International Week calendar Internalumal lestiva! 1‘t‘in strives to • rente .1 smaller world as it linmjs ( ullures from m.rtiss the «;i. !»*• together at the l'im *:silv .n a mir wr«l evttay a H»nr* hvervhiM'!v S really interested m the trend Inward internal amah/ation am) glnbaii/ation and \«u tan dn that right here and ha\e fun doing it on this t am pus this week savs t aroline Steele ISA direr tor We tr\ to make it so there s something there f<»r every bnd\ Mnniidv \fri14 Middlr t jtl IU> • v . ■ • ■ • * 1 ■ • • ■ the Ma.t'.iI loin- ot k<"n .1 m 1 he t \U ! if K*»ont I he follow mg events u i!i be ai the K\H Hen l aider HiW »m • 1 * \ ’ ■ r . i. ' I to I.’ ID p m Shite pivsr mI at 1011 on Iran In Mi N«e« aii.mpma • Id to ! ji in Slide pfrsental ton :>n /tmliahwe In I iuiki1 K.a.* 1 ■’ c ki > in I p m \ idetr presentation on Slab count fir* In iaiiad K ighaeahi i 114 <0 p ill flu- limiters ■. i det ion I In . nitureof \h nasi 4 Ml to I. Illtiin Vaster Re d,/and fhe h'om mm u on I he relationship brie ha. s .nth Vi 1. . ■ •' ' 1 ' * * 11; '• I ursihi \mrrn as Dm >1 to 111 a m Prevent at 1-- \n nraKtta In < arolos 1 astro m the !M1 Hen i.o HI to 111 10 am Slide present.ll inn of 1m n.i.tor hv |a«lm \iar« on 1 md.-i Hoot Room 1.' In I (i ns Latin \ment an music bv I r*-«i«t\ V ilrhes at the f AH (.eurlvttnl lournei thmuKh the North Ament an umhn lass ui the k Vi Halhoom \\ tnlm'vUt til tie III tin l Ml iVn Li „) hi |» m .11 th. i>»_'CK rxlului m the I M lp.ll l.mkiiMU 11 <*« i > 11 {•>.:> I' dan, i I Mi ' 1 "ill ‘ V .1! 11 The following event i n a in Inlernatio limit lot i . tjiIiI I i\ to tp in (nunim to tin- last Annin 1t• -1 \tl ! mni' t it\ Iheater arts pm!r\M»r Jerrv Williams ! p i I; si iiic I. <11 Oil I *1* k 0*1,111 if. \ • . i I p m Stull- pr«-M*u!d!nin on Taiwan bv ^ it i -hm : p m Slide and •» tilts, presenlalion on Honii kony in K*-:i W ) p mi Slide presentation on l.ip.m In lulstikn ‘ th.ishi I p in Shiii' pit -.filiation on \fp.»! In kid-uny; shakv.t i p ill Vd ,\\ Mosaii a viilfd featuring the \w*-ia!ioni pm < .ifi/nr thuiM- movie p m Iht‘ llas/i iap.mi n, Hawaoan prodm lion of an Ameni an p ni.itiiinonlal Frialioiislttp of an immigrant lapartf-e , otipli • 1 ' 1 ■ •' ’ tin- I nili'ii Split s and . inning full ( m if 1“ then Inn- identity I'resrnted In international Ktmlenls anti written ami dins ted bv philosophy major l\C Ifoirsdai Kump** l)a> 111. follow lint events will In- in Ih. » Ml lift. I null . .. • • 4 10 p m t annum Kmindn niton and W bsl it I >»»•■' bn I .. ai s« mm i* assistant professor Me fur! llurhhoff i iktti t Sitt‘i> ! ■* voung • .ftiiwii man * speru in i MiWul m Itniiin m t‘MM i red Manria a survivor of th»% mtivi’HH in follinving the mm m L.ntfi > i mop,-art lolk.ta:.. I nsritibif m LMI ! tr Kimhh I mlrfi Urn hi forum Hm p< NCAA Utatdt Uladwbb Skaci-cuit Tcmi^kl Mondav. March 2nd. join us at (friginal Joe s for tlit* final round, half-time shoot out! Contest begins at half time with prize for winners! Ftee Ho ‘Student Night Specials All Night Long!! 21 West Bth Street • Kugene • A( mss from the Hilton t We've got the right tools Hu* Health IdiiuUion Program at the student Health ( enter lias all these things tor you!! FOR FREE!!!!! free Health Counseling lor sires'- loot! (hunt's eating habits, illness, emotional eating t holesterol. sexuality tonterns and more by trained sluilent health edut ators \ lending I ihrars lull ol hooks pamphlets health related artules irom penodit ais health relatetl newsletters. handouts and t assette tapes I our week workshops (whit h am must t all and sign up tor) in the areas ot smoking t essation tooil issues weight management stress management and helping a triend who has a drinking problem (without being an enabler l \ one i redit III P -KIM Hl\ Peer I dut ator Program designed to help peers edui.ite peers on the issues surrounding \ll)s and \ll)*s pretention ( aiest speakers and workshops are available tor tree to dorm groups student groups greek living organizations and so< la I organizations, r lulls and the like tor .1 whole grocery list ot topn s which are related to health (,ive us a tall at $4(>-44"»(i or stop h\ and see what we have to otter you. / located at the Student Health ( enter, first lloor next to AREA B. 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