QoLchux^ih^ (.oldwork* /s promt In an nounce in// parlii ipation in lln \nninan ( raft I \po 'VO in Minina fnilis, Mil. II c u ill lw closed March Ml lluniinh lprill5. \\c look forward In seeing t on when tie rclurn. wTWT —1 < \\ .1 \« H.imk i in I4K (>i>l(I j 'terIyakTI ALLEY i n Try our pan fried noo dies with meal and vege tables or vegetarian We stir fry while you wait Large S3 00 Small S2.25 (bring in this coupon for a free soft drink) 1306 Hilyard • 345 9555 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY affirmative action employer production , BJBXUfSE BEING A ri EG I D ENT AGGIGTANT £ GREAT EXPERIENCE • 0*0 UN ’ Y NOT TO B£ M ID pi-iODuciD and directed by THE I'YVtRSnYO’ r '"'’ i UN V: RSITY NOUS NG ALL APPLICANTS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ONE OF THE FOLLOWING MEETINGS: TUESDAY, MARCH 27 CARSON HALL GOLD ROOM 7:00 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28 UNIVERSITY INN LIVING ROOM 7:00 PM THURSDAY, MARCH 29 BEAN WEST CONE. ROOM 7:00 PM APPLICATION DEADLINE: MONDAY. APRIL 2,1990 FORMS NOW AVAILABLE AT UNIVERSITY HOUSING OFFICE WALTON COMPLEX ( ontinued from Page 1 e nth exponentially as tin1 word ol it spread M.llillll ii k said \t,i,j.liin k ml there ueii' k.-es present hut ,.iilv .nlents of the two apartment complexes )i.ii] ,ii M 's to them The beer bottles were 11!inIht hv other p.irtieis Maddlock said Main students who attended tins p-rrt\ said tlies' re.ir ted dejmntk to seeing polit e in hel mets and t am mg batons |ie-t seeing them dlessetl like thev were was enough to cause a teat (ion, said t diversity student Ion I !a/.en It looked like the police were In mg to show power faigene polite * apt Itiik l.oveall disagrees witlr that assumption, saving officers wore safe l\ gear as part ot department polir v ! don't wear a helmet to intimidate von. 1 we.ji it to protect mv head lie said Mate, partiers complained that polit.e did not issue an audible warning to disperse the t mud III ,lb. Ill .MM) at the I ast Mill \venue lot alioli t rmerstti student Brett Morse a memhei ol a hand that was playing at the partv saitl he tlttln t hear an oidei to disperse Band members were between the polite anil the crowd, anil Moi se s.tiil lie doubted it people in the hat k i mild ev en see the polit e l ire problem is th,it d the people m the hat k didn't want to get out. no one could gel out. Morse said ( apt l.oveall said when ollit.ers ordered the site i leaned, the croud responded with t hauls and ohst enities Some bottles were thrown and police warned people again before throwing tear gas About an hour later, police moved to 14.ill Patterson St where about '200 people had (tin verged Police twice uni lied partiers over a pa Irol i ,u loudspeaker that it they did not dis persi they would he attested As the oflicers mined closer individuals threw bottles and tiiet rat hers Polit e threw more tear gas. si alter mg the i mw d into the streets I niversitv officials will review police reports ot the m< ident to determine it the student con duct i ode was violated, said t.eirv Mostdev v a e provost lor .it (idemu support and student servn es Moseley -aid the event upset members ol the administration 1 he I'mversitv and the Asl ( ) have spent a vrent deal ot time making an at tempt lot urh this kind ot behavior he said file int ident has prompted ASt () President -j. XS9U> ms ln^rnr poliii' tilth rr* txrrsllr to thr t;rtnintl 17-\ vnr-oltl K.irl lost‘i>li I’tll.ii ,is the ifsulfnt strut;y/cs .lu.iinst hrini; jrrt'slrtl lot riotim; Suluril.n ni^ht St ult Ntdlii-n \ s hl.uui And} ( Hark tn i onsidei leiiitrndui inn kees into the (Ireek s\ stem TIi: is tin- second time m less than ,i yeai lliat |a ii i' have used lou r tu Inf.ik u11 parlies in lie impus iiiim w here alio hnl is present Last Slav live peopli' eie arrested as polite broke up a similai riot ai Mill Avenue and l err\ Street VVh.it I see is a i . aipleti dis|)lai enient ol students." ( laik said Allere betore. it Ipartv activity) was in the baleiiuties I ihI.iv ami Sat iird.n nights ■ Tm not calling Ini e automatii reintrodui hull ot kegs but tie issue should be exam ini'il (llai k said Satuida\ s i lot 01 i 11 :ed six da v x alter tile ASl:() sent 1.00(1 letters to students in the '174111. ‘1740 . and o U zip nodes explainini* how to throw sale pat I ie We need to find a .1 solution beyond let ters and bevond amir mt\ task Ion e. (Ilark said Moselev said the euro at ban on keys in Ira termites is not the pn ' :*m I lie problem is that people want lodimk to exi ess and uusbe Ilregon Bookstore Run lor a seat on the t O Board ot Dirivtors and B i IN V ()I V II) in guiding an important campus organization for the future I he Board members attend monthly meetings, and receive a $30.00 stipend per month. I hose 2 year positions are open tor full-time students and I acuity: 1 Student At 1 arge Position 2 Sophomore Positions 1 Craduate Student Position 1 1 acultv-At-1 arge Position 1 C lassified Staff/Management Nominations tor board members will lx1 taken at the ANNUAL Ml I I INC Wednesday, April 11th at 3:30 p.m. Room 133, Cilbert I he Annual Meeting agenda will int liule rejvirts from the Board t ftficers and a State of thi' Bookstore address by )tm Williams, U.eneral Manager I here will lx' 1 Rl I DRAWINGS tor $233 worth of LO Bixiksture (iitt Certificates for all who attend I or more information, plow contact /mi Williams at 346 4 i31 UO BOOKSTORE 13th and Kincaid M-F 7:30-6 00 Sat. 10 00 6 00 (Ph 346 4331) SINCE 1920 SHARE > A RIDE