Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1990, Page 5, Image 5

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Cowboy timber sale challenged
Plan may threaten owls
and fragment old growth
B\ Stephanie Mem inter
l mer.tld Reporter
( amservationists arc dial
lending the sail' ol a tint her
stand in a region designated as
the last e( nlngicalh signifitant
old growth area s.iid Wendell
Wood ol the Oregon Natural
Resource (Inline il I i ida\
The t imher sale ol the ( am
bos stand, located in the t tup
qua National 1 orest southeast
ot Roselmrg. is one ol the lew
sales that was to lie protei ted
lliulel the tel ms ot the I lalf ield
\datns amendment to the l‘oill
Interior Appropriations \i I
W ood s.iid
t he ai I was a result ol the
summit between the I orest Ser
vii e and environmentalists
W iioiI said
"We had tile summit the
window dressing, lull the hot
tom line is business as usual
lie said
W i>od said tile ( i iw iio\ sale
one oi live planned in the
stand, would result in the log
ging ol nearlv seven million
hoard feet from It l'l ai o-s oi tin
esi area, as well as the i on
strui turn ot ! .! miles oi roads
Hie sale would also harm
seven pairs ol spoiled owls in
i hiding two pairs whose Italii
tat has .dreadv I.. fragment
eii. W ood said
\ ! orest Nervil e biologist
rei unimetuled deleting most o!
the i lilting units from this sale
because: "lligh owl densities
m the area are ilulu ative of
high quality habitat I he i u
mutative impacts ot the pro
posed sales in the area on the
resident ow l population i mild
lie high
Wood said the l ores! Service
has ignored tin biologist s in
oinmrml.it inn
I aider Ibitfield Adams. t on
sei vationists in.u no longer
challenge oldgruwth sales on
tlir basis of protn ting tin' spot
tcii owl
I loui'vi'i Wot »l said. I hr
plaintiffs from the Seattle An
ilulion spotted owl lawsuit an
i hallrnging tIn* ( owbtn salt- on
tin' fiasis of Sim tion UH ot the
I bitfield amendment
This provision ri'i|uiri's tlir
I ori'sl Si'iA n r to ininiinizi'
Iragnifiitiition of tlir most no
logically signifii ant old growth
toirst ill its l'ltlP timlirt salrs
' H\ the I mpipia National
I olrsl now offering tlir (low
bus timliri salr most of tlir
minimal protn lion guarantees
grantrd In Senator I bitfield mi
del Sri turn I 1H w ill hr rtfri
11Vt'K negated Wood said
Wood said the plamtifls in
the case air asking fudge Wil
ham I)w \ el for a summary
judgment that would immrtii
atrlv enjoin tlir ( lowboy timber
salr, because tlir salr would
fragment rcologu alh sigmti
i ant old grow 111 lorrst and
thrrrlore would hr illegal till
drr Set flH
Wood said the I bitfield Ad
ams aiin iiiliiiriil Irtt nil mill
mrlitalists with lew legal op
lions to protect old growth toi
esls but "rathe! than give up
oi throw down mil gun, in'
will still attempt to legally dr
lend the ant ient forest and
bludgeon its assailants with a
legal firearm that has now hern
rendered all hut him tionalU
useless r\i rpit as a rhib lie
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Jim kaiippila nl tin’ I 'mpt|ii.i
\ ,llli‘\ \UtlollOII Sin u• 1 \ said
This slim! In in siilution (I In!
held Adams] was mi solution .il
all Ihc Imrtlt'ii ol prim! Ill's
willi ronst’rvallonisls to show
that llu- I Hirst St-rvii a lias lifi'ii
l apni iiiiis in its K'Kaiil o! Sri
(1H ol ilif 1 lull I'M amfuilnifiil.
lit- said
I Im \alu ai.il \ in 1111 >1 > 11 Soi i
H\ will ifliwsf a ii'pnrl Indus
show mu mmifioiis rsumplrs ol
I i nr si Sfr\ ii f viola! ions i il
Sft 11H ami Its if lilt lain r In
pt'rparr now tnnbrr salt's that
tin not tiatmirill Ilif tlfstfitalfil
ttltl growth loifsis Wood said
April IB lias born sft as llir
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