Regional Scientific report reignites spotted owl debate U ASHINCTON (AI’) him died l' S lorest Servile employees .irr • inning those who hope .1 scientific rr port to l>r released Urdnrsd.iv will rri nmineiid r.idii . < I i h.inges in limiter (ill ling pin ns In proter t the norlhern spot led owl The inter.igrni v report will hr rr viewed during .1 s|in nil joint hr.irmg o( I hr I louse Agrn 111111 n- Sulx onnnitlrr on Forests I .imilv I .unis .mil Fnrrgv .rnd the Interior .mil Insulnr Aff.iirs Subcom mittee on N.ilioniil I’.irks .mil I'ultlii I .mils Iiin ironmenl.disls want the ow l listed .is .111 endiingeird spri irs hul i rilii s ol the el lot I s.i\ 11 1 oil Id ( ripple I hr I'.n du Northwest's ei niimm hv h.dving the .illMHinl ol tinihei logged in the legion's nnliotiid forests I he Assik idlloll ol I nil's! Srrv n e I,ill plovers loi l.iiv I tliii s .e.hed I ongrrss in ,1 rei nil letter to en.u I .i moratorium on logging and develop men! m mix remaining old growth for esls |eff Ifeitonis president ol the f tigene li.tsril group and former I'ori-st Servile worker .il Willamette National forest said the l ores! Nervii e is failing in its mission to protect and manage pilbln lands Right now our national forests are not being managed in an ei ologicallx sustain.ible manner and will continue to lie degraded 111 a non sustainable manner even under most of the new hu esl [dans he said About 1 .dot) of tin i.Utlt) members in llie ethics group tormed last \ear an past, present or retired forest Neiviie emploxees Ifeltoucs said About l.tltto t urrently work for the agi m \ In- said I knew there Were a lot ol people who were dissatisfied with the wax the forests ate being managed, Ikdfonis said m a telephone itiler \ lew Hr said tile nrganizatIon has received much support among follow forest Ser vin' workers ami surprisingly little criti i ism from agent v administrators I hev (administrators) have been quite neutral, whit h I think is tai it sup port I espei ted it to be a lot more nega live " lie said About peri eiit of the group's mem bership is in ( logon. 1H pen ent in I .ill foinia 11 pen ent in Washington. H) pen ent in Montana and 7 pen ent in Idaho Heliums said Nearly every stale is represented he said l he i.oiigie-.smnal hearing scheduled Wednesdax will otter the liist publii glimpse of the siienlilii panel's report on the status of the northern spotted owl The I S Fish and Wildlife Servile which will dei ide in June whether to list the owl as threatened or endan gered extended its i omuient period this month tost so it i mild receive the pan el's tec ommendal ion The c omnuttee led In I orest Servic e biologist lack Thomas met in Portland last month with l ores! Nervine c.hiet I Dale Robertson Human of Land Man agement director (a lamison John I urner ot the I ish and W ildlife Service and Jim Ridenour ot the National Park Serve e Robertson said following'that meeting lie expects the pallid will rec ommeml the lores! Service hail logging in more old growl ll forests to protec I the end He told ( iingress in recent weeks ii the owl is declared endangered it could reduce c uts in national Inrests In tt) peri cut to ill pen flit lndnstr\ oflicials said listing ol the owl would have an immediate impact on the economies of Oregon and Wash inglon. es pec i.i 11 \ smaller c onurumities that are heavih dependent on the tun hei harvest CHECK OUT OUR LOW, LOW PRICES ON QUALITY BLANK AUDIO AND VIDEO TAPE AUDIO TAPE • AUDIO TAPE • AUDIO TAPE THE BOOKSTORE STOCKS THE HIGHEST QUALITY AUDIO TAPES AVAILABLE TDK SA 90 MAXELL XLII90 SONY UX-S90 DENON HD8-100 TDK MA-XG90 SONY METAL-ES90 SONY METAL-SR100 TDK MA90 ONLY 1.79 ONLY 1.99 ONLY 2.49 ONLY 3.49 ONLY 7.99 ONLY 3.99 ONLY 3.49 ONLY 2.89 VIDEO TAPE • VIDEO TAPE • VIDEO TAPE SCOTCH BRAND: T-120 EG T-120 EG + T-160 EG + T-120 EXG HI-FI T-EXG PRO/CAMERA SONY BRAND: T-120 ES T-120 ESHG T-120 ESX HI-FI T-120 PRO-X L750 BETA HI-FI P6-120MG 8MM PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 4/3/90 ONLY 3.99 ONLY 6.99 ONLY 7.49 ONLY 7.99 ONLY 9.99 ONLY 3.99 ONLY 4.99 ONLY 5.99 ONLY 8.99 ONLY 6.99 ONLY 7.95 UO-Bookstore 13th & Kincaid M F 7:30-6:00 SAT 10:00-6:00 346-4331 i n Democrats disgusted with timber position ROSi m KC (M'| Demo i i.ilu iif I ii i ‘In i It iris from l mi I it11 |irtit)ui mu areas arc blast iin; aw .is at an (fregon I )cinti i i.itit Parts piaMtit in plank that limes a ban nil lugging 111 tiiil grow tli forests The resolution ssas adopted Sundav bs stale Democrats at a platform convention in Sea side Senate ('resident |ohn kit/liaber ItKiiseburg is among the Democrat)! leaders i i it it a /mg Ins pal ts s stance It s one of a number of rath or irresponsible positions that convention came up with." he saiti "I'm pist not sure the po sit mils taken h\ the t unveiilioii ret lei t the positions of rank and tile Deintit lats at mss the state Democrats should be looking lot middle ground on the tim ber issue, kit/h.lber saiti I don t think we should go mil mil lav waste to everv stn k ol till! growth m our forests lie saiti Hut shutting down the industry is not the an su er I was verv disappointed hv it said Kep Norm (lershon. I) Ktisehurg "I love im partv hut there's times I disagree w ith it and this is ( eitamlv one ot those times fie saiti the resol lit it ill re lift Is an extremist position Hut lues tit the i (invention at tnin alsu sav lliev doubt if it will i ost them votes m the No v embei general elet lion Portions of previous parti platforms have not reflet ted po sitions held In mam Demo i r.its. (,rishon said Si'll Peg 11 > I ill. I) ( !ot t .114** ('■rove said ilir platform will mil hurt her re i-lri tiim hid be 1 ausr voters hi mu her views on tiiilhei issues Kupublu ,111s u ill 11 \ to pm tlic old growth logging ban 011 all I Jt'iuoi rats, not just those u ho support the part\ s pijsi 11011 ]o1111 said ' ! r.inhiv it pist doesn't work. she s.iid "I oiks know bette 1 An ungrv Rep |im U bitty I) I 00s Hay. said That just goes to show \ou what we re tail'd with, those oi us who are from plates like mv district and east of the mountains, d dial s the k iild ol propiisal the I Vmot nils would support I here's no wav anything like that would pass the House of Representatives Ulnttv said. A group billing itself as an assot lalion of grass roots ai.tiv ists i ailed the Demai rain plat form .11 turn "a slap in the lat e to the working people ol Ore gon." "We've novel made this a partisan issue, hut the Demo i rats now give us no choii e but to |u 11i our votes and 1 ampaigii contributions." said Oregon Hinds Coalition spokeswoman 1 febbie Milov of Mill ( itv She said coalition members are calling on Democrats to let partv leaders know they won't support i undulates who on dorse the ".no-jobs, no-logging position " a TINO’S B SPAGHETTI ■ HOUSE ■ PIZZA i-1 342-8111 TINO’S • Full dinner menu • 23 varieties of Pizzas • Whole wheat and white crust • Pizzas to go cooked and uncooked 15th and Willamette Hours: Mon.-Thur*. 11 00-Micfmght Frl. 11 00-1 00 a m Sat. 5 00-1 00 a m Sun. 5 00-11 00 p m