1 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Paralegal Studies in Litigation A new certificate program at the University of Washington in Seattle. Paralegal Studies in Legation has been designed for those who wish to enter this growing profession Intensive daily classes will be held for seven weeks beginning June 18 Courses include the fundamentals of law and legal re search, litigation basics and paralegal roles, and the special ized sub discipline of litigation practce for paralegals In structors are faculty from the UW School of Law. practicing attorneys and paralegals. Call 1-800-543-2320 or (206) 543-2320 for a brochure and application. Dairy Queen SALE! PEANUT BUSTER PARENT $1?’ GOOD THROUGH APRIL 29 We ft- nov.ng o teoi mm on a real 'real Tniee m ck loyt-rs oi real ixyi tgOQe ana cr sp cruncfry peanuts W m cool ona .reamy DAIRY out IN’ sort serve n tieNveen The Peonul Buster Partai ’ Nov, only SI 29 a!your port* pahng DAIRY Ut'(IN* store WC TRCAT YOU MOHT •*' .*"* . I .> VJ-. • r* 4 • . J c t*p W*i*» M»» .. \ * Sports Lewis and Clark dumps Ducks Illness, injuries lumper squad Rv Ir.x \ Sumner 1 moruld Sports l ditor The Oregon mi'ii s tennis tf.im battled injuries, illness and .i ii uji;11 I ' w is and ( Ini k I Idaho) sipi.id and i ame up short in a > l loss Sundav in I ugene lewis and (lark- Hob I hlenkotl took a lough 1 (i lb ' O w ill ' ivei led Rubltl III Nil singles l'i sei lire till' v\ 111 With the rnaleh alreudv dei id ed doubles mail lies were i .ill . eled (begun i oat h liu// Summers said Hulun's ettort was a good one but that I'lilenkot! just did W lint lie h.id to for the w ill 1 lilenkott plaved well and made the shots when lie had to Summers said led jiluwd well all the was until the end Rubin. Summers said will i ontinue to improve nvei the nest less weeks as he battles to11 k troin illness that i aused him to miss the team's tri|) to Sou!h (.'arolina I ed s still Irving to get hai k to where he was before he got siik Summers said lie's go ing to i ontinue to get heltei .is the season goes on Kevin Cnrv Photo h\ Martin Hio-I Oregon's \o 2 man led Rubin dropped a tough match to a Intis and Clark player .is f/10 l)u< As /o.sf .1-1 Sunday . Oregon was \\ 11 In hi I its \n Z singles in.iii. litmus Hazard ll.i/,ml ,i si'niur from Mel liuiirni' Austral in. was side lined liei iiuse ill illness |nn Weinberg who lost to Rod Moreir.i t> '1. (i l was playing ,it less than full strength lie i ause ul an ahduminnl must le inpin that kept him out ot last I hursdav s mati h w ith Wiliam cite Not hat ing our No J man realh hurt us " Summers said |on Weinherg’x still not 100 pen ent and that puts lots ol pressure on our Ireslunen Oregon's last three singles positions were Idled In fresh men Sunday w ith Robert At km Christian Oelke and Kevin Settlemyre all losing lot the I )u< ks Oregon s unit win of the matt h was at the \o I singles position, whore Kevin Con played wh.it he i .tiled "some of m\ best tennis of the ve.ir" to h.ind Ashley (limit of l.ewis and (Hark a t>-4. (>-.( loss "That was one of nn best mail lies in a long time. ' (Inn said "(Maying like that felt good I i mild have plavod all day like that Ihe loss to Lewis and ( lark was Oregon's first alter five straight wins Oregon is now 7 I t on the vear with si\ mate lies remaining before the I’ac il ii 111 Northern I )i\ ision mail lies April 71) 22 I lie Dunks host Southern Or egon Wednesday and Lewis and Clark ol Oregon I htirsdav Moth mati lies begin at 2 10 p m Summers said he will |da\ rnosth freshmen against Southern Oregon to give them experiein e and to gne some of his players some rest WJT£r6o\or b drawing 20% OFF COlMAN WATERCOEORS WINSOR & NEWTON ACRYLICS SCEPTRE BRUSHES 25% OFF WINSOR & NEWTON WATERCOLOR PAPER 20% OFF AH OTHER 1 WATERCOLOR PAPER *-'• M>s |AH*;AVO S T R AT t • *.*■ '■»{ LYMA'SWN Mi » ; ; A 15% OFF GUI MIVACI1I K ACADEMY WATLRCOIORS 20% OFF DRAWING PADS and VVATFRCOLOR BLOCKS SUtAHiMOKf <:'M ASC, MO*'-UA >()%-50%OFF ALL PALETTES «V A'; K't < *L< >8 i • i AiKS.v - 15% OFF — TOMBO DUAL CRUSH PCN STAEDTIFR GRAPHIC 3000 CRUSH l'f\ 40% OFF PARALLEL RULE BOARDS 1IK.M JOxJt. .>Ui1 ► ') £ ‘V Z.) o OFF PARALINER PARALLEL RULES UfETIMC GUARANTY! i