Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1990, Page 11, Image 11

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Oreeon lacrosse team hands loss to Willamette
\tlui kmen I' dm <VI >ea ami
Jessie Paddfield each had two
goals and an assist In lead the
(dull Spurts l.ai .rosse team to a
u -1 cu met mm behind win >>\ ei
Willamette Saturday a! Sah ui s
Marine Park
t he I)ui ks were down 1 11 at
ter one quarter, but turned up
the defensive pressure the rest
of the u u\ to take the w ill
(undie Roll Toni made li saves
lor the Dm ks, u ho oulshot
Willamette -I 1 PI fm the mail h
Rob Knglish. Turn Johnston
)on (ilarenlnu h, l-.rii Mernei kei
and plaver i oai h Pete Adam
son each had single goals loi
Oregon. I _ on the season
Scott Dantord. Carl W hite
Scott Seal and Xui h Povey all
played strong defense lor the
I hit ks
Oregon travels to Portland
this Saturday to meet
Multnomah Oregon's next
home action is April -1 against
Portland and April 22 against
Pai itii Lutheran
Men's Soccer
Stefan Hjarnson and Sam
Maccarrone ouch scored Inst
halt goals for Oregon, but it
wasn't enough as Corvallis
Oregon gets
seventh place
Starlit Yamada finished -Oth.
Nancy Crawford 23rd. and
heigh Manning 2fith to high
light the Oregon women's golt
team's seventh plane linish in
last week's Hawaii Invitational
in Honolulu
Yamada shot 2 to for the
three-day tournament. 10 shots
behind tourney champion Deb
bie Parks of Arizona Crawford
had a total snore of 2411 and
I forming a 244
Amy Eileff shot a 2!>2 and
Lynn Yonemoto a 27f> to finish
:14th and 44th. respectively
Arizona had four golfers fin
ish in the top 10 to take the
team title with a team score of
903. 16 points better than sis
und-place UCLA Oregon fin
ished at 977 as a team
Parks shot a 220 over the
three days for the individual
championship, followed by
Paige Hilbert of Arizona .it 224
Christy Erb and Elizabeth How
man of UCLA finished third
and fourth, respectively
The women travel to Phoe
nix. Ariz for the Lad\ Sun
Devil lnv national April 9 1 1
Looking for
Check out the
ODE Classifieds.
sc nred three ^oals in tlit* set
ond hall to take .1 1 J win
Mart arrone assisted on
Bjamsnn s suin' In make it 1 -0.
Oregon ( orvallis tled it 11 In*
I cur \f;»t < arrone m mni unas
sister! hum JO tret (Hit to give
tii«* Uni ks ttie J 1 lead
The (dub Sports sort or team
.inumiiii cd it is open tor 11 \
outs Anvone interested should
contact the l ni\ ersit\ ( hib
Sports oft it e at t-H* t i 1
It e Hot kr\
The undefeated Kugene Hines
got two late empt\ net goals to
set.lire .1 » J win I rida\ over
the l mveisit\ (’tub Sports it e
hot kr\ team
l oin t ioodi ie had two goals
to lead the Blurs 10 0 1 while
Tom St udder Mare 1 homas
and l orn I)rur\ rat h had single
stores 1'he Hlues outshot the
Hut k~ i'l !') tni the guttir
km! i.h•->11 r ami MtK*
Kmiseli suirnl a gtiiil rath tin
the 1 tin ks
( luti ( m ling
i intiv I s t r a I ami Irunilrt
Vrmletti finished srvmth ami
nglith rrspn ti\rl\ In lead (lie
VVtjnil’l! S (!ltlll l/Vrlttlg tram In
a hist plat a tim-.li in tin- ni.nl
rati' division nt last Satimlav s
( aillrgiatr Cycling .\sm« laliuu
Rai ns al Cullman Washington
Vrndrtli ami IshmI also tin
ishi'il Iniirlh ami righth H'
spi-i tiv cl\ m tin 1 i mill
t rilrr turn r\cut as llir I hu ks
look anothnt tirst ami giabbrtl
tha nvi'iall nti'i t i liampiunship
(hrgoii Stain unit tin- unm
rn's tram timi- trials, lulluwi-il
In U ashiugton Stair ami ()rr
gun In in nail si tiring (irrgnn
Stair liillnwril I hr I )lli ks u it It
V\ ashmgton St.ili' litki ng ilmtl
liitt K.mdlem.m took fourth
,int! Il.iii Kling ninth m the
men's in.1,1 t.ti e event hut the
Oregon team eotikl finish mi
better tlwtn third as a te.im tit
tlie event Washington State
li II ik 111 vt III the ri mile 11 Ml!
rat e followed hv Otegon St.ite
■ Hill ( Itegt ill
K.mdlem.m .mil Nl.uk
l.indree finished tilth .md
eighth tesjiei 1i\elv in the 1 .
mile i i tternim e\ ent hut .ig.iin
Oregon finished thud hehtud
Oregon St.ite .md \\ ash Iuglnn
I he I tin ks also Imisheil third
111 the team time tl nils, tusl ,'H
set mills liehmtl \\ llltlel Oregon
K.unlleni.m said the 1 lui ks
might have linisheil highei hut
that thev were without three of
tl>ril lll|» ruil'IN III'! HUM' III
m hedufinn i«ts
Raiidleman .ilsn >,,1111 ('lull
Sports i m 11i»K i- looking tin
( vt li-rs, jiiiitninIrtrlv women
loi tin' team
I'li.it s oni> tliinu we want lo
stress ‘ Raiidleman said We
want to net mine women in
Kandleinan said that the i Inti
now lias appro\miaftiK 111 men
toi everx woman imnhed
t hose interested should i ontai t
( lull Spoils at ext i ll 01 Kan
diem.Ill at till I .'HO t
Oregon will host a rat e Sat
IIIdav \pnl It will on luih'
I S ( \ i I inn I edei.il ion ridels,
mux el sity teams and lim H e
t tilers
re you always the one digging deeper,
L working harder, and following through
with projects long after the others have gone?
If you are, and if you are interested in working
with other exceptional people, then we would
like you to apply for these openings.
The* Oregon Daily Emerald Advertising
Department currently has openings for
Jr. Sales Representative positions. These posi
tions will turn into sales positions next year
(and possibly during summer) after intensive
training in sales, marketing and general
business procedures. The positions require use
minimum one hour a day and, of course,
unlimited enthusiasm and energy!
We have to be honest when we tell all
those interested in applying for these
jobs that the competition is tough. But, we
always need qualified salespeople and now
more than ever, experience on a daily morning
paper will give you invaluable “real world”
for positions
starting next fall!
Pick up an application in room 300 KMU
Please also plan to attend a
preliminar) informational meeting
April 12th, 7 pm EMU Board Room
ODI i\ Ml Cf/lf.l/ •##»/>/«»» f»