ I ulih .
Mtlsl hi I ;;i'l | ji• I siinal ass r.
tan! said tin- bioadi astm
would not disi uss Ins di'ii.ii
lllll' tlOlll t HS w tl I Ii' ill Ill'll
if! lint would Iiu av all.ilili
till qUi'slinns lain in (hr
W t'i'k
ui AC k.BI.l 1!U l>,tjRHN
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